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Faculty of Arts
UNB Fredericton

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Dr. Vicky Gray Memorial Award (Undergraduate)

This $1,000 prize is awarded annually to a student on the Fredericton campus who is:

  • engaged in full or part-time study
  • entering the final year of the current degree program
  • demonstrating continuing interest in and commitment to Gender and Women’s Studies

The recipient normally will have completed the introductory course in Gender and Women's Studies and be enrolled in the minor, double major or joint honours program in Gender and Women's Studies or a comparable course of studies.

A minimum grade point average of 3.0 in the last 30 credit hours undertaken is required.

The prize is funded by the Estate and Friends of Dr. Vicky Gray.

Students may be nominated a faculty member and may also apply.

A selection committee, made of the coordinator of the Gender and Women's Studies program, a representative of Dr. Vicky Gray’s estate and two other members of the Gender and Women's Studies program will select the recipient.

Dr. Vicky Gray Memorial Award (Graduate)

This $1,000 prize is awarded annually to a graduate student on the Fredericton campus who is enrolled in full-time or part-time study and who is registered in the thesis stream of a Master’s or PhD Program.

The student must be:

  • engaged in research in some aspect of Gender and Women’s Studies from a feminist and/or queer perspective
  • holding a GPA of at least 3.6 in courses taken at the qualifying and graduate level

Students may be nominated by their thesis or dissertation supervisor or they may apply for the award, to the GWS coordinator, by April 15.

A completed application includes:

  • the student’s transcript
  • a thesis or dissertation proposal of no more than four pages
  • a one-page description of the state of the thesis or dissertation
  • a letter of support from the supervisor

The award is intended for students continuing in a graduate program and preference will be given to those who are in the process of writing their thesis or dissertation.

The selection committee will include the coordinator of the Gender and Women’s Studies program, a representative of Dr. Vicky Gray’s estate and two other members of the Gender and Women’s Studies program with experience in directing feminist research at the graduate level.

There are many resources on our campus and in the community which support gender-based research.