3. Application procedures

An application fee of sixty-five dollars Canadian ($65.00 Canadian) for all domestic applicants must be submitted with each application and is non-refundable.

An application fee of one hundred and twenty-five dollars Canadian ($125.00 Canadian) for all international applicants must be submitted with each application and is non-refundable.

Applications and supporting materials for all programs are submitted electronically through the online portal on the SGS website. Applications may be submitted at any time, but early application is encouraged to ensure full consideration and eligibility for funding support. Deadlines for specific programs are detailed in our program listings. Most students commence their programs in September, but many GAUs also accept students at other times of the year, particularly in January and May. Additional information should be obtained from the relevant GAU.

Some GAU's require applicants to submit WES ICAP evaluations in place of official transcripts. Please visit our program listings for application requirements of specific graduate programs. To facilitate admissions and remove barriers for applicants from select, Trusted Partners, the SGS has adopted a policy whereby a GAU who presently uses a WES requirement to evaluate candidates may petition SGS for a blanket exemption for targeted groups.

  • The GAU can petition the Associate Dean for a WES exemption for Trusted Partner institutions who send students via a formal partner agreement to UNB. This will normally prompt a meeting that includes the relevant Associate Dean for SGS, the Director of the GAU, and a representative from the International Office who will discuss the nature of the partnership and determine the extent of the exemption.
  • When requesting a WES exemption, the GAU should include details outlining the Trusted Partner's accreditation, details of any standing agreements in place, and the history of student admissions from the program.
  • In the absence of a WES credit assessment for students incoming from the Trusted Partner, the GAU will work with SGS to set a firm CGPA cutoff for admission from that institution.  Below that standard, applicants may be recommended for admission on probation if other admissions documentations suggest a strong candidate who will succeed in program. These will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
  • Notwithstanding this exemption, SGS may require a WES evaluation if another institution transcript also being considered or transfer credits from another program or university
  • SGS may also require a WES evaluation if there is a question about a transcript or its validity.
  • The WES exemption will be renewed by annual review, normally three months before the admission intake for the program in question. This review:
    • will in most cases only involve a review by the relevant AD from SGS and the Director of the GAU. 
    • may ask for input from the International Office or other relevant administrators involved in the partnership may be solicited in the event of new developments, locally or internationally, that may have an impact on evaluating applications for admission.

Some GAU’s require applicants to take the Graduate Record Examination. Applicants who have already written this examination should submit their scores. Information about the examination may be obtained from Educational Testing Service.

International students

Additional information for international applicants who are applying from outside Canada