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Annual Report 2018

Talent, commitment and achievement

UNB faculty and staff are committed to excellence. They are innovators and mentors whose knowledge and passion inspire and encourage students and others to achieve success, to solve problems, to create change and to follow their dreams. These are just some of the outstanding examples of the champions of the UNB community.

Gail Campbell

Professor Emerita

Dr. Gail Campbell
Dr. Gail Campbell

This past year, Dr. Gail Campbell, professor emerita in history, was awarded the Canadian Committee on Women’s History Prize for the Best Book on Women’s and Gender History. The prize, which is awarded once every two years, recognizes the best book published in the field in English or French in 2016 and 2017.

Women in 19th-century New Brunswick were socially active, politically engaged and cosmopolitan in mindset. These are a few of the captivating themes explored by Dr. Gail Campbell in her award-winning book, ‘I wish to keep a record’: Nineteenth-Century New Brunswick Women Diarists and Their World that builds on Dr. Campbell’s four decades of work as a historical demographer.

The Canadian Committee on Women’s History is a national organization of women’s historians, and an affiliate of the national professional organization for historians – the Canadian Historical Association.

Thierry Chopin

Scientific Director, CIMTAN, Department of Biological Sciences

Dr. Thierry Chopin
Dr. Thierry Chopin

Dr. Thierry Chopin was awarded the distinction of Chevalier (Knight) in the Ordre du Mérite Maritime of France for his work as a researcher, teacher and communicator in the field of marine biology and aquaculture.

Dr. Chopin, born and raised in France, was invested into the Order by Her Excellency, Mrs. Kareen Rispal, Ambassador of France to Canada, at a ceremony at the Consulate General of France in Moncton.

The Ordre du Mérite Maritime (Order of Maritime Merit) was created in 1930 to recognize the services rendered by les gens de mer (seafarers) from different backgrounds, including individuals who have distinguished themselves in the development and the outreach of maritime activities.

The distinction of Chevalier of the Ordre du Mérite Maritime is bestowed in limited numbers each year (280 in 2017).

Emin Civi

Professor, Faculty of Business

Dr. Emin Civi
Dr. Emin Civi

Dr. Emin Civi received the 2018 AAU Anne Marie MacKinnon Educational Leadership Award.

This award, given to one outstanding educational leader in Atlantic Canada each year, recognizes a sustained commitment over an extended period to the improvement of university teaching and learning, within the nominee’s own institution and beyond.

Among other achievements, Dr. Civi has founded a number of programs within the business faculty to propel teaching excellence such as Faculty Teaching Colloquia and MBA Conversation Series, as well as having created mentorship opportunities for professors. To prepare his students for the real world, and to assist small businesses, he introduced a retail clinic and marketing lab in his classes.

In addition to this recent award, Dr. Civi has received the 2017 Neil Scott Educational Leadership Award; the Hormel Meritorious Teaching Award from the Marketing Management Association in the United States in 2016; the AAU Distinguished Teaching Award in 2015; the UNB Teaching Scholar Award from 2012 – 2015, and UNB’s Dr. Allan P. Stuart Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2011.

Joanna Everitt

Professor, Department of History and Politics; Director, Urban and Community Studies Institute

Dr. Joanna Everitt
Dr. Joanna Everitt

Dr. Joanna Everitt was awarded the Angela Hildyard Recognition Award at the Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada (SWAAC) conference.

The award is given to an individual – nominated by colleagues – who continually demonstrates innovative leadership in advancing the mission of, and achieving outstanding contributions to, their institution and/or to higher education. SWAAC is an organization that provides a collective voice for women in leadership positions in post-secondary education in Canada.

Dr. Everitt was also appointed the director of the Urban and Community Studies Institute (UCSI).

The UCSI draws upon faculty members across both campuses to work towards achieving its mission to understand and contribute to community growth and public policy development (particularly in the area of poverty reduction) in New Brunswick.

Ryan Hamilton

Associate professor, Department of Psychology

Dr. Ryan Hamilton with members of the World Junior Hockey team
Dr. Ryan Hamilton with members of the World Junior Hockey team

When he isn’t teaching psychology at UNB, Dr. Ryan Hamilton, (BA’00, MScExSS’03, PhD’11) is helping Canada’s men’s junior hockey team win gold.

Dr. Hamilton helped Team Canada achieve a gold-medal victory at the IIHF World Juniors Ice Hockey Championship in Buffalo, N.Y. by keeping their minds focused and confidence high.

The players face a lot of pressure from family, friends and fans across the country to be victorious and maintain the legacy of Hockey Canada – not to mention the NHL scouts that hold their future careers in their hands.

He worked alongside the staff, coaches, managers and players for 28 days, making sure they were feeling relaxed, focused, and confident in their ability to meet any challenge presented to them.

One of his goals was getting the young players, most of whom had never played together before, to come together as a team – important not only to the game but for easing the pressure players feel. Working as a team and sharing that weight led Team Canada to a 3–1 gold-medal win against Sweden on Jan. 5, 2018.

Nancy Nason-Clark

Retired professor, Department of Sociology

Dr. Nancy Nason-Clark
Dr. Nancy Nason-Clark

Dr. Nancy Nason-Clark was inducted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada – the highest honour a scholar can achieve in the arts, humanities and sciences.

An internationally recognized researcher, Dr. Nason-Clark’s innovative research on religion and domestic violence has altered how academics understand violence in families of faith and how religious leaders are trained to respond. She has received numerous awards for harnessing the academic rigor of her scholarship as the basis of a call for social justice.

She is Canada’s foremost expert on religion and domestic violence. For more than 25 years, her ground-breaking research has pushed scholarly debate in the sociology of religion and gender studies to include religion as part of the solution to abuse.

The Royal Society of Canada was founded in 1882 and comprises the academies of arts, humanities and sciences. Its mission is to recognize scholarly research and artistic excellence, to advise governments and organizations, and to promote a culture of knowledge and innovation in Canada and with other national academies around the world.

Where in the world are our #ProudlyUNB Alumni?

How the UNB Alumni Office re-connected with 6,500+ alumni

Losing touch with alumni after they graduate and leave campus is a common problem in higher education. Particularly in the first few years after graduation, when alumni relocate, change their email address and often their name.

The Alumni Office developed a comprehensive digital marketing campaign to re-connect with lost alumni using a character named Freddy John, who travelled the world in search of our alumni, engaging with them along the way, and putting particular emphasis on collecting updated contact information for our young alumni – aged 35 and younger. The resulting campaign spanned 11 months, 90 countries and over 6,500 contact updates.

With a target goal of 4,000 alumni entries into the contest, it was surpassed by 63 per cent, receiving 6,530 total updates from 90 countries around the world.

Freddy John became the face of the campaign and many of our alumni became quite fond of him, writing and calling our office to ask for a cut-out of Freddy to tour around their home.