About the association


The objectives of the UNBREA as found in the association's constitution and by-laws are:

  • To assist members in the area of health benefits and related concerns,
  • To provide a collective voice in areas of concern to members,
  • To maintain a liaison with the University of New Brunswick, and
  • To provide members with an avenue for social contact. 

The UNBREA is a charter member of the College and University Retiree Associations of Canada. (CURAC)

Currently the UNBREA is represented on the University’s Fringe Benefits Review Committee, which monitors and makes recommendations for the ongoing operations of the supplementary health plan now offered to retirees. Our own benefits committee considers ways to improve health coverage for retirees. The association also appoints members to the university’s standing committee on University-retiree relations, which is intended to develop improved relations between the University and retirees.

Each year UNBREA organizes a series of talks in Fredericton of interest to members, and sponsors both a Christmas luncheon and a picnic in the park in June to celebrate the beginning of summer. Retirees in the Saint John area organize a Christmas luncheon and occasional outings. The association publishes a newsletter four times per year to let members know of upcoming events and other matters of interest. UNBREA continues to assist members with health concerns by seeking to improve accessibility to health plans and other areas of mutual interest.

Full membership is available to all former UNB employees who have retired and who are receiving, or eligible for, a pension from UNB, and their spouses. The membership year runs from Sept. 1 to the following August 31. Membership dues are $20 per year for a single membership (each UNB retiree must join individually), $35 couple (one UNB retiree and their spouse who is only eligible for spousal benefits). Part of the membership fee goes to support the annual UNBREA Bursary.

Become a member

We do our best to reflect the interests of our members, and to provide as much service as a group like ours can manage. As always, we welcome your suggestions and advice. Our mailing address is:

UNB Retired Employees Association
General Delivery
PO Box 4400
Fredericton, New Brunswick
E3B 5A3

Executive officers

Position Officer
President Shirley Cleave
Vice-President Susan Montague
Past-President Larry Guitard
Secretary Janet Moss
Treasurer Trevor Gonnason
UNBSJ Rep Jack Terhune
Communications Janice El-Bayoumi

Brian Cassidy (Chair) / Mary-Anne Blakney

Fringe Benefits Lloyd Waugh
Webmaster Linda O'Brien
CURAC Vacant
Members-at-Large Roberta Clark / Linda Kealey / Dexter Noel / John M. Terhune