ENGL 3485 The Victorian Gothic | College of Extended Learning | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

The Victorian Gothic

Subject Course No. Credit Value
English ENGL 3485 Three (3) credit hours

In this course, we explore the dark side of the Victorian period. We consider how and why the Gothic - which includes beleaguered heroines, spooky ghosts, unreliable narrators, haunted houses and blood-thirsty vampires - permeates literature of the 19th century. We will also engage with key concepts at the heart of the Gothic, such as the phantasmagoria, the Female Gothic, and Freud’s uncanny.

Because this is an open-entry course, you have some freedom to set your own pace for the reading and writing; however, the minimum required time to complete the course is 8 weeks.

Contact the instructor to request a syllabus.

Instructor: Dr. V. Simpson
Prerequisite: For those students not currently enrolled in a UNB program who may need additional exposure to English before enrolling, please consider taking the University Prep English course first.

  • Students will learn how the Gothic developed as a literary mode, will recognize key Gothic tropes and devices, and will be introduced to concepts, methodologies and theoretical approaches of the Gothic.

  • Students will understand how the significant historical moments of the Victorian period and the fears they occasioned are reflected in the Gothic literature written at the time.

  • Students will develop their critical reading, thinking, and writing skills by interpreting primary texts, making connections between them, and sharing their ideas through written assignments. Students will receive in-depth feedback to help them strengthen their analyses and improve their writing.

  • Students will enhance their research and scholarship skills by identifying a suitable research topic, finding appropriate secondary sources, and writing a final research paper in a Gothic area of their interest.

Students have six months from the registration date to complete the course. All course exams and/or assignments must be completed by the designated end date.

Assignments and examinations

  • Module 1 response paper (15%)
  • Module 2 response paper (15%)
  • Essay proposal (10%)
  • Research essay (30%)
  • Final exam (invigilated, 30%)

The exam for this course will be invigilated on an approved date using Respondus e-proctoring software (LockDown Browser). This is a free tool provided with this course. More information will be given once you have been registered.

Fees and payments

There is a $150 non-refundable/non-transferable online fee per course in addition to applicable tuition & fees. Learn more about our payment options.

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