About | Mi'kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre | UNB

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Mi'kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre

About the MWC


The Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre (MWC) is a Wabanaki research institute and centre for Indigenous education in the Atlantic region. We provide academic, cultural and social support services to all Indigenous students pursuing higher education at UNB, creating a welcoming and supportive environment for Indigenous students where they can feel connected to their cultures, communities and academic goals.

The MWC offers a wide range of services, including academic advising, tutoring, mentoring, counseling and cultural programming. The academic support services provided by our centre are designed to nurture Indigenous research and to help Indigenous students achieve academic success.

The cultural programming that we offer includes workshops, crafternoons, ceremonies, language classes, and events that celebrate Wabanaki culture and tradition. By participating in these activities, students can strengthen their sense of identity, belonging, connection, camaraderie and place. We endeavour to be a “home away from home” for Indigenous students, who we hope will drop by and study together in the Mawita’mk Lounge.

The MWC family also provides advocacy and outreach services for Indigenous students to ensure students have access to the resources and support they need to succeed. This can include working with faculty and staff to create more inclusive and culturally safe learning environments, as well as advocating for policies and practices that support Indigenous student success.

Elders Council

Many Elders have been advocates for Indigenous and treaty rights.

For many Indigenous peoples, traditional Elders are highly respected members of Indigenous nations with intimate knowledge of worldview, language, land, stories, songs, identity, history, governance, treaties, ceremonies, medicines, and other aspects of Indigenous societies.

In collaboration with the Department of Education, the Council of Elders at UNB is brought together by Kcicihtuwinut (Knowledge Carrier-in-Residence) and Nikanahtpat (MWC Director) to provide cultural guidance on education matters related to reconciliation and Indigenization.

They have advised on historical and treaty curriculum, cultural programming, MWC’s Language Conference, Indigenizing space, and more. The Piluwitahasuwin also seeks guidance from the Council of Elders to ensure that cultural perspectives are honoured in the work of reconciliation at UNB.