Managing Substance Abuse in the Workplace - OHS 5065 (formerly COHS 4211)
This course looks at the multiple factors and realities of substance abuse in the workplace, and the role of the OHS supervisor or manager in addressing it. It also provides a process for implementing a culture change in the organization. The course emphasizes education and awareness for supervisors, managers and all staff, resources for treatment and support, and the need for an ongoing communication strategy.
Course price: $675
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Disability Management - OHS 5066 (formerly COHS 4221)
This course lays out the best practices in the field of disability management (DM), and their application to the case and claim management process. The course also outlines the role of OHS professionals and affiliated stakeholders responsible for disability management, and presents appropriate engagement and communication strategies, as well as relevant legislation.
Course price: $675
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Safety in Complex Work Environments - OHS 5067 (formerly COHS 4231)
In this course, you will develop an ability to assess the risks associated with confined spaces and other complex environments, and to develop, communicate, and implement a hazard management program to control these risks. This course is ideal for safety professionals responsible for providing guidance and leadership related to these kinds of risks.
This course provides you with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop and implement an effective risk management system.
Course price: $675
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Working At Elevation - OHS 5068 (formerly COHS 4241)
This course is intended to help you reduce the risks associated with working from elevations. By the end of this course, you will have the ability to develop, implement, and administer a fall protection code of practice in order to effectively communicate appropriate controls that reduce the risk of working from elevations. NOTE: This course is also appropriate for a fall protection program administrator in lieu of, or to complement, a safety practitioner.
Course price: $675
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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - OHS 5069 (formerly COHS 4251)
This course considers all factors involved in the selection, care, and use of PPE, and eliminates the confusion and misunderstanding that can arise when people are confronted with misused or mixed terminology. It examines hazard control and the hierarchy of control in the elimination and control of hazards, and provides an extensive overview of PPE.
Course price: $675
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Program Planning and Wellness in the Workplace - OHS 5070 (formerly COHS 4261)
This course guides you through a multi-step program planning process. To establish a starting point and sense of direction, the course launches with strategies for conducting an employee health assessment and ends with techniques and tools for effective program evaluation.
Course price: $675
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Fatigue Management - OHS 5071 (formerly COHS 4271)
This course will help you better understand fatigue and highlights modern research and knowledge relating to the causes and effects of fatigue. It also includes discussions about fatigue as a safety issue and introduces tools and methods to assess, manage, and mitigate fatigue hazards.
Course price: $675
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Data Driven Decision Making - OHS 5072 (formerly COHS 4291)
In every aspect of our lives, we are both consuming and creating vast amounts of information. However, much of the promise of data-driven approaches within organizations has failed to materialize because managers find it difficult to translate this data into decisive action. This course provides you with tools and techniques you can need to make business decisions with confidence.
Course price: $675
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Understanding Your Leadership - OHS 5073 (formerly CCSL 4510)
Health and Safety leaders play a key role in driving positive change within their organizations. This course will help you assess your current leadership skills and abilities and provide the skills so you can recognize the key requirements of a competent safety leader.
Course price: $675
Course syllabus coming soon
Register for OHS 5073