Three old VE1UNB QSL cards sent from amateur radio operators to the station are shown here, followed by five cards generated by the station, followed by a blank QSL card used by the station. The station has hundreds of QSL cards and one would have to visit the station to view them. Scanning and checking the copyright issues associated with all the QSL cards would require too many resources at this time.
Incoming cards:
The card indicates that the photo was taken by JA1KSO. There are web pages for WA8MOA and VK9ML where the image for this card was already on the web. There is a picture of Harry, VK2JBL, on a web page for The infamous 1979 Spratly DXpedition.
There is a QRZ page for OH2BH.
There is a QRZ page for N0TG and a web page for the Northern California DX Foundation.
Outgoing Cards:
The following are five examples of cards sent to other amateur radio operators. Amateur radio operators do not normally scan their outgoing cards; they are shown here as examples. By contrast, some amateur radio operators work in pairs, one on the radio and one on a computer, with logging software on the computer which is connected to the radio; after typing in the call sign and signal reports, a log entry is automatically created which includes date, time and potentially other information.

This card was sent from VE1UNB to VE1AXT, the former call sign of Robert J. Kavanagh, the former UNB Amateur Radio Club President. The functional economical 1970s card design was by John Connor, VE1BHA (now VE3TG), whose initials are on that card.
QSL Cards used by the Station
The first call sign by the station was VE1RK and this was the card. It is a coincidence that the initials RK are similar to those of Robert J. Kavanagh.
I thank Robert J. Kavanagh for providing the images of the VE1RK and VE1AXT cards.
This page was created on October 24, 2012 by Brent Petersen.
This page was updated on August 6, 2019 by Brent Petersen.
© Copyright 2012-2019 University of New Brunswick.