Thesis preparation and submission

Prior to thesis defence

For PhD theses, The PhD Thesis Examination Process page contains detailed information on the regulations and guidelines for the submission and evaluation of your thesis or dissertation.

Master’s defences are organized by the department or faculty and students should consult guidelines from their graduate academic unit.

The thesis formatting guide provides information on how to format and submit your completed thesis document (Master’s or PhD) to the School of Graduate Studies for final approval and archiving.

It is strongly encouraged that you use the thesis templates, available from UNB Libraries. Information pertaining to word processing support is also available from UNB Libraries.

Following Thesis Defence

After your final examination, you will make any required revisions as directed by your examining committee. After your supervisor has approved your revisions and signed the Modifications to the Dissertation form, this is sent to SGS.

After your defence and corrections are made, review the checklist for electronic submission of the thesis. Send a PDF document of your thesis/report (not a Word or LaTeX document) by e-mail to so that SGS can review the formatting.

The completion forms listed on the checklist must be sent by the Graduate Secretary to

The thesis and supporting documents must be received by the listed deadlines to avoid future registration and fees.

The application to graduate must be completed even if you do not plan on attending. You are required to apply online to be added to the graduation list.

You can indicate on the application that you wish your diploma mailed or picked-up after the ceremony. The date of submission of this form will determine which graduation ceremony will incorporate your name.

If you would like a bound personal copy, you can request printing and binding directly through Page for Page.

If you have questions, contact

Under SGS’s policy on public access to theses, academic and research achievements of graduate students should be shared with the greater community for scholarly and scientific purposes and access should be made freely available after convocation.

For this reason, theses submitted from UNB graduate students are included in:

  • Library and Archives Canada's electronic Theses Canada Portal
  • Harriet Irving Library Archives & Special Collections
  • UNB Scholar Digital Repository

Although your thesis will be shared publicly, keep in mind that you as author retain both copyright and ownership of your thesis. You have the right to request an embargo of public dissemination for a period of time (up to four years).

All such requests for an embargo require a detailed justification to be attached to the thesis deposit form. Request for embargo will be reviewed and considered for approval by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.

Requests for extension of an embargo will generally not be considered, except in very exceptional circumstances accompanied by an additional pressing rationale.

Like the original embargo, they will be reviewed and approved (or not) by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.