Canadian Rivers Institute | College of Extended Learning | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Canadian Rivers Institute

We have partnered with the Canadian Rivers Institute to offer two certificate programs.

Featured programs

  • CPTR 1100 online portion
  • CPTR 1101 field practicum

This course is recognized by DFO as an acceptable backpack electrofishing training course.

Register as soon as possible to ensure timely and sufficient access to the online materials before the field practicum.

Note: There are reduced rates for full-time students and NGOs, contact the CABIN training program coordinator for more information.

Register now

  • CABIN Training Program
  • CPTR 1001-1002

The national CABIN team of Environment Canada in partnership with the Canadian Rivers Institute (CRI) at the University of New Brunswick has developed a new online training program to provide interested participants with a nationally standardized protocol for aquatic biomonitoring.

The program will consist of six online learning modules including a field certification workshop.

Note: There are reduced rates for full-time students and NGOs, contact the CABIN training program coordinator for more information.

Register now