We maintain a suite of sample preparation and analytical tools which are routinely used for fundamental research in geochemical, geophysical, mineralogical, crystallographic, structural and microstructural investigations of earth and planetary materials.
The micro-Raman (acquired 2007) is equipped with a reflected and a transmitted light microscope. It's useful for chemical identification, characterization of molecular structures, effects of bonding, environment and stress on a sample.
It can rapidly distinguish mineral polymorphs (e.g., kyanite, sillimanite). A micro-precision sample stage permits long-duration mapping.
The micro-Raman is housed and operated by the Planetary and Space Science Centre (PASSC). Contact Dr. John Spray for more information: 506-453-3550 or Email John.
For Students: Download the Authorization form and bring it with your samples signed by your supervisor.
Sodin gravity meter
Surfer (general purpose gridding and mapping)
Research in the Department of Earth Sciences Dis supported by in-house electron microbeam instrumentation and a large collection of microanalysis infrastructure centrally located and managed by UNB Microscopy and Microanalysis, a regional facility providing microanalytical and spectroscopic services.
The MMF is a regional facility provide imaging and analytical services to the University of New Brunswick, other universities, government and industry.
The facility houses three electron-beam instruments (SEM, TEM/STEM, Electron Probe), a confocal scanning laser microscope, digital light microscopes, an X-ray micro CT and a flow cytometer.
Access to the instrumentation is on a 'first-come, first-serve' basis and users pay an hourly instrument rental fee. Users have the option in being trained to operate the equipment themselves or in employing the services of the staff of the MMF.
The MMF offers training on all of the instruments and in advanced analytical techniques: EDS, WDS< EELS, EFTEM, electron diffraction, and numerous specialized sample preparation techniques. Special lectures in microscopy techniques are offered for classroom presentations or for groups of interested researchers upon request.
The UNB MMF lso supports a range of confocol (laser scanning) and digital light microscopes for materials characterization.
Our experienced in-house machinist, J. Chessie, is supported by a variety of tools that can be used for custom fabrication, modification and prototyping.