The development of the goals and actions in this CSP required input and data from various sources.
Class consultation: In January and February of 2019, UNB Sustainability consulted with 11 classes from various faculties. During the class engagement sessions, students were lead in discussion around sustainability action areas. In total 445 students identified which areas of sustainability they think should be a priority for UNB over the next 5 years.
Public consultation: UNB Sustainability set up consultation stations in common areas on campus. During this consultation UNB Sustainability engaged with students, staff, and faculty about CSP strategies.
Online survey: An online survey was open for responses from students, staff, and faculty on their opinions of what sustainability strategies should be prioritized at UNB over the next 5 years. The survey was posted on the UNB Sustainability website and social media accounts, and emailed to members of the UNB community.
Round table discussion: In June 2021, an open discussion was held at the campus quad with faculty, students, and staff.
Campus stakeholder group meetings: In Spring 2021, stakeholder groups such as the student led Green Society, SRC Executives and Faculty Deans.
Online survey: To engage with a greater amount of the community, a survey was developed. The survey contained areas identified as “weaknesses” in the gap analysis and asked participants to rank which ones they felt should be prioritized in the Campus Sustainability Plan.
The Campus Sustainability Plan supports UNB's strategic vision for 2030 in a variety of areas.
Mission: UNB's mission is "To inspire and educate our people to become problem solvers and leaders in the world, undertake research that addresses societal challenges, and engage with our partners to build a more just, sustainable, and inclusive world."
The goals and actions set out in the Campus Sustainability Plan are essential for UNB to accomplish the mission of building a more sustainable world.
Aspirations: Toward 2030, UNB will be a "Financially and environmentally sustainable university that is working toward a carbon neutral future and has improved infrastructure and integrated systems across our two campuses."
These Campus Sustainability Plans provides the measurable goals and practical strategies required for UNB to meet the aspiration of being an environmentally sustainable university.
The United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of goals and targets adopted by all UN member states in 2015. The goals are centered on creating a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable world by 2030. The SDGs “provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future” (UN Sustainable Development Platform).
Canada has committed to supporting the implementation of the SDGs nationally and globally. As a hub for education, research and growth, UNB has the opportunity to contribute to the Canadian fulfillment of the SDGs.
UNB's Campus Sustainability Plans (CSPs) are largely aligned with the SDGs, as they strive for a sustainable future. By accomplishing the CSP action items, UNB will assist in the advancement of the SDGs.
In total there are 17 SDGs with 163 targets. The specific SDG that each CSP category aligns with are indicated throughout the plan.