Z. Vaghri, A. Ghorbani, S. Freeze and M.A. Campbell. (2023). Mental Health of Children: The Dire Global Picture of a Core Human Right. Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights.
E. Comeau, Z. Vaghri. and R.E. Rhodes (2023). Motivation of Children and Youth for Physical Activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada. 15(4), 3-14.
Z. Vaghri and L. De Souza. (2021). Child Protection in British Columbia: Moving Toward Primary Prevention. Canadian Public Administration, 64(3), 1-18. DOI: 10.1111/capa.12430
Z. Vaghri and M. Samms-Vaughan. (2020). Accountability in protection of children against violence: Monitoring and measurement. Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal, Online ahead of print. (Invited submission in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child)
Vaghri, Z., Tessier, Z., & Whalen, C. (2019). Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children: Interrupted Child Development and Unfulfilled Child Rights. Children (Special issue on Children on the Move), 6(11),120, 1-16. DOI: 10.3390/children6110120.
Vaghri, Z., Krappman L., & Doek, J. (2019). From the Indicators of General Comment 7 to GlobalChild: A Decade of Work to Enhance Accountability to Children. International Journal of Children’s Rights, 27(4), 1-31. DOI: 10.1163/15718182-02704009.
Vaghri, Z., & Erdemli, I. (2019). A Desk Top Review of the Existing Indicators on Articles and General Comments of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, Journal for Human Rights, 13(1), 94-117.
Vaghri, Z., Covell, K. & Clow, H. (2018). Wiring the brain for participation through active listening and active learning. (2018). Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights, 5(1).
Vaghri, Z. (2018). Climate change, an unwelcome legacy for our children: The need to support children’s rights to participate in global conversations. Journal of Children, Youth and Environments, 28(1), 104-114.
Simonelli, I., Mercer, R., Bennett, S., Clarke, A., Fernandes, G., Fløtten, K., … Goldhagen, J. (2014). A rights and equity-based “Platform and Action Cycle” to advance child health and well being by fulfilling the rights of children. Canadian Journal of Child Rights, 1(1), 199-218.
Vaghri, Z., Guhn, M., Weinberg, J., Grunau, R.E., Yu, W. & Hertzman, C. (2013). Hair Cortisol Reflects Socio‐economic Factors and Hair Zinc in Preschoolers. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38(3), 331-40.
Molina, H., Morales, F., Muñoz, R., Hertzman, C., Vaghri, Z., & Bedregal, P. (2012). Piloto de aplicación en Chile de un modelo de evaluación del cumplimiento de la Convención de Derechos de los Niños en su comentario general número 7. Cuadernos Pediatria Social, 18, 37-38.
Vaghri, Z., Arkadas, A., Kruse, S., & Hertzman, C. (2011). CRC General Comment 7 Indicators Framework: A tool for monitoring the implementation of child rights in early childhood. Journal of Human Rights, 10(2), 178-188.
Vaghri, Z., Wong, H., Barr, S.I., Chapman, G.E. & Hertzman, C. (2011). Associations of Socio-demographic and Behavioral Variables with Hair Zinc of Vancouver Preschoolers. Biological Trace Element Research, 143(3), 1398-1412.
Östlin, P., Schrecker, T., Sadana, R., Bonnefoy, J., Gilson, L., Hertzman, C., … Vaghri, Z. (2011). Priorities for research on equity and health: Towards an equity-focused health research agenda. PLoS Medicine, 8(11), 1-6.
Hertzman, C., Siddiqi, A., Hertzman, E., Irwin, L. G., Vaghri, Z., Houweling, T. A. J., … Marmot, M. (2010). Bucking the inequality gradient through early child development. British Medical Journal, 340(468).
Hertzman, C., Siddiqi, A., Hertzman, E., Irwin, L., Vaghri, Z. Houweling, T.A.J., Bell, R., Tinajero, A., & Marmot, M. (2010). Tackling inequality: Get them while they’re young.” British Medical Journal, 340(7742), 346-348.
Vaghri, Z., Arkadas, A., Hertzman, E., & Hertzman, C. (2008). The Early Childhood Rights Indicators: A tool to monitor the Convention on the Rights of the Child and raise its profile globally. Early Childhood Matters, 113, 53-57.
Blas, E., Gilson, L., Kelly, M. P., Labonté, R., Lapitan, J., Muntaner, C., … Vaghri, Z. (2008). Addressing social determinants of health inequities: What can the state and civil society do? The Lancet, 372(11), 1684 – 1689.