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Faculty of Management
UNB Fredericton

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UNB Data Challenge

Tell a story with data

The 8th annual UNB Data Challenge will bring together teams of students from across Canada to demonstrate the power of open data.

Competitors will use creativity and imagination to build an Infographic Poster and Presentation to tell a data story through data visualizations featuring open data from governments, non-profits, and NGOs. The Infographic Poster and Data Story Presentation are used to communicate and insight, story, recommendation or new idea. The Data Challenge will highlight the community-wide benefits of open data, including identifying potential improvements to government services and processes.

Teams will compete for over $4,500 in prize money! All events are virtual.

Event information

Thank you to our sponsors

dc sponsors

Contact us

International Business & Entrepreneurship Centre
Faculty of Management
University of New Brunswick
9 Macaulay Lane, Tilley Hall
