Technical program at-a-glance

May 21-23, 2014

Registration is now open at Currie Center main level 4: 2:00pm to 10:00pm Tuesday; 7:30am onward Wednesday through Friday.

The Second Circular provides a summary of the technical program

GAC logo MAC logo AGS logo UNB logo

On behalf of the Geological Association of Canada, the Mineralogical Association of Canada, the Atlantic Geoscience Society and the University of New Brunswick, the Fredericton 2014 Organizing Committee invites you to attend the Joint Annual Meeting, May 21-23 2014, on the Fredericton campus of the University of New Brunswick.

Fredericton, the Provincial capital of New Brunswick, is within easy reach of major centres in eastern Canada and the northeast U.S. and a short hop from Halifax Nova Scotia.  The region has a long history of earth science education and exploration, beginning with Abraham Gesner, who was appointed the government geologist for New Brunswick from 1838 to 1842, the first such position in Canada.  The 2014 GAC®MAC slogan reflects in part the 175 years of geoscience in the region inspired by Gesner and his discoveries.  

We are centrally located only a short distance from the world's richest Pb-Zn-Ag deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp, rare-metal intrusion-related deposits such as Sisson Brook and Mt. Pleasant, and spectacular exposures of hydrocarbon-bearing Carboniferous maritime basin sediments.  A variety of pre- and post-conference field trips will examine Appalachian collisional processes, exquisitely-preserved Devonian volcanic sequences and fossil beds, a range of ore deposits and hydrocarbon reservoirs, as well as quaternary and coastal geology of the Province.  

Join us in Fredericton to celebrate 175 years of geoscience discovery from May 21 to 23, 2014.

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: February 17th, 2014

Conference registration opens March 2014

Early-bird registration deadline: April 23rd, 2014

Online registration available until: May 7th, 2014

Onsite registration available starting the afternoon of Tuesday May 20th

For more information please contact the local organizing committee via the conference co-chairs:

Dave Lentz (Chair)

Department of Earth Sciences
University of New Brunswick

tel: 506-447-3190

Chris McFarlane (Co-chair)

Department of Earth Sciences
University of New Brunswick

tel: 506-458-7211

Dave Lentz (Chair)

Chris McFarlane (Co-chair)

Department of Earth Sciences
University of New Brunswick

tel: 506-447-3190

Department of Earth Sciences
University of New Brunswick

tel: 506-458-7211




On behalf of the Geological Association of Canada and the Mineralogical Association of Canada, the Winnipeg 2013 Organizing Committee

invites you to attend the Joint Annual Meeting, in May 2013, at the Convention Centre in downtown Winnipeg. The city is located 29 km

west of the longitudinal centre of North America on the sediments of the immense glacial Lake Agassiz. We are just a short distance

from one of the world's largest rare-metal pegmatites at Tanco, spectacular outcrops of Paleozoic carbonate rocks in the Interlake region,

Precambrian rocks of the Superior craton and Trans-Hudson orogen, and a score of other geological attractions. Winnipeg is renowned for its

cosmopolitan arts, culture and cuisine, and is once again the home of the Winnipeg Jets hockey team. The Manitoba Museum, Assiniboine

Park, Leo Mol Sculpture Garden, and The Forks National Historic Site are just a few of the city's numerous cultural sites. A diverse technical

program of symposia, special sessions, general sessions, and short courses is being planned for Winnipeg 2013. Field trips will explore

a cross section of Manitoba geology from the Archean to the Holocene, and social events will reflect the life and hospitality of the Prairies.

Join us in Winnipeg "At the Centre of the Continent" from May 22 to 24, 2013!