Spring Orientation, Advising and Registration (S.O.A.R.)
UNB Fredericton
We are excited you have chosen UNB Fredericton! The Spring Orientation, Advising and Registration (SOAR) is an in-person event that took place on Saturday, May 11, 2024.
Next steps after SOAR
Faculty of Arts
Students can contact artsreg@unb.ca for information on how to register for classes for the Fall.
First-year engineering students are automatically registered for fall courses and a couple of winter term courses. This process has begun for students who confirmed their spot for fall 2024. If you recently confirmed, it could take up to 14 days before you see classes on your schedule.
Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management
For more information about advising and registration, reach out to foremadvising@unb.ca.
Reach out to BBAcontact@unb.ca and we will connect you with the appropriate person.
Faculty of Nursing
Contact nursing@unb.ca for course registration or any questions.
Renaissance College
For course registration questions and assistance, book an appointment with Jake Bracewell by emailing jake.bracewell@unb.ca.
Faculty of Science
If you missed one of our registration weeks in March and April, email Angela Regier at sciadvising@unb.ca with your student number, full name and area of science you are interested in. See the Faculty of Science for more information.
Orientation sessions
Arrive and Thrive
Wednesday, Aug. 21
Join us to get an overview of what to expect during your first week on campus, what to expect from Orientation Week, Residence Move-In, and how to access and pay your Student Account. We will have campus leaders who will answer your questions and give you other vital information to arrive prepared for your first semester at UNB!
Academic Preparedness
Tuesday, July 30
Join us for an overview of Academic Preparedness! Walk away with tips and tricks for arriving prepared to succeed in your Academics and learn about some of the many resources available to help support you in your academic journey while you are here with us at UNB!
Join our UNB experts:
Richard Spacek, Writing and Study Skills Coordinator
Krystal Edwards, Learning Strategist
Kailha Winter-Smith, Assistive Technologist
They will walk us through key topic areas including:
Plagiarism and Citations
Study Skills and tools for academic preparedness
Assistive Technologies
We will wrap up the session with information on what is available on each campus and how to find the resources once you've arrive at UNB in Fredericton or Saint John!
Accessing Financial Supports for Success
Tuesday, June 11
Financing your education can be challenging. You may be asking yourself where is this money coming from? How can I access non-repayable support in order to graduate with as little debt as possible?
Shelley Clayton (Director, Financial Aid, UNB Fredericton/Moncton) and Heather Stafford (Student Success Coordinator, UNB Saint John) guide attendees through these key questions on our minds. Learn the where and the how and some helpful tips from our expert Financial Aid advisors. We finish off the event with a Question and Answer period where you can ask your burning questions.
Stay in the loop
Reach out to us at unbforientation@unb.ca with any questions and if we don’t have the answer, we will connect you with someone who does.