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Faculty of Kinesiology
UNB Fredericton

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Weight loss study NB

About us

The Weight Loss Study New Brunswick was conducted in 2021 by the Behaviour Change Lab in collaboration with the CELLab at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of New Brunswick.

The online survey was completed by 1104 respondents. It was open to any New Brunswicker age 19 or older.

Recruitment took place online (e.g. social media) and in the community (e.g. posters and flyers).

Read the report

Meet the research team

The project was led by Dr. Stephan Dombrowski, a health psychologist. Additionally, Dr. Danielle Bouchard and Dr. Martin Sénéchal from the CELLab collaborated on this project. Research student Mr. Tim Green was supported by a New Brunswick Health Research Foundation undergraduate studentship. Ms. Nicole Acupinpin was a volunteer student on this project.