MUS 3793 East Coast Music | College of Extended Learning | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

East Coast Music

Subject Course No. Credit Value
Music MUS 3793 Three (3) credit hours

No prior musical knowledge required.

In this course, we analyze a variety of musical practices from around Atlantic Canada to better understand the traditions that make up “East Coast Music”. We engage with scholarly publications, recorded music, videos, interviews and more. Our goals are to develop a broader knowledge of unfamiliar traditions, and to develop a deeper knowledge of traditions we may already know.

Instructor: Keegan Manson-Curry (view syllabus)
Prerequisite: None

  • You will learn about a variety of East Coast music practices.
  • You will develop the skills needed to think critically about their origin, development and the discourse that surrounds them.
  • You will improve your music listening skills and be able to describe musical sound in more detail.

Students have six months from the registration date to complete the course. All course exams and/or assignments must be completed by the designated end date.

Assignments and examinations

  • 10 x module responses (10%)
  • 1 x annotated bibliography (15%)
  • 1 x performance analysis (15%)
  • 1 x presentation assignment (30%)
  • 1 x open book final test (30%)

Fees and payments

There is a $150 non-refundable/non-transferable online fee per course in addition to applicable tuition & fees. Learn more about our payment options.

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