Housing Futures | Shaping the Debate | President | Leadership | UNB

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Housing Futures

New Brunswick, and all of Canada, are in the middle of a housing crisis. Population growth has outpaced development and renewal of aging building stock, contributing to a lack of housing supply and increasing pressure on housing affordability.

Traditional development timelines and methods alone will not be able to address this. New Brunswick needs to find innovative solutions to provide affordable and adaptable housing for its communities.

On April 4 and 5, 2024, Shaping the Debate: Housing Futures will provide opportunities for leaders in the province to come together, discuss the complexities of this issue, and explore the possibilities for what the future of housing should look like in New Brunswick.

The event will open on April 4 with a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Julia Woodhall-Melnik and Dr. Tobin Haley of UNB’s HOME-RL. Discussion topics will include:

  • Panellists' approach to housing
  • The challenges and strengths they have experienced
  • Their vision for affordable housing in New Brunswick

On April 5, keynote speaker Dr. Erin Dej will speak on the NIMBY to Neighbour project, which aims to counter unhelpful rhetoric about homelessness and poverty in mid-sized cities in Ontario. NIMBY is an acronym for “not in my backyard” and refers to a characteristic mindset that opposes new development (e.g., shelter, affordable housing, group home) in a given residential area. A panel discussion will follow, exploring how to counteract NIMBY-ism in mid-sized cities in New Brunswick.

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