We are pleased to offer you a number of ways to make your gift.
You can specify how we should direct your gift in the online form - in memory of someone, directed to a specific scholarship or project, etc., as well as other details that may be important to you. Give online now.
You can donate by Interac e-Transfer by sending funds by email to donation@unb.ca. There is no security question required. Please provide your full name in the message option and send a separate email to donation@unb.ca with the following information:
If you'd prefer to give by mail, simply send a cheque or donation form to Development and Donor Relations, University of New Brunswick:
Mail this form to us with a cheque marked "void" or set up pre-authorized giving by contacting annualgiving@unb.ca. Faculty and staff can also set up payroll deductions by contacting annualgiving@unb.ca.
If you want to give by wire transfer, please contact our Advancement Services office by email at donation@unb.ca or phone 1-506-453-5053.
Along with assisting the University of New Brunswick's students and programs, there are tremendous benefits to you for donating shares and other investments to the university.
Please do not send cash in the mail. Thank you for your donation.
Charitable Registration Numbers: Canadian No. 10816 2025 RR0001, United States No. 23-710-3810
Important tax note: Please note that for UNB alumni living in the United States, the IRS recognizes your gift to our University as tax deductible.
Privacy: UNB and Development and Donor Relations are committed to protecting personal information. Your personal information is being collected for the fundraising purposes set out in the form and will only be accessed by the administrators. For more information on privacy at UNB, please consult the UNB Policy for the Protection of Personal Information & Privacy and the University Secretariat, University of New Brunswick, PO Box 4400, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A3 | (506) 453-4613.