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Associated Alumni

Proudly UNB 2020

On April 3, the UNB Associated Alumni will honour seven distinguished alumni with Proudly UNB Awards. The recipients have made significant contributions in their field of work and/or humanity, have been recognized by their peers or others, and have made extraordinary contributions either through their work, their volunteer efforts or their financial support to UNB.

Alumni Award of Honour
Marc P. Bedard (BBA’74)
Alumni Award of Distinction
Patricia G. Beattie-Huggan (BN'69)
Thomas C. Liston (BBA'96)
Anita M. Naidu (BScEE'05, MScChE'08)
Peter W. H. Pacey (BA'71, MEd'80)
Young Alumni Achievement Award
Caleb L. Grove   (BScME/D-TME'15, ME-TME'17)
Volunteer of the Year
Brian Freeman (BBA'74)

RSVP by Friday, March 2, by clicking here, or by contacting Diane McAdam at (506) 453-4904.