Patients' Den | Centre for Research in Integrated Care | UNB

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Centre for Research in Integrated Care

Patients' Den

Oct. 8 | 5:30 - 9 p.m.
Lily Lake Pavilion | 55 Lake Dr. | Saint John NB

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The Patients’ Den is an innovative event styled in the spirit of the popular television series Shark Tank and Dragons’ Den. In the two series, entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas in an interactive and public forum to secure financial support from a panel of venture capitalists.

At the Patients’ Den event, a group of patient advisors acts as venture capitalists, evaluating research proposals and granting awards during a public evening session. Proposals undergo screening for basic eligibility, scientific merit, and feasibility by a panel comprising methodology experts and patient advisors.

Selecting research projects

Finalists selected from the screening process are invited to present their proposals to the patient advisory panel during a public forum. Each researcher or team is allotted time to present their project to the five-member patient advisory panel.

The patient advisory panel evaluates each study based on its potential impact on the healthcare system. Top research projects deemed impactful are awarded grants, with the awards presented on the same night as the event.

Submit your research proposal now
Deadline for submissions will be August 17.

Contact for additional details.

Apply to be a Patients’ Den judge

The patient panel will be comprised of patient partners who will judge the selected research presentations. Patient panelists will be supplied the proposals in advance to review prior to the presentations and will receive training and resources to assist in the judging process.

  • Review proposals in advance
  • Ask presenters questions
  • Evaluate each project's potential impact on health service delivery
  • Utilize a patient-oriented research approach where feasible

Patient panel submissions are now closed. Applications are being reviewed and selected applicants will be contacted shortly.

Empowering patients

Patient engagement (PE) involves the meaningful collaboration between health researchers and patients/families (patient partners) who have diverse, first-hand experiences with the healthcare system. PE is used across Canada by care providers, decision-makers, patient partners and health researchers.

Applying PE throughout all phases of research helps research teams address the issues that are most important to the individuals directly affected by the outcomes of health research. Patient partners can be involved throughout all phases of the research process, including:

  • Developing research questions
  • Study recruitment
  • Data collection
  • Analysis
  • Knowledge translation activities
  • Other research activities

One avenue for PE is to assist in deciding how research funds should be allocated, based on the priorities set by patients. Securing funding is an important first step for any research project and deciding which projects get funded shapes the direction of future research.

An event like the Patients’ Den, where patient partners become key decision-makers in funding allocation, represents a grass-roots effort in PE.

At this year's event, our judge's panel of patient partners will be allocating a grand total of $15,000 to support the winning research projects.

There are two $2,500 prizes available for trainee researchers, and two $5,000 prizes for early career researchers.

Each of these prizes will support research that aims to improve the New Brunswick healthcare services that matter most to patients, caregivers and the community at large.

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