International Legal Resources

For more resources, visit our International Law research guide.

Resources that are freely available (websites members of the public can use) are marked with an asterisk (*).


Legislation & Treaties

  • Constitute* (hosts the world's constitutions for you to read, search, and compare)
  • HeinOnline (contains collections of international resources, including treaties and agreements, documents from the European Centre for Minority Issues, and International Law Association Reports)
  • International Labour Organization*
    • NormLex* (information on International Labour Standards and national labour and social security laws)
  • LLMC-Digital (contains historical international treaties, arbitrations and conventions)
  • Trans-Lex* (provides transnational law; includes various international conventions)
  • United Nations Treaty Collection* (includes United Nations Treaty Series)
  • WorldLII International Law Library* (includes documents from the UN, NATO, World Bank, WIPO, and more)

United Nations

Research Guides