Delegations and missions to UNB

Short-term visits

UNB is pleased to host visiting administrators, faculty, researchers and/or other representatives of foreign universities to explore areas of collaboration and mutual interest. These short-term visits (less than five days) are an integral part of our internationalization strategy and are an important component of our teaching and research activities.

UNB’s Global Learning and Engagement team will work with departments or faculties interested in hosting international partners and provide advice and consultation as required.

Invitation process

  1. UNB representative completes the application for visiting delegations and emails it to UNB Global Learning and Engagement at
  2. The request will be reviewed and approved based on the information provided.
  3. A letter of invitation will be provided by the Office of the Assistant Vice President (Partnerships) and will be sent to the delegation lead on behalf of UNB with a copy to the department/faculty representative.
  4. The department/faculty representative will establish a delegation coordinator to take the lead role to determine the agenda and coordinate logistical and technical arrangement.  The Global team will assist as requested.