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Annual Report 2018

Fourth annual powwow promotes unity

Fourth annual UNB Powwow
Fourth annual UNB Powwow

In April, the Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre (MWC) hosted the fourth annual UNB Powwow in celebration of Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqey and Passamaquoddy languages, teachings, traditions, ceremonies, worldview, knowledge systems and philosophies. UNB sits on unceded and unsurrendered traditional Wolastoqey land.

MWC provides a learning environment for Indigenous students to develop a strong cultural foundation as well as academic and professional skills, and offers opportunities for all UNB students and faculty to become familiar with Mi'kmaq and Wolastoqey histories, cultures, contributions and treaty rights through principles of respect, sharing, harmony, acceptance and unity in diversity.

The powwow’s theme, All My Relations: Unity in Diversity, was designed to acknowledge that UNB is composed of many unique and vibrant cultures that are to be honored and recognized. UNB sits on traditional Wolastoqey land, and celebrating the Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey is of great importance.

“The powwow is a gathering of people to celebrate life, songs, dances, languages and traditions,” says David Perley, director of the Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre.

Each year the event is hosted at the Richard J. CURRIE CENTER and is free and inclusive to all, including students, faculty and the public. The annual event showcases a variety of traditional performance arts during the ceremony, including chanting, dancing and drumming.

These and other cultural elements hold great significance and are a source of pride and identity for Wolastoqey, Mi’kmaq and Passamaquoddy people.

Muskrat Singers served as host drum while Spirit Bear and Hey Cuzzins appeared as guest drum groups. Head female and male dancers were Bronson Acquin-Manisodza and Amanda Reid Rogers. Junior Head female and male dancers were Wambi Martinez and Montana Bear.