You know your academic career goals so the university relies on you to let it know when you plan to complete them. You do this by applying to graduate.
When you apply to graduate, before the deadline (March 1 for the May ceremony and Sept. 1 for the October ceremony), the campus’s Registrar’s Office will be notified that you would like a degree audit done of your completed and current courses for your program.
This process will confirm whether you are eligible to graduate. For this, consultation occurs between the Registrar’s Office and your academic department.
In order to cross the stage to receive your degree parchment at the graduation ceremony, you need to have successfully completed the requirements for your program and be approved by the particular campus’s Senate and UNB Board of Governors. If these criteria are not met, you will not be permitted to cross the stage. If you do not meet the criteria, resolve the issue(s) and you may apply to graduate for the next graduation ceremony.
The university cannot release your degree parchment prior to the date of graduation. It can; however, provide you with a letter confirming that you have completed all the requirements for your degree and providing the date on which you will graduate.
If you require a confirmation of degree completion letter, undergraduate students can contact your campus’s Registrar’s Office and graduate students can contact the School of Graduate Studies to provide current contact information to where it can be sent.
If you will not be attending the graduation ceremony, please confirm a mailing address to which your degree parchment will be sent. The Registrars’ Offices will confirm mailing address information prior to the graduation ceremonies. Mail delivery times vary.
Degree parchments may only be requested by the graduate; however, the graduate may designate someone to pick up the degree parchment provided this consent is confirmed with the Registrar’s Office. A photograph ID and a signature will be required for release.
Fredericton campus issued degree parchments will be processed for mailout following the ceremony dates. The Registrar’s Office will mail degree parchments to the address graduates provided.
On the Saint John campus, an appointment must be made to pick up degree parchments; they will be held for three weeks after the ceremony. They will then be mailed to the graduate’s address on the application to graduate form. For those who selected to have their degree parchments mailed, they will be sent out the following week.
In Saint John, if a graduate has provided consent for someone to pick up their degree parchment on their behalf, the graduate can email giving permission for someone else to pick it up in their absence. This must be sent from your UNB email address, or a recognized email address we already have in the system for you. A photograph ID and a signature will be required for release. Degree parchments not picked up, will be mailed to graduates.
Your degree parchment will be issued in your official name (first and last) on file. If you are not sure what your official name is, please refer to the name on your unofficial transcript.
The Registrar Offices at UNB can confirm degree completion provided consent is received. Once received, third party requests can be e-mailed to the Registrar’s Office for a response. Graduation status is not considered public information. If applicable, it is recommended that you request an official transcript to send with your applications.
The university does not provide copies of degree parchments.
Provided a graduate has given consent, their name will be on the unofficial list of graduates. This list will be posted on the graduation website in advance of the ceremony. The date of this posting will be noted on the graduation website. It is finalized only upon approval by the campus’ Senates and the Board of Governors.
If an error has been made on your degree parchment, please return it and the Registrar’s Office will provide a corrected degree parchment. Contact (Fredericton campus) or (Saint John campus) to make arrangements.
In advance of the graduation ceremony, the Registrar’s Office will contact you via your UNB email address to confirm the name on your degree parchment. Request a replacement degree parchment (for reasons of lost, damaged, destroyed, chosen name or legal name changes).
All conferred degree parchments from UNB are only printed in Latin. You will find an English translation of your degree parchment behind your Latin parchment.
Although Latin has long ceased to be the language of instruction for all university courses, as it once was at Oxford and Cambridge, at Paris and Bologna, we have retained it at UNB for limited use on occasions of great academic solemnity, such as university convocations.
The use of Latin today is a symbol of our academic descent from those earliest universities of medieval Europe and a humble reminder that the search for the truth is both ancient and new.