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Associated Alumni

UNB Alumni Book Club

Join our virtual community to connect with fellow UNB alumni, faculty and staff as we read and discuss various book genres such as lifelong learning, personal growth, novels and other topics. Participation is free!

How it works

The book club will connect through a private online forum where people can discuss the current book and socialize with each other. The group will spend two months on each book, so you'll have plenty of time to read.

Why should you join?

There are three main reasons we hope you'll be excited to participate in our book club:

  1. Connect with fellow alumni in an online social environment
  2. Discover new books that you might have otherwise completely overlooked
  3. Reading is good for you!

Join the UNB alumni book club


Now reading

The Berry Pickers: A Novel by Amanda Peters (October - December) 

A four-year-old Mi’kmaq girl goes missing from the blueberry fields of Maine, sparking a tragic mystery that haunts the survivors, unravels a community, and remains unsolved for nearly fifty years.

A Note About Our Author, Amanda Peters:
Though Mi’kmaq herself, Peters avoided writing Indigenous stories for years out of concern that she wasn’t raised on a reservation and didn’t speak their tribal language. Writing The Berry Pickers was a way of embracing that part of her identity.

Why It Will Hook You:
Peters’ inspiration for writing The Berry Pickers was in large part from stories her father, a berry picker himself, would share about his days in Maine.