Professor Emerita in Psychology Convocation: October 22, 2000
It would be difficult to find a faculty member more intimately involved in the life of the University than Ann Cameron.
Psychology professor, department chair, associate dean, residence fellow, co-acting director of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre, role model and mentor - Dr. Cameron has done it all, and done it with commitment, enthusiasm and distinction.
In nominating her for this honour, her colleagues wrote, "Above all Dr. Cameron is an excellent role model for students and young faculty....[She] has provided critical leadership and mentoring to younger women academics. She proved that excellence in scholarship and teaching is possible at a time when women were not provided support for their dual role of professor and mother."
Indeed, Dr. Cameron's career at UNB Fredericton began in 1969 as a part-time professor precisely because of her family responsibilities. By 1975 she was a full-time, tenured faculty member and her record of scholarship has grown exponentially in the 25 years since then. She has held some 46 research grants, several valued at more than $100,000. Her work, contained in 44 papers and 76 conference presentations, has had an impact on a number of domains in developmental psychology including cognition, language and family violence. In fact, she continues to hold a number of grants and her pace shows no sign of diminishing in retirement.
Dr. Cameron has also been an outstanding teacher, developing curriculum, fostering a rich learning environment in which students are encouraged to reach their highest potential and sharing with them, through the development of top-flight laboratories, the benefits of her research grants.
Vitality, initiative, and creativity are words that have been used to describe Dr. Cameron - qualities that suit her unequivocally for the designation of professor emerita.