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Associated Alumni

Associated Alumni Student Leadership Award

The Alumni Student Leadership Award is presented each year to undergraduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership through involvement in extracurricular activities on campus and in their community.

This award is funded by the Alumni Association but administered by the Office of Undergraduate Awards.

How to apply

This award is currently open for applications.

Candidates are required to:

Award Details 

Value: $4,000
Number: Variable
Duration: One year
Deadline: April 15
Conditions: Awarded to a student who has completed the normal requirements for at least the second year of an undergraduate degree program, with preference being given to a student entering their final year.

Selection will be made on the basis of evidence of leadership experiences as demonstrated by involvement in extracurricular activities benefiting student life and the surrounding community which indicate the potential to advance the interests of the Associated Alumni after graduation, and successful academic achievement (minimum 3.0 scholarship GPA). Supplementary information may be requested from shortlisted candidates. The recipient may retain this scholarship while enrolled in a UNB articulated degree program and attending the partnering institution.

2024 Award Recipients

Congratulations to the 2024 recipients of the Alumni Student Leadership Award, proudly funded by the UNB Associated Alumni.

Your support matters

Support UNB students by giving to our alumni student award funds