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Faculty of Science
UNB Fredericton

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Faculty and staff

Meet the faculty and staff of UNB's Biology Department.


Name Title Phone
Jason Addison Professor N/A
Alexa Alexander Trusiak Visiting Research Professor 506 458 7458
Donald Baird Visiting Research Professor 506 458 7048
Myriam Barbeau Professor 506 447 3213
Tillmann Benfey Professor 506 452 6293
Bryan Crawford Professor N/A
Les Cwynar Professor 506 452 6197
Michael Duffy Associate Professor N/A
Dion Durnford Professor, Dept. Chair 506 452 6207
Timothy Erickson Associate Professor 506 452 6193
Graham Forbes Professor 506 453 4929
Alla Gagarinova Assistant Professor 506 869 6588
Brian Hayden SINLAB Director and Associate Professor 506 452 6311
Katy Hind Associate Teaching Professor 506 453 5006
Janice Lawrence Associate Professor 506 458 7842
Tommi Linnansaari Professor 506 458 7569
Shawn MacLellan Associate Professor N/A
René Malenfant Associate Teaching Professor 506 458 7462
Kelly Miles Full Teaching Professor 506 452 6201
Aurora Nedelcu Professor 506 458 7463
Amy Parachnowitsch Associate Professor N/A
Stephan Peake Associate Professor N/A
Drew Rendall Professor 506 458 7154
Adrian Reyes-Prieto Associate Professor 506 453 4578
Charles Sacobie Assoc. Professor, Indigenous Sci. Scholar 506 447 3313
Gary Saunders Professor 506 453 4841
Lisa Sharp Full Teaching Professor N/A
Mark Sherrard Associate Teaching Professor 506 470 0541


Name Title Phone
Gorjana Barudzija Scientific Technician 506 452 6294
Heather Burke Physiology Technician 506 452 6289
Travis Clarke Scientific Technician 506 452 6333
Greg Curtis Scientific Technician 506 260 7324
Sophia Dick Microbiology Technician 506 453 4558
Catherine Desjardins Aquatic Technician 506 452 6089
Jonathan Fischer-Rush SINLAB Manager 506 453-4967
Jennifer Lento Research Scientist 506 447 3490
Jenna Meade Office Manager & Assistant to Chair 506 458 7928
Tanya Moore Saunders Lab Manager 506 453 3537
Robyn Shortt Herbarium Supervisor 506 452 6205
Katie Theriault Aquatic Technician 506 280 8744
Christopher Tregilges Administrative Assistant 506 452 6197
Michael Urban SINLAB Technical Manager 506 453 4967

Retired faculty

Name Title Phone
Carl Bursey Sessional Lecturer 506 452 6215
Denise Clark Honorary Research Professor N/A
Rick Cunjak Honorary Research Professor 506 452 6204
Tony Diamond Emeritus Research Professor N/A
Andy Didyk Senior Teaching Associate N/A
Stephen Heard Honorary Research Professor 506 452 6047
Charlene Mayes Senior Teaching Associate N/A
Cheryl Patten Honorary Research Professor 506 458 7599