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Disability Awareness Week

Continuing the tradition of National Access Awareness Week, Disability Awareness Week (DAW) was first established in 1988 to promote better accessibility for people with disabilities in their communities.

As part of DAW, the goal is to raise public awareness about what hinders citizens with disabilities from fully participating in society, while promoting solutions and celebrating best practices. Together, we will learn about and reflect on the importance of accessibility and inclusion for all.


May 30, Sir Howard Douglas Hall, 12 p.m.

This event is organized by the Premier Council on Disabilities to raise awareness of existing barriers that prevent citizens from equal participation in all aspects of their community and what may be done to correct these problems.

The UNB community is invited to meet on the front lawn of Sir Howard Douglas Hall to walk and roll. Refreshments will be provided.

June 1, Oland Hall, 10 a.m.

To mark Disabilities Awareness Week the Saint John Indigenous Health Advisory Circle with support of the Wabanaki Council on Disabilities will host a circle discussion on inclusion of Indigenous persons with disabilities in Menahqesk (Saint John).

This event is open to Indigenous students, Indigenous community members and health service providers from the area. Elder Andrea Simon, from the UNB Elders Council, will lead the discussion. The event will emphasize the importance of accessibility and inclusion, creating a supportive community within the University and providing support for Indigenous students in Saint John. This event will be recorded.

Contact Todd Ross to RSVP by Monday, May 29.

June 2, Queen Square Saint John, 12:15 p.m.

This event is organized by the City of Saint John to raise awareness of existing barriers that prevent citizens from equal participation in all aspects of their community and what may be done to correct these problems.

The UNB community is invited to meet at the Thomas J. Condon Student Centre to take the bus at 11:45 to Queen Square, Uptown Saint John to walk & roll to King Square. The group can take the bus back to the Saint John campus at 12:55. Bus passes will be provided.