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Call for submissions

Arts Matters 2025 submissions

We are pleased to invite undergraduate students in humanities, social sciences, and creative disciplines to apply to share their work at the 10th Arts Matters Conference. Arts Matters is an interdisciplinary conference, so we encourage submissions from a wide range of subject areas. We will be accepting abstracts and project descriptions from all social sciences, humanities, and liberal arts disciplines. Participation in Arts Matters is FREE.

We are accepting abstracts for conference presentations in either French or English and we encourage the submission of creative work and multimedia projects* as well.

We welcome individuals from all backgrounds to share their academic work and creative projects. Students are encouraged to submit academic and creative work on all topics.

Participants can also choose to submit work that speaks to our conference theme. This year’s theme is "Learning through community: collaborative approaches to creating and knowing".

If you have a project that you would love to share but you don’t know if it fits, please send us your abstract as we are looking to build a highly diverse program of presentations.

Accepted presenters will be invited to give a 12-15 minute presentation during one of the conference panels on March 21 and 22, 2025.

*If you plan to present a creative project with a visual component (e.g. visual art project, digital art, etc), include images of your work with your project description.

Registration to attend the conference will open in 2025.

For more info, email


The deadline for conference presentation submissions is Feb. 28, 2025.

Artwork: We also showcase student artwork and creative projects at our conference. Students interested in presenting artwork or creative projects can choose to display their work and give a presentation or just display their work during the conference. Submissions of artwork only are also due Feb. 28, 2025.

Apply to present at the 2025 Arts Matters Conference taking place March 20-22, 2025.

Privacy Statement

UNB and the Faculty or Arts are committed to protecting the personal information of all students. The information collected on this form and held in our records will only be used for Arts Matters conference planning purposes and is accessible only by Dean of Arts staff.
This information is collected under the authority provided for in the New Brunswick Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For more information on the protection of personal information at UNB, please consult UNB Policy for the Protection of Personal Information and Privacy<> and the University Secretariat, University of New Brunswick, PO Box 4400, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A3 (506) 453-4613.