The School of Graduate Studies requires the Annual Progress Report to be completed by each student every year. Forms should be reviewed by each committee member, signed by the Director of Graduate Studies and be submitted to the Graduate Coordinator prior to Dec. 1.
If you have any questions about courses please contact your supervisor.
School of Graduate Studies (SGS) forms:
People & Culture forms (previously Human Resources):
Financial Services (FS) forms:
Proposals include a 25-35 minute oral presentation followed by an open question period
The student is responsible for setting the time and booking the location of the presentation with the agreement of committee members.
The student should send a proposal summary including a title; abstract (150-300 words) and time and location to the DoGS and Graduate Studies Coordinator with more than one week's notice. A Notice will be sent around 1 week before, and a reminder the day before.
The student should submit a final copy of their Research Proposal to the Graduate Studies Coordinator.
All grad students are required to take two of the following:
PhD students must these complete within 12 months of beginning their program. The topics are to be approved three to six months ahead (after the research proposal).
These require four topics each with an examiner. The options should be sent to the Director of Graduate Studies (DoGS) and cc'd to the Graduate Studies Coordinator for approval, along with a two to four page summary of your research project.
Once approved and confirmed, the student should touch base with each examiner to discuss the topic and get a suggested reading list.
The student is responsible for setting the time and location of the exam with the agreement of all examiners and Director of Graduate Studies. The studnet will notify the Graduate Studies Coordinator of the time and location with more than one week's notice.
The oral exam is typically two to three hours.
It is the student's responsibility to register for the seminar course each year.
The Non-Thesis Seminars are scheduled by the CHEM6000 Coordinator at the beginning of the term. Students should send a title, an abstract (150 to 300 words) and date, time and location to the Graduate Studies Coordinator at least two weeks beforehand.
The Departmental Seminars are scheduled through the Departmental Seminar Coordinator and must be completed six months prior to the defence. Students should send a title, abstract (150 to 300 words) and date, time and location to the Graduate Studies Coordinator at least two weeks beforehand.
PhD students must complete these within 16 months of beginning their program. They must be scheduled one month in advance.
The students are required to complete a written report following the guidelines for graduate theses and reports.
The written report should be submitted to committee members and the Graduate Studies Coordinator, a minimum of one week prior.
The student is responsible for setting the time and location of the exam with the agreement of all committee members and the Director of Graduate Studies. The students will notify the Graduate Studies Coordinator of the time and location with more than one week's notice.
The students summary presentation of the report should be 20-30 minutes in duration. The entire meeting will typically take two hours.
The advisory committee must approve the selection of all courses. Additional courses may be required and will be determined by the comittee in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies. Term courses must be at least three credit hours. Where the PhD program follows an MSc, the course requirements will be determined by the committee.
The proposals include a two to four page written summary (typed and single-spaced) and a 25 to 45 minutes oral presentation and question period.
The student is responsible for setting the time and booking the location of the presentation with the agreement of committee members.
The student should submit a final copy of their Research Proposal to the Graduate Studies Coordinator.
All graduate students are also required to register for ESCI6000 (Précis) during their first year of graduate studies.
M.Sc. students, and Ph.D. students who have not already completed a M.Sc., must also complete a minimum of 4 one-term courses. One of the courses would be ESCI6000 and one may be a fourth-year-level undergraduate course.
It is the student's responsibility to register for the seminar course each year.
Students should send the title and abstract (150 to 300 words) to Cindy Thomas at least one week beforehand.
PhD students must complete within 18 months of beginning their program.
The exam consists of three tests, each a three hours written paper.
Each field must be approved by your committee and submitted to the Graduate Studies Coordinator and Director of Graduate Studies.
The student is responsible for setting the time and location of the exam with the agreement of all examiners and Director of Graduate Studies.
The student will notify the Graduate Studies Coordinator of the time and location with more than one week's notice.
It is the student's responsibility to register for the seminar course each year.
Students should send a title and abstract (150 to 300 words) to the Physics Admin Assistant at least one week beforehand.
Attendance at the weekly seminars is mandatory
PhD students must present an oral Research Proposal to be completed before the end of the second year.