Contact us


Office of the Vice-President (Research)

Fredericton: Sir Howard Douglas Hall, Rm. 212, 3 Bailey Drive, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3 | Tel: (506) 453-5189 | Email


WinterLabour Day to Victoria Day; Monday to Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. AST
Summer: Victoria Day to Labour Day; Monday to Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. AST

  • David MaGee, Vice-President (Research) - Helps shape UNB’s strategic research direction and agenda. About David MaGee.
  • Kelly Scott-Storey, Associate Vice President, Research, Innovation & Partnerships - Provides leadership and direction to UNB’s research, innovation and strategic partnerships. 
  • Amanda Manuel, Executive Assistant to the Vice-President (Research) - Scheduling, administrative support and assistant to the VPR Office.
  • Renee Audet-Martel, Manager - Coordinator of Ethics, the Postdoctoral Fellowship program, VPR programs, sabbatical and non-leave research grants and reviewer of Internal VPR Grants.
  • Elizabeth Harrison, Administrative Assistant - Main office reception for VPR/ORS Fredericton, mail, file maintenance and data entry.
  • Robyn Nicholson, Strategic Projects Manager - Responsible for developing and coordinating special projects under the OVPR. 
  • Jeremy Elder-Jubelin, Marketing and Communications Officer – Responsible for marketing and communications plans, networking events, information sessions/workshops, news releases, media advisories/outreach and market assessments.
  • Jennifer Moore, Bi-Campus Animal Care Coordinator - Responsible for all administrative support to the UNB Animal Care Committees. 

Office of Research Services

Fredericton: Sir Howard Douglas Hall, room 215; 3 Bailey Drive, PO Box 4400, Fredericton, NB, Canada, E3B 5A3 | Tel: (506) 453-4674 | Email ORS | Email Research Financial (Post-Award) Services

Saint John: Hazen Hall, room 321A; 100 Tucker Park Road, PO Box 5050, Saint John, NB, Canada, E2L 4L5; Tel: (506) 453-4674 | Email | Email Research Financial (Post-Award) Services


WinterLabour Day to Victoria Day; Monday to Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. AST
Summer: Victoria Day to Labour Day; Monday to Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. AST


  • Kelly Ashfield, Executive Director - Responsible for the operation of the Office of Research Services.
  • Gale Austin, Administrative Assistant - Administrative support for Research and Innovation Partnerships and Research Financial (Post-Award) Services, IRAP Program and special projects.
  • Chelsey Rickard, Software Support Specialist
  • Clara Simpson, Research Data Clerk - Data and record maintenance, administrative support for ORS and VPR offices.

Pre-award services

  • Ana Espejo, Director, Research Operations and Services - Harrison McCain Foundation, Fredrik and Catherine Eaton, Grand Lake Meadows and University Research Fund programs; support to large research grants and office management.


  • Samantha Frampton, Grant Facilitator - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF) and other SSH and health programs.
  • Cindy Gillet, Strategic Grants Advisor - Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) infrastructure and equipment grants.
  • Reid Lodge, EDI in Research Advisor - Responsible for creating/compiling and distributing training resources on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in research tailored to UNB’s needs.
  • Melanie Ste-Marie, Grant Facilitator - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and other NSE programs, New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF). Any questions or requests for more information on the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) should be directed to the School of Graduate Studies at 453-4673 or
  • Heidi Van Wart, Associate Director, Grants & Awards - Leads ORS’ grants group. Responsible for Canada Research Chairs (CRC), Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC), non-CRC research chair programs, and other large research grants programs.


  • Carolyn Christensen, Senior Agreements Officer - Develops, reviews and negotiates for funded and non-funded industry-research partnerships (e.g. memorandums of understanding, non-disclosure, material transfer, intellectual property, collaborative research agreements), commercialization activities (e.g. licenses), and other custom agreements for research-related activities for the Faculties of Science, Nursing, SASE, Computer Science, Kinesiology and other groups on both campuses.
  • Ashley Doucet, Research Administration Officer - Certifications, transfers of funds agreements, NBWC, NBDELG ETFs, Atlantic Salmon, ROMEO management.
  • Tracey McCarthy, Agreements Officer - Federal and provincial agreements, contribution agreements and collaborative research agreements.
  • Trisha Pelletier, Research Legal Counsel - Provides privileged legal advice to VPR and ORS and their respective staff. Analyze and assess legal risk to UNB related to research, IP, and other related matters. Liaises with the General Counsel and other UNB Counsel as needed. Drafts and negotiates certain research agreements and maintains ORS agreement templates.
  • Michelle Webber, Agreements Officer - Federal, provincial and municipal agreements; industrial contracts, service and contribution agreements.

Research financial (post-award) services & financial services

Fredericton: Tel: (506) 453-4674 | Email
Saint John: Tel: (506) 648-5865 | Email

  • Charlotte McIntosh, Director, Research Finance - Overall oversight of financial and compliance activity; formal liaison with Financial Services; research statistics and financial statements; policy and procedure formulation and enforcement; VPR funding commitments.
  • Christy Borgald, Financial Analyst - NBIF Research Assistantships Initiative; Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS); MITACS; New Brunswick Wildlife Council/New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund (NBWC/NBWTF); all other miscellaneous grants.
  • Angela Cushing, Financial Analyst - ACOA and related files.
  • Shelley Eastwood-Currier, Financial Analyst - Research contracts, NBIF Innovation Voucher Fund, various federal, provincial, and industry contribution agreements, departmental overhead, PI Research Trust, and a variety of research lab and testing accounts (within fund 59).
  • Tania Jones, Financial Administrator - Responsible for Springboard Atlantic funding from ACOA and other grants; collecting metrics information from members.
  • Kara MacGillivray, Financial Analyst - Tri-Council; Canada Research Chairs; University Research Fund; Environmental Trust Fund.
  • Stefanie McMorran, Financial Compliance Analyst - Reviews all transactions on Fredericton research accounts for available funding, project eligibility and appropriateness; internal control, systems support, process review and statistical analysis for all research accounts; funding from Harrison McCain Fellowships; Grand Lake Meadows and internal UNB research funding programs.
  • Tammy Mullin, Financial Analyst - Canada Foundation for Innovation; NBIF Research Technicians Initiative; NBIF Research Innovation Fund; Networks for Centres of Excellence; Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation, Harrison McCain Fellowships, Eaton Visitorships, various federal, provincial, and industry contribution agreements, a variety of research lab and testing accounts (within fund 49).
  • Natalie Kallar, Financial Analyst - All research and restricted accounts on the Saint John campus.

Research and innovation partnerships

Fredericton: Tel: (506) 458-7188 | Email

  • Hart Devitt, Director - Responsible for research and commercialization opportunities development, knowledge and technology transfer and commercialization activities, and agreements; Saint John campus.

Research Partnerships

  • Matthew Douglass, Technology Transfer Officer - Research and commercial partnership development, technology transfer and commercialization activities and research outreach.
  • Veerle Hellemans, Technology Transfer Officer - Research and commercial partnership development, technology transfer and commercialization activities and research outreach.
  • Brennan Sisk, Technology Transfer Officer - Research and commercial partnership development, technology transfer and commercialization activities and research outreach.

Intellectual Property

  • Shane Nason, Intellectual Property Manager - Provides intellectual property (IP) advice and services, including the management and protection of UNB-owned IP (e.g. patents, trademarks, copyright (commercialization-related, not academic)); Springboard funding applications (including “Patent and Legal” funds); some NSERC Idea to Innovation (I2I) funding applications, internal UNB Assignment Agreements; Saint John campus.

Strategic Partnerships 

  • Amy Batt, Executive Director, Strategic Partnerships - Responsible for new partnership exploration, development and execution of strategic priorities, reporting metrics and operation of the Strategic Partnerships Office.
  • Darcy Crowe, Strategic Partnerships Officer – Supports implementation of bi-campus engagement strategies and mutually beneficial initiatives involving UNB’s strategic partner network.

Information for UNB researchers

Information for current faculty, fellows and students engaged in research has moved to the MyUNB Intranet.

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