University Skills

NOTE: See the beginning of Section F for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.

UNIV1003Everything I Need to Know in First Year3 ch (3C)

This course, open only to first-year students, provides an introduction to the nature of university education. The course is designed to help new students better understand the learning process and acquire essential academic skills including research and writing skills. The course will support students as they examine challenges common in the university setting.

UNIV1005Service Learning Mentoring3 ch
This course includes combined class and service-learning components that place the enrolled student in a mentoring position with students in a local school. Enrolled students will learn about the social, economic and political challenges facing residents in one of the city’s priority neighbourhoods and what role education can play in alleviating these challenges. In doing so, students will develop a better sense of their role as community citizens as well as a better understanding of their own learning skills through their mentorship of younger students.
UNIV4501Campus Leadership3 ch (3C/S) EL

This course is designed to support campus leaders to enhance their knowledge of leadership theory and campus community; engage in inclusive and equitable leadership practice to support the UNB campuses and build reflective, critical thinking, problem solving, and lifelong learning skills. This course has limited enrolment.  

Prerequisite: 60ch completed or permission from the instructor.