CNER continues to collaborate with the Research Productivity Council (RPC) to research, develop, and commission innovative online corrosion probes.
CNER has collaborated with industry partners on several CANDU Owners Group (COG) supported projects. COG funding has been used at UNB in conducting research in the following areas:
COG R&D’s CM&C (Chemistry, Materials and Components) program has a strong focus on the major CANDU systems and their auxiliaries, such as the primary heat transport, moderator, steam generator, emergency core cooling and containment systems. The continued safe operation of CANDU nuclear facilities coupled with reliable and cost-effective electricity production are the overarching goals of the CM&C program and Technical Committee (TC). This often leads to several R&D opportunities for collaboration between COG, CNER and the rest of the UNB community.
CNER is in collaboration with Thermal Chemistry Inc on an electrochemical corrosion study that is investigating the use of electrochemical corrosion techniques to provide rapid and reliable corrosion species data under plant operating chemistry conditions. This project has been funded by several partners which includes but not limited to the following:
CNER has collaborated with NB Power on several projects over the years but the most recent ones include the HEPro™ sensor monitoring of corrosion rate in feeder pipes and the development and optimization of the UNB-CNER CANDU PHT System Material and Activity Transport code. This development and optimization work continues to contribute to the expansion of the model with the support of Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station.
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL - formerly AECL) has been an important part of CNER since its establishment. There has always been CNL representation on CNER’s Board of Directors as well as CNL employees integrated in the CNER office. This integrated environment has allowed both CNER and CNL to leverage unique opportunities that otherwise may not have occured.
Current collaborators of CNER are: