70th Convocation

Thursday, Oct. 24

The Fredericton campus’s 70th Convocation ceremony was held on Thursday, Oct. 24 at 4:30 p.m. at The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER, 15 Peter Kelly Drive.

List of graduates

The unofficial list of graduates is now available. It is finalized only upon approval by the UNB Fredericton Senate and the Board of Governors.

List of graduates

Graduation photographs

Although the UNB Fredericton campus does not schedule individual graduation photos sessions, students may schedule their own photo sessions with local portrait studios. The UNB Fredericton campus bookstore rents regalia (gown, cap and hood) for photo sessions for $5.75 per business day.

During the ceremony, the UNB photographer will take photos of graduates on stage as they receive their degree parchment. Graduates may download print quality photographs at unb.ca/graduation in early November.

Join the Grad Class Facebook group

Have you joined the official UNB Fredericton Class of 2024 Facebook group? This group is intended for those students planning to graduate from UNB Fredericton in both the spring and fall of 2024.

In addition to the Grad Class newsletter, which will be sent via email, updates and details regarding graduation will be posted in the Facebook group and on this website.

Contact us

For more information about the convocation ceremony, email graduation@unb.ca.

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