Hughes N, Scott A, Pitcher D. 2022. Surgery Under Siege: A case study of leg amputation at the 18th century Fortress of Louisbourg. Canadian Association for Biological Anthropology Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Forbes M, Scott A, Rassmussen K. 2022. Getting freaky at the Fortress? An examination of venereal syphilis and medicinal mercury treatments at the 18th century Fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Association for Biological Anthropology Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Ledger M, Scott A. 2022. Beaver fever at Louisbourg: Earliest evidence for Giardia infection in Canada in an individual buried at the 18th C. Fortress of Louisbourg. Canadian Association for Biological Anthropology Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Burgess C, Scott A. Butler K. 2022. Ground-truthing in Bioarchaeology: A preliminary examination of geophysical applications using magnetic susceptibility at the 18th century Rochefort Point Cemetery. Canadian Association for Biological Anthropology Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Munkittrick J, Scott A, Grimes V. 2022. Integration of Pb isotope ratios in ceramic glazes and tooth enamel from 17th to 19th century North Atlantic fishery populations. Canadian Association for Biological Anthropology Conference, Saskatoon, SK.
Pitcher D, MacInnes S, Scott A. 2022. Unearthing the Untold: The impact of bioarchaeological evidence on interpretation at the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site. Interpretation Canada National Conference. Halifax, NS.
Scott A, MacInnes S, Hughes N, Grimes V, Munkittrick J. 2021. An Absent Adolescence? A Bioarchaeological Approach to Understanding the Teenaged Lived Experience in 18th Century Atlantic Canada. Emerging Adolescence Workshop. Virtual.
Teeter M, Scott A, Szpak P. 2021. Keratin, Collagen, and Dentine, Oh My! A Preliminary Isotopic Analysis of Three Tissue Types at the 18th Century Fortress of Louisbourg, NS. Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology Conference, Hamilton, ON.
Munkittrick J, Scott A, Grimes V. 2020. Childhood lead exposure in 18th-19th century North Atlantic fisheries. Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology Conference, Virtual.
Scott A, MacInnes S, Pitcher D, Grimes V, Munkittrick J, Garlie M, Moran M, Fonzo M. The Rochefort Point Cemetery: An interdisciplinary approach to understanding mortuary patterns and cemetery composition at the 18th century Fortress of Louisbourg. Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology Conference, Banff, AB.
Hughes N, Scott A. 2019. Proteins in Play: Testing Osteocalcin Variability between Different Skeletal Sampling Sites. Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology Conference, Banff, AB.
Garlie M, Grimes V, Scott A, Munkittrick J. 2019. Block 3 and Ste. Marie: An isotopic comparison of two cemetery populations from the Fortress of Louisbourg. Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology Conference, Banff, AB.
Munkittrick J, Scott A, Grimes V. 2019. Exploring sources of lead in children during colonial settlement of Northeastern North America during the 18th and 19th centuries. UK Archaeological Sciences Conference, Manchester UK.
Fonzo M, Scott A, Duffy M. 2019. Childhood, parasites, and anemia: A case study analysis of a subadult burial from the 18th century Fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia. Paleopathology Association Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Fonzo M, Scott A, Duffy M. 2019. With people, came parasites: An examination of human intestinal parasites and urbanization at the 18th century Fortress of Louisbourg. American Association for Physical Anthropology Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Scott A, Danforth M, MacInnes S, Hughes N, Fonzo M. 2019. Colonial urbanism: A comparative exploration of skeletal stress in two 18th century North American French colonies. American Association of Physical Anthropologists Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Scott A, Fonzo M (2018) From Acid to Alkaline: The Variation in Soil pH at the 18th Century Rochefort Point Cemetery and its Relationship to Mortuary Practices and Previous Site Use. Canadian Association for Physical anthropology Conference, London, ON.
Munkittrick J, Grimes V, Scott A (2018) Investigating Childhood Lead Exposure of early 18th Century French Inhabitants from the Fortress of Louisbourg, NS. Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology Conference, London, ON.
Fonzo M, Scott A, Duffy M (2018) A Preliminary Analysis of Parasite Egg Recovery Methods from Pelvic Soil Samples. Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology Conference, London, ON.
Moran M, Scott A (2018) Reconstructing Rochefort Point: Methodologies for Exploring Shared Cemetery and Settlement Space at the Eighteenth-Century Fortress of Louisbourg. Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology Conference, Halifax, NS.
Hinton J, Munkittrick J, Grimes V, Scott A (2018) Detecting vitamin D deficiency: radiographic assessment of two archaeological skeletal assemblages from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland. Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology Conference, Halifax, NS.
Scott A, Ebert D, Fonzo M, Hinton J, Georg RB (2017) Buttons and bone: Burial context and individuality at the 18th century Fortress of Louisbourg, NS. Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology Conference, Edmonton, AB.
Hinton J, Scott A. New Foundations: A Skeletal Exploration of the First French Inhabitants of the Fortress of Louisbourg, NS. Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology Conference, Edmonton, AB.