SWRK3001 | Issues in Social Work | 3ch (3C) LE, W |
This course introduces social work research, methodology and theory. Students will be exposed to local community supports to contextualize social work research and theory. |
SWRK3002 | Intercultural Safety & Communication | 3ch (3C) LE, W |
This course prepares students for social work practice with individuals from various cultural backgrounds. Students will learn how to critically consider their own experiences and biases in relation to their professional identity. This course will provide students with an overview of intercultural communication and cultural safety practices and theories. |
SWRK3003 | Social Work Theory and Ethics | 3ch (3C) LE, W |
This course considers the history of social work, as well as the practical and ethical theories used within the profession. |
SWRK3505 | Field Education I | 6ch (1S/5PRAC) EL, LE |
This course develops the professional identity of Social Work students. This Field Education practicum is intended to provide students with an intensive experience in a social work setting. Students must complete 250 hours of practicum and attend the integrated seminar. This course will be graded as Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR). |
SWRK3704 | Wellbing for Care Providers | 3ch (3C/WEB) LE, W |
This course explores holistic wellness and self-care in social justice activism, care work and social work. |
SWRK4005 | Field Education II | 12ch (1S\11PRAC) EL, LE |
This course develops the professional identity of Social Work students. This Field Education practicum is intended to provide students with an intensive experience in a social work setting. Students must complete 450 hours of practicum and attend the integrated seminar. This course will be graded as Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR). |
SWRK4003 | Family and Child Welfare | 3ch (3C) LE, W |
This course emphasizes family and child welfare in a social work context. Students will examine various theories and intervention strategies for families and children. |
SWRK4505 | Special Topics in Social Work | 3ch (3C/S) LE, W |
This course exposes students to emerging trends and topics in social work. Specific topics will be determined at the discretion of the course intructor; examples include ecological social work practices, musical therapy, and remote social work. |
SWRK4607 | Community Capstone Project | 3ch (2c, 1L) EL, LE |
This capstone course broadens students social work capacity and deepens their understanding of professional practice. Projects can range in topic and scope but must include community engagement and communications with local partners. |
SWRK4706 | Indigenous Legislation and Policy | 3ch (3C/WEB) LE, W |
This course provides an overview of policies and legislation pertaining to Indigenous communities and individuals. Students will be encouraged to critically evaluate the colonial systems that created these policies and the subsequent impact that they have had on Indigenous peoples. Prerequisite: Enrolment in the BSW program. |
SWRK2001 | Introduction to Social Work | 3 ch (3C/WEB) W |
Introduction to social work provides an overview of the profession of social work in a Canadian context. Students will have opportunity to explore the history of social work as a profession, review the social work code of ethics, and gain insight in the intersection between social systems and their impact on social services in Canada. These topics are explored through a generalist lens drawn from various intervention locations, theories and approaches ranging from the mirco to macro levels of practice. |
SWRK3004 | Community Social Work | 3ch (3C/WEB) LE, W |
This course provides and overview of community based social work practice. Students will be encouraged to consider the benefits of decolonized social work practice and social justice efforts within the context of structural and oppressive barriers faced by non-profit and community-based organizations. Students will critically evaluate the needs and barriers of oppressed groups while exploring the concepts of community engagement, organization and development. |
SWRK3062 | Direct Practice | 3ch(3C) LE, W |
This course is designed to expose students to the theories and techniques used in clinical social work practice. Supporting the generalist and interdisciplinary focus of the BSW program topics covered may include gender, culture, (dis)ability, socioeconomics, family dynamics, with a focus on individual, group interventions and working within interdisciplinary teams. Students will focus on developing practical skills that will support their future work with individuals, families, groups, and communities. Students have the option of taking PSYC 3362 Introduction to Guidance and Counselling in place of this course. |
SWRK4004 | Social Work in Health | 3ch (3C/WEB) LE, W |
This course will examine the theories, policies, and approaches to social work in health care settings. Focus on establishing a balance between the social work profession as a part of the health system and the service user’s unique needs will be explored. Students will be encouraged to engage in critical reflection, analysis and dialogue to highlight the dominant discourse on health-related issues and social work in this area. This course will cover topics in addictions, mental health, physical health among other topics related to this area of practice. |
SWRK4014 | Social Work Research | 3ch (3C) LE, W |
This course will demystify the process and value of social work research in both academia and practice. Through an introduction to various research designs used to explore social issues students will approach current trends, social issues, and practice areas in social work. Building a link between research methodologies and practice will assist students to incorporate research throughout their careers. Students have the option of taking SOCI 3104 Quantitative Methods in place of this course. |