Research centres on developing tools for studying environmental systems in situ, especially passive sensor-based approaches. Techniques combine geophysical and electrochemical methods with time series analysis and multivariate statistics. Focus on energy transduction and biogeochemical cycling of metals, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. Applications include astrobiology and life detection, agricultural and environmental monitoring, and environmental remediation.
Contact Allison
Investigating ancient lake-basin sediments in Utah, USA, and Maritimes Canada. In particular: the influence of 'greenhouse'/'icehouse' climates and tectonic controls on lake levels and sedimentation; geometries of fluvial (river) deltas, carbonate shorefaces, microbial mounds, and earthquake-induced landslides/slumps in lakes; microbial biogeochemistry affecting the natural sequestration of phosphorus and toxic metals (e.g. rare earths, tungsten, mercury, thorium, uranium) in lacustrine organic-rich mud (oil shale). Also studying sedimentation in basins influenced by salt tectonics.
Research has also extended to alternative energy options, and deep subsurface storage of carbon dioxide, in sedimentary rock. As a hobby, Paleozoic crinoids are collected for paleontological study.
Contact Dave
Research is based on the use of a combination of biogenic (microfossils, molecular biomarkers) and geochemical indicators (elemental and isotopic tracers) preserved in marine sediment to study the long-term interplay between climate, ocean circulation and ecosystem functioning. Current areas of study include Baffin Bay, northern Hudson Bay and high Arctic fjords.
Contact Audrey
Reconstruction ancient orogenic processes such as sedimentation, metamorphism, magmatism, and ore deposition using targeted field work and laboratory studies. Lab studies focus on novel in situ laser ablation ICP MS measurement of trace elemental, isotopic, and geochronological datasets integrated with microstructural and thermobarometric constraints. Additional areas include materials characterization using micro-XRF and applications of laser ablation ICP-MS to biological materials and archeological artifacts.
Contact Christopher
I am interested in how magma is produced and transported in the earth and how minerals record processes below active volcanoes. My work uses combination of field studies of active and extinct volcanoes and experiments at high pressure and temperatures to simulate the conditions in the earth.
Contact Cliff