Business Administration

Course Numbering System

The Faculty of Business uses the following numbering system for courses offered by the School

a. A first digit of:

1 designates an introductory level course.
2 designates an intermediate level course which normally has a prerequisite specified in the course description.
3 designates an advanced level course which has one or more prerequisites specified in the course description.
4 designates an advanced level course which normally has prerequisites. These courses are intended for senior students who have successfully passed a minimum of 75 ch of BBA, BAM or BAMAC course work.

b. The second digit identifies the nature of the course, as follows:

1 general,
2 accounting,
3 marketing,
4 finance,
5 organizational behaviour and management,
6 operations and information management,
7 law,
8 industrial relations and human resource management.

c. The third and fourth digits distinguish different courses in the same field.

Course Offerings

Not all courses listed in this section will be offered each year. The course catalogue must be consulted for courses offered each year.


  1. Students who feel they have the equivalent prerequisite background through a combination of coursework and work experience, may request permission from the instructor.
  2. Students enrolled in BA courses who do not have the stated prerequisites, and who have not been given the permission of the Faculty of Business to remain in the course, will be administratively withdrawn from the course.

NOTE: See the beginning of Section F for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.

BA1213Introduction to Financial Accounting3 ch (3C)

Examines the measurement, recording, and communication of financial information and its use in decision making for business entities. Focuses on the integration of both the theoretical and practical applications of accounting concepts. Credit can onlybe counted for one of BA1213, BA 1215 and BA 1216. 

Prerequisite: MATH 1853 with a minimum grade of C, or enrolment in BEVT, BIDT, or BH programs.

BA1215Introduction to Financial Reporting3 ch (3 WEB)

Examines the use of accounting information within and outside of organizations. Focuses on the impact of business events on financial statements and financial statement analysis. Credit cannot be counted for both BA 1215 and BA 1216. This course cannot count for credit towards the BBA Accounting major.   

Prerequisite: MATH 1853 with a minimum grade of C, or enrolment in BEVT, BINT, BH Admission to or the BHS Respiratory Therapy Program. 

BA1501How Business Works3 ch (3C)

This course provides the student with an accessible, comprehensive and dynamic introduction to business and management in today's globalized world. Through readings, case studies and guest lectures you will explore a wide range of topics, such as: leadership and motivation, what customers want, financial soundness and ethical concerns, and how economic realities affect businesses. Students will also understand business from both a profit and non-profit context. NOTE: Students must enrol in this course prior to completing 30 credit hours of Business (BA) courses. 

BA1605Business Decision Analysis I 3 ch (3C/WEB)

Basic probability concepts, random variables, descriptive measures, properties of distributions, statistical decision theory and Bayesian approaches are introduced. Discrete and continuous probability models and their applications to business problems are also covered.

Prerequisite: MATH 1853 (or equivalent) with a minimum grade of C.

BA2001Business Communications3 ch (3C/WEB) (LE)

Introduces students to topics related to business communications, including preparing research papers and business documents; delivering presentations, interviewing, basic speaking and listening skills, running business meetings; and a number of topical issues related to business communications in the 21st century.

Prerequisite: This course is open to all business students. Students outside of the Faculty of Business may request permission ofthe instructor to attend this class. 

BA2123Introduction to Digital Business3 ch (3C/WEB)

This is an introductory course that reviews and examines key examples and cases of companies that have transformed their business models through the integration of digital technologies and their operations. Cases will be selected to provide a historic overview as well as up-to-date examples of digital transformation across a broad range of industries and business functions. This course will also survey the range of frameworks used to explain digital leadership and maturity.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 18 ch of courses counting towards the BBA program, or permission from the instructor.

BA2223Introduction to Managerial Accounting3 ch (3C/WEB)

Examines the use of accounting information for planning and control in for-profit organizations. Topics include cost-volume-profit analysis, cost allocation, budget planning and control, and performance evaluation. Note: credit will not be granted for both BA2217 and HTM2217. 

Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in either BA 1215 or BA 1216 

BA2303Principles of Marketing3 ch (3C/WEB) (W)

A basic foundation of marketing theory and analysis, providing the basic analytical framework from which to approach the decision-making process and issues related to the marketing function.

BA2501Introduction to International Business3 ch (3C)

The course examines issues and problems which arise when business operations transcend national boundaries. Topics include the dimensions of the contemporary international economy, politics and management. Course examines theories and activities leading toward international trade, investment and management of international firms.

Prerequisites: BA 2504, ECON 1013 and ECON 1023 with a minimum grade of C.

BA2504Introduction to Organizational Behaviour3 ch (3C/WEB)

An introduction to the contributions of the applied behavioural sciences to the study of people at work in organizations. The fundamentals of individual and group behaviour are covered as well as selected topics in motivation, leadership, communication, conflict and organizational change.

BA2606Business Decision Analysis II3 ch (3C/WEB)

Introduction to statistics, statistical techniques used in business situations, sampling theory, estimation, hypothesis testing, Chi-square, t and F distributions, Bayesian inference, association and trend analysis, and their applications.

Prerequisite: BA 1605 with a minimum grade of C.

BA2611Business Data Visualization3ch (3C/WEB)

Communication is one of the most important skills for business leaders. To explain a new idea, to persuade management to take actions, or to achieve consensus with business stakeholders, data is key. This course deals with how to visualize business data for effective communication. Presenting business data in a way that enables one to grasp the implications of the data easily is more important than ever, given that business data is generated at an exponential rate and that more companies are employing evidence-based management. Through hands-on exercises with computer tools frequently used in companies, students will have opportunities to learn how to explore and visualize business data for effective communication.

Prerequisites: Completion of 30 credit hours.
BA2663Technology Trends in Digital Business3 ch (3C)

This course examines the technologies and technological trends driving the digital transformation of business models. The topics covered will reflect both historic and current technologies that are recognized or have the potential to disrupt incumbent business models.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 18ch of courses counting towards the BBA program, or permission of the instructor. 
BA2738Administrative Law (O)3 ch (3C)

Begins with a brief introduction to our Constitutional system. Then the distinctions between judicial, quasi-judicial, and purely discretionary power are developed through cases followed by a study of law relating to notice, the right to a hearing, and the nature of hearings before tribunals. Concludes with an examination of the interposition of judicial review of administrative action and the legal remedies available to protect individual rights adversely affected by the administrative process.

BA2758Employment Law3 ch (3C)

This course examines Canadian employment legislation and its application. Includes a study of laws governing union-management relations, work standards, employment equity, and relevant laws governing recruitment, selection, and employment of personnel. Differences in federal and provincial employment laws will be discussed.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours, or admission to a certificate program within the Faculty of Business.

BA2858Introduction to Human Resources Management3 ch (3C/WEB)

A study of the personnel function within an organization and its relationship to the employees and to the labour market. Includes human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training, performance measurement, wage and salary administration, and job satisfaction. Concludes with a discussion of current issues that affect personnel administration.

Prerequisite: BA 2504 with a mimimum grade of C.

BA2903Work Term Report I1 ch (1 PRAC)

Identifies an opportunity or problem in the workplace, analyzes its source and development, addresses key issues to be considered, offers alternatives and makes recommendations including clear provisions for implementation.

BA3101Special Topics in Business (O)3 ch (3C)

This course examines various issues and events that influence the area of Business Administration. Topics will vary from year to year reflecting contemporary issues and events.

BA3105Improving Healthcare Systems (Cross-Listed with HEAL 3501) 3 ch (3C) EL

Improving Healthcare Systems provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to enhance efficiency and the patient experience in hospital administration. Throughout this course, students will explore creative problem-solving, strategic thinking, and design thinking techniques, all applied to healthcare management. By the end of the course, students will be well-equipped to address the complex challenges of healthcare administration, leading to improved patient experiences and better care outcomes.  

Prerequisites: BA1501 and successful completion of 60ch
BA3123Issues in Business and Society (O)3 ch (3C)

Uses the applied social sciences as a theoretical framework for analyzing the contemporary business organization in its environment. Such topics as business ethics, the social responsibility of business, cultural relativism, and the multinational organization are examined. Examines the many new demands made on business by various groups (e.g. consumers, environmentalists, employees, minorities, anti-technology groups, etc.) and how they affect business decision making.

Prerequisite: BA 2504 with a minimum grade of C and successful completion of 60 ch.

BA3129Business Research Methods3 ch (3C)

Students will learn how to design, conduct and analyze research for making informed business decisions. The course will focus on basic methodologies, qualitative and quantitative methods, data sources, reliability, validity, and other measurement issues, data collection and research design, ethics in research, and report writing and presentation. NOTE: Credit will be given for only one of BA 3129, BA 4319, BA 4829 and HTM 4129.

Prerequisites: BA 1605 and one of BA 2303, BA 2858 or HTM 1103 and co-requisite BA 2606 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3131Creative Problem Solving3 ch (3C) EL
This course introduces the student to a structured creative problem solving process (such as the Simplexity Thinking System, Basadur 1995) as a way to discover new ideas and explore opportunities for today's businesses. Students will work in groups to learn and practice this process using local business problems.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 60 ch
BA3133Business Model Innovation3 ch (3C) EL

This course presents the student an entrepreneurial thinking and methods process with a particular focus on how customer technology and data can be used to re-examine a company's business models and value chain, and drive customer-focused innovation.   

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 60 ch
BA3134Government and Business (O)3 ch (3C)

Examines the technological structure of major industries in order to understand the basis for government intervention. Consideration is given to anti-trust policy, subsidization, utility regulation and government ownership in Canada. The strengths and weaknesses of these techniques are considered. Open to third and fourth year students who have appropriate background in the social sciences.

BA3135Design & Systems Thinking3 ch (3C/WEB) EL

This course presents the student the latest design and systems thinking methods and the fields of experience and service design. Projects and case studies will be used to help develop skills to assist organizations in their digital transformation and maturity. 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 60 ch
BA3136Customer-Focused Innovation3 ch (3C) EL

This course explores how customer (user) data and analytics are being used, along with a multi-disciplined approach, to create new ideas and innovative insights for growing new and old enterprises. 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 60 ch
BA3201Special Topics in Accounting (O)3 ch (3C)

This course examines various issues and events that influence the area of Accounting. Topics will vary from year to year reflecting contemporary issues and events.

BA3215Intermediate Financial Accounting I 3 ch (3C)

Explores accounting principles and practices in more detail than an introductory course. Topics include the definition, measurement, recording, and reporting of assets and income.  

Prerequisites: BA 1213 or BA1216 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3216Intermediate Accounting II3 ch (3C)

Includes an examination of the problems involved in the definition and measurement of liabilities and stockholders’ equity, income taxes and funds flow.

Co-requisite: BA 3215 with a minimum grade of C.
BA3225Intermediate Managerial Accounting3 ch (3C)

Continues the study of accounting for managerial planning and control. Topics include measuring divisional performance, transfer pricing, short-term decision models and revenue variance analysis.

Prerequisites: BA 2217 or BA 2223 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3301Special Topics in Marketing (O)3 ch (3C)

This course examines various issues and events that influence the area of Marketing. Topics will vary from year to year reflecting contemporary issues and events.

BA3304Marketing Management3 ch (3C/WEB) (W)

Covers the application of theory and analytical tools from the marketing management viewpoint. This integrated study will focus upon the analysis and solution of complex marketing problems for a contemporary environment. Topics include industrial, international, not-for-profit marketing; marketing of services, images and causes; and ethical issues.

Prerequisites: BA 2217 and BA 2303 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3305Digital Marketing 3 ch (3C/WEB)

This course examines the integration of digital marketing tools in an organization’s marketing and business strategies. Topics include principles of search-engine optimization, content optimization, social media marketing, and customer service issues.

Prerequisites: BA 2303 and one of BA 2123 or BA 2663 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3310Fundamentals of Modern Professional Sales 3ch (3C) EL, LE, W

This is an introductory course in modern business-to-business professional sales. Through lectures, simulations, cases, and role-playing activities, students learn the role of a professional salesperson in today’s complex selling environment, the steps in the professional sales process, and the techniques and frameworks salespeople use to move through each step successfully. 

Prerequisites: 60ch or BA 2303 
BA3328Consumer Behaviour3 ch (3C/WEB) (W)

Designed to expose a variety of concepts, explain their interrelationships, and develop an understanding of consumer decision making processes. Includes basic individual determinants of consumer behaviour, environmental influences on consumers, purchase processes, post-purchase processes, market segmentation, brand loyalty and message appeals.

Prerequisite: BA 2303 with a minimum grade of C. 

BA3334Retail Marketing 3ch (3C) EL

This course explores key marketing strategies in the retail industry, including consumer behavior, merchandising, pricing, and promotions. Through practical, project-based learning, it applies theoretical knowledge to both traditional and digital retail environments, equipping participants with essential skills for a successful career in the retail industry. 

Prerequisite: BA 2303 with a minimum grade of C. 
BA3339Marketing Communications (A)3 ch (3C) (W)

Examines forms of marketing communications, emphasizing their role in the Canadian environment. Includes basic communications theory related to basic consumer behaviour theory, media availability and selection, promotion channels, personal selling, industry self-regulation, role of government regulation.

Prerequisite: BA 2303 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3371Marketing of Services3 ch (3C) (W)

This course builds on the basic marketing elements to enable the student to contend with marketing problems and opportunities that present themselves in the service industries. The marketing plan and research techniques are applied to actual situations and marketing issues. Cases, industry events and guest lecturers will supplement class lectures and seminars.

Prerequisite: BA 2303 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3401Special Topics in Finance (O)3 ch (3C)

This course examines various issues and events that influence the area of Finance. Topics will vary from year to year reflecting contemporary issues and events.

BA3421Personal Financial Planning3 ch (3C)

The objective of this course is to introduce the students to issues and concepts of personal financial planning, with an emphasis on application to real life situations. Topics include concepts of personal finances, credit, financial resources and controlling your financial future. The focus is to provide tools for students to use in planning their financial futures. 

Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in BA 1215 or BA 1216  

BA3425Managerial Finance3 ch (3C/WEB)

An introduction to the basic tools and techniques for making various financial decisions. Topics include analysis of financial statements, time value of money, bond and stock valuation, basics of risk and return, various capital budgeting techniques, short-term financial planning and working capital management (such as cash, credit and inventory management).

Prerequisite: BA 2217 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3426Corporate Finance3 ch (3C)

Advanced topics in risk and return, cost of capital, advanced concepts in valuation, raising capital, financial leverage and capital structure, dividend policy, leasing, mergers and acquisitions and the basics of financial risk management.

Prerequisite: BA 3425 with a minimum grade of C.
BA3501Special Topics in Organizational Behavior and Management (O)3 ch (3C)

This course examines various issues and events that influence the area of Organizational Behaviour and Management. Topics will vary from year to year reflecting contemporary issues and events.

BA3547Organizational Communication (A)3 ch (3C) (W)

The communication process is explored from the individual, small group, and organizational levels. Topic areas include perception and communication, patterns of miscommunication, the motivational base of communications, and organizational climate and communications. The student is exposed to a variety of communication exercises and cases in order to experience some of the issues and problems in organizational communications.

Prerequisite: BA 2504 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3557The Management of Planned Changed (A)3 ch (3C)

Complex organizations in today's society find themselves immersed in a world of social, political and economic change in which their survival depends on innovation and adaptation. The course familiarizes the student with techniques for diagnosing the need for organization change, ways of designing adaptive organization systems, and the methods and problems of persons functioning as change agents within organizations.

Prerequisite: BA 2504 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3601Special Topics in Operations and Information Management (O)3 ch (3C)

This course examines various issues and events that influence the area of Operations and Information Management. Topics will vary from year to year reflecting contemporary issues and events.

BA3623Management Science: Deterministic Models3 ch (3C)

This course introduces students to deterministic models and solution methods applicable to business problems. Topics such as linear programming, integer programming, network models, project scheduling, inventory models, multi-criteria optimization and application of software packages in solving management science problems will be covered. Credit can only be counted for one of BA 3623 or INDT 3623.

Prerequisites: BA 1605 (or the equivalent), and MATH 1853 or the equivalent with a minimum grade of C.
BA3624Management Science: Probabilistic Models (O)3 ch (3C)

This course introduces students to probalistic models of management science. Topics such as stochastic models, probablistic dynamic programming, queuing theory, simulation, stochastic inventory models, game theory and Markov processes will be covered. Credit can only be counted for one of BA 3624 or INDT 3624.  

Prerequisite: BA 3623 (or the equivalent) with a minimum grade of C.
BA3653Operations Management I3 ch (3C)

This course introduces students to concepts, problems and analysis related to the design, planning, control, and improvement of manufacturing and service operations. Topics such as information flow, operations strategy, product and process design, capacity planning, managing quality, managing inventory, forecasting methods, facilities planning and location decisions will be covered. Credit can only be counted for one of BA 3653 or INDT 3653.  

Prerequisites: BA 3623 and BA 2606 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3654Operations Management II (O)3 ch (3C)

This course is a continuation of BA 3653 with an emphasis on contemporary developments in the field. Topics such as just-in-time, lean systems, supply chain management, resource planning, waiting lines and operations scheduling will be covered.  Credit can only be counted for one of BA 3654 or INDT 3654

Prerequisite: BA 3653 with a minimum grade of C.
BA3661Supply Chain Management (O)3 ch (3C/WEB)

The course objectives are to understand the key elements of a supply chain and the effect of business decisions on supply chain performance. Activities within the supply chain include communication, inventory management, transportation, and the cooperation between buyers and suppliers. Credit can only be conted for one of BA 3661 or INDT 3661.

Prerequisites: BA 1605 and BA 2606 with a minimum grade of C or permission of the Faculty of Business.

BA3672Introduction to Management Information Systems 3 ch (3C/WEB)

This course introduces the essential concepts of management information systems. Several inter-related questions about the use of information technology in organizations are discussed; how information systems can be used by an organization to achieve an advantage over its competition; and the implications of management information systems to business managers (e.g., risks and opportunities). While this course is not primarily about technology, students will also have an opportunity to be exposed to essential tools for managers to analyze business data (e.g., database and Tableau). Credit can only be counted for one of BA 3672 or INDT 3672.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 54 credit hours in any program, or admission to the Certificate in Accounting, or permission of the instructor.
BA3701Special Topics in Law3 ch (3C)

This course examines various issues and events that influence the area of Law directly related to business. Topics will vary from year to year reflecting contemporary issues and events.

BA3705Business Law3 ch (3C/WEB)

Introduction to the Law of Torts, contracts; particularly those relevant to businesses such as debtor/creditor, sale of goods, mortgages, leases, forms of business organizations. 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 60ch. 

BA3715Labour Law (O)3 ch (3C)

Examines Canadian labour legislation and its application. Includes a study of the law governing: union-management relations, collective bargaining, certification, Labour Relations Boards, the legal application of economic pressure, injunctions, strikes, picketing, appeals, and all related remedies. Includes an examination of constitutional differences between Federal and Provincial legislation.

Prerequisite: BA 3813 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3718Legal, Privacy, and Security Issues on the Internet3 ch (3C)

This course deals with the various systems that provide privacy and security on the Internet, as well as the legal issues that arise in electronic commerce and digital business design. Includes an examination of encryption, fire walls, user authentication, as well as copyright of intellectual property and contracts.

Prerequisites: BA 2123 and BA 2663; or BA 2123 and CS 2813, CS 3403, and CS 2513 with a minimum grade of C.

BA3801Special Topics in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management (O)3ch (3C)

This course examines various issues and events that influence the area of Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management. Topics will vary from year to year reflecting contemporary issues and events. 

BA3813Introduction to Industrial Relations3 ch (3C/WEB)

Provides a general introduction to the field of industrial relations. The objectives and values of the various parties involved in collective bargaining in the private and the public sectors are identified. Consideration is given to how these are modified in the bargaining process. The role of industrial conflict and dispute settlement procedures are examined. 

Prerequisites: BA 2858 with a minimum grade of C, and successful completion of 60 ch or admission to the Certificate in Human Resource Management.

BA3903Co-Op Work Term Report II1 ch (1PRAC)

Identifies an opportunity or problem in the workplace, analyzes its source and development, addresses key issues to be considered, offers alternatives and makes recommendations including clear provisions for implementation.

BA4003Independent Study - Digital Business Design3 ch (3C/S)

This course will provide the student with a deepening knowledge in the Digital Business Design area. Under the supervision of a Faculty member, the student will explore topics not available in the regular course offerings. The course may consist of written assignments, oral examinations and written examinations. Students must identify a faculty member who is willing to supervise the course and apply to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies for approval at least 30 days prior to the term in which they wish to undertake the work. Applications are normally approved for students who are in their senior year and who have obtained a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the work of the second and third years.

BA4101Competitive Strategy I3 ch (3C/WEB) (W)

Integrates material from other courses from a top management perspective, including factors that influence decision makers and the decision-making process. Defines strategy. Concentrates on development of strategies for organizations competing in a single industry. Analyzes industry structure and dynamics and resources and processes that enable an organization to develop and sustain competitive advantages. NOTE: credit will not be granted for both BA 4101 and HTM 4101.

Prerequisite: Credit in all courses required for the BBA except BA 3705.

BA4103Independent Study - Management3 ch (3C/S)

This course will provide the student with a deepening knowledge in the Management area. Under the supervision of a Faculty member, the student will explore topics not available in the regular course offerings. The course may consist of written assignments, oral examinations and written examinations. Students must identify a faculty member who is willing to supervise the course and apply to the Director, Undergraduate Studies for approval at least 30 days prior to the term in which they wish to undertake the work. Applications are normally approved for students who are in their senior year and who have obtained a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the work of the second and third years.

BA4107Studies in Small Business3 ch (3C) (W) (LE)

A seminar course designed to acquaint students with the problems of starting and operating a small business. Class discussions focus on actual small business successes and failures. Frequently, local business owners join in discussions. Emphasis is on written and video-taped cases and on a high degree of student participation.

Prerequisites: BA 1215 or BA 1216, and BA 2303, each with a minimum grade of C.
BA4108Management of New Enterprise (A)3 ch (3C) (W) (LE)

A project course designed to allow students to prepare a proposal for starting a new business or to write a case study of an existing enterprise. In the latter case, the business people involved frequently participate in the classroom discussion. Students cannot receive credit for both BA 4108 and BA 4109. 

PrerequisitesBA 4107 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4147Research Report (O)3 ch (3C/S) (W)

This course involves planning and carrying out a research project or a theoretical investigation under the supervision of a faculty member. Wide latitude is given in the selection of topics and in the methods for investigation but all projects must be approved by the Undergraduate Studies Committee before the last day for adding courses in the term. Students must present written reports and defend them before a committee from the Faculty. Applications are normally approved for students who are in their senior year and who have obtained a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the work of the second and third years.

Prerequisite: BA 3129 (or equivalent) and 90ch and permission from the instructor.

BA4148Research Report (O)3 ch (3C) (W)

This course involves planning and carrying out a research project or a theoretical investigation under the supervision of a faculty member. Wide latitude is given in the selection of topics and in the methods for investigation but all projects must be approved by the Undergraduate Studies Committee before the last day for adding courses in the term. Students must present written reports and defend them before a committee from the Faculty. Applications are normally approved for students who are in their senior year and who have obtained a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the work of the second and third years.

PrerequisiteBA 3129 (or equivalent) and 90ch and permission from the instructor.

BA4193International and Comparative Management (O)3 ch (3C)

Introduces and surveys international business and management. Examines the environment in which international business occurs; the role of culture, political systems and level of economic development in differentiation of management patterns; and formation and implementation of global business strategies in the international environment, focusing on political, social and cultural issues.

BA4203Independent Study - Accounting3 ch (3C/S)

This course will provide the student with a deepening knowledge in the Accounting area. Under the supervision of a Faculty member, the student will explore topics not available in the regular course offerings. The course may consist of written assignments, oral examinations and written examinations. Students must identify a faculty member who is willing to supervise the course and apply to the Director, Undergraduate Studies for approval at least 30 days prior to the term in which they wish to undertake the work. Applications are normally approved for students who are in their senior year and who have obtained a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the work of the second and third years.

BA4207Current Accounting Issues3 ch (3C)

Concentrates on the application of accounting theory to contemporary areas in financial reporting. Topics covered vary according to the changing importance of current accounting issues.

Prerequisite: BA 3236 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4215Advanced Financial Accounting I3 ch (3C)

This course includes detailed coverage of Accounting for Debt investments and Equity investments including Business combinations, Equity Accounting, Consolidations and Joint ventures.

Prerequisite:BA 3216 or BA 3236 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4216Advanced Financial Accounting II3 ch (3C)

This course includes detailed coverage of Segmented reporting, Interim reporting, and Foreign Transactions and Hedges, Supplemental reporting through MD&A. Also includes Financial Reporting for Foreign Operations, Non-Profit Entities, Public Sector, and Partnerships. Additional relevant topics may be added as needed.

Prerequisite:BA 3216 or BA 3236 and BA 4215 or BA 4229 with a minimum grade of C.
BA4221Advanced Management Accounting3 ch (3C)

Cost accounting information and its use in managerial control. Deals in detail with cost accumulation, job and process costing, standard costing, and variance analysis. Supplements the material contained in BA 3224. Examines uses of costing techniques in other than manufacturing situations. Uses case material extensively.

Prerequisite: BA 3224 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4223Accounting Information Systems3 ch (3C)

Introduces the important role that accounting information systems play in today’s business world. Emphasizes the accounting information system’s function of collecting, recording, and storing business data in order to produce the information for sound business decisions.

Prerequisite: BA 2217 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4227Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting (O)3 ch (3C)

Students’ knowledge of the role of accountants in managerial planning and control is expanded. The interface between accounting and management science is emphasized.

BA4237Income Taxation3 ch (3C)

This taxation course covers the current Canadian legislation governing both personal and corporate income taxation. Students will be expected to apply their knowledge of the legislation by computing corporate income, income from business, income from property, capital gains and loses and income taxes payable. This course also introduces more complex topics as relevant. Such topics may include corporate reorganizations, distributions and tax planning, etc. 

Prerequisite: BA 3235 (or equivalent) with a minimum grade of C.

BA4242Accounting Theory (A)3 ch (3C)

Focuses on accounting literature, especially with respect to financial reporting and accounting standard setting.

Prerequisite: BA 3235 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4275Auditing3 ch (3C)

Examines the roles, responsibilities and legal liabilities of internal and external auditors in Canada and their professional organizations. Topics developed include internal control systems and their evaluation; audit evidence and problems related to the audit of particular assets, liabilities, capital and income accounts. A brief study is also made of audit procedures and priorities.

PrerequisitesBA 3216 or BA 3236 and BA 4223 or BA 3672 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4303Independent Study - Marketing3 ch (3C/S)

This course will provide the student with a deepening knowledge in the Marketing area. Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student will explore topics not available in the regular course offerings. The course may consist of written assignments, oral examinations and written examinations. Students must identify a faculty member who is willing to supervise the course and apply to the Director, Undergraduate Studies for approval at least 30 days prior to the term in which they wish to undertake the work. Applications are normally approved for students who are in their senior year and who have obtained a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the work of the second and third years.

BA4334Public and Non-Public Marketing (O)3 ch (3C) (W)

Focuses on the application of traditional marketing concepts to the “non-business” sector. Types of organizations studied include government, universities, performing arts groups, charities, political groups and health care facilities. Students are encouraged to specialize in one or two areas of interest through a major project. Class time will be divided among lecture, case discussion and student presentations. 

Prerequisite: BA 3304 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4398International Marketing 3 ch (3C) (W)

Examines planning marketing strategies for international markets including operations of multinational firms. The main purpose is to show how companies entering the global market should analyze international marketing environment, identify different kinds of international opportunities, decide which particular markets to enter, decide how to enter the chosen market, develop marketing mix strategies for the chosen market and develop an effective organization for pursuing international marketing.

Prerequisite: BA 3304 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4437Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (O)3 ch (3C)

Introduces students to a basic knowledge of investment media, security markets, security analysis and the role of financial intermediaries in the investment process. Emphasis on the interpretation of economic indicators and analysis of published financial information in order to select superior investment opportunities. Technical analysis, random walk theory and optimal portfolio selection are covered. Application of quantitative techniques is an essential component of the course.

Prerequisite: BA 3425 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4455Derivatives: Options and Futures3 ch (3C)

This course will examine the evolution of the derivative markets, market micro-structure, trading strategies, pricing models, and risk management using derivative instruments such as futures, options and swaps.

Prerequisite: BA 3425 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4603Independent Study - Quantitative Methods3 ch (3C/S)

This course will provide the student with a deepening knowledge in the Quantitative Methods area. Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student will explore topics not available in the regular course offerings. The course may consist of written assignments, oral examinations and written examinations. Students must identify a faculty member who is willing to supervise the course and apply to the Director, Undergraduate Studies for approval at least 30 days prior to the term in which they wish to undertake the work. Applications are normally approved for students who are in their senior year and who have obtained a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the work of the second and third years.

BA4644Project Management (O)3 ch (3C)

Presents and explores a project management framework. Also illustrates general principles and concepts in the context of information systems development projects.

BA4803Independent Study - Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations 3 ch (3C/S)

This course will provide the student with a deepening knowledge in the Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations area. Under the supervision of a Faculty member, the student will explore topics not available in the regular course offerings. The course may consist of written assignments, oral examinations and written examinations. Students must identify a faculty member who is willing to supervise the course and apply to the Director, Undergraduate Studies for approval at least 30 days prior to the term in which they wish to undertake the work. Applications are normally approved for students who are in their senior year and who have obtained a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the work of the second and third years.

BA4813Negotiations and Dispute Resolutions3 ch (3C)

The aim of this course is to provide an in-depth examination of conflict, negotiation and dispute resolution principles. The course has four specific objectives: to increase students’ understanding of the causes and consequences of conflict, to explore various methods of reducing or resolving conflict, to develop an understanding of the different levels and sources of conflict and to apply negotiation and dispute resolution principles to various aspects of industrial relations.

Prerequisite: BA 3813with a minimum grade of C.

BA4853Recruitment and Selection3 ch (3C)

This course is designed to acquaint students with important issues in the recruitment and selection of employees. The roles of job analysis in the development of selection programs will be stressed. Strategies for effective recruitment will be discussed as will the various selection devices available to organizations. In all cases, the legal context of recruitment and selection will be considered.

Prerequisites: BA 2858 with a minimum grade of C and successful completion of 75 ch, or admission to the Certificate in Human Resource Management, and successful completion of BA 1605, BA 2858, and BA 3813 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4854Training and Development3 ch (3C)

This course is designed to familiarize students with issues and techniques of training in organizations. Emphasis will be placed on an assessment of training needs, instructional methods, and evaluation of training outcomes.

Prerequisites: BA2858 with a minimum grade of C and successful completion of 75 ch, or admission to the Certificate in Human Resource Management and successful completion of BA 1605, BA 2858 and BA 3813 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4855Compensation Structure Development3 ch (3C) (W)

Explores the theory and practice of compensation structure development based on concepts of internal and external equity. Internal equity focuses on assessing the relative worth of different jobs in an organization through job evaluation. External equity involves assigning pay levels to different jobs in an organization based on data collected from wage and salary surveys of competitors. Students are required to apply concepts and techniques discussed in class within a group project that entails developing a compensation structure for a hypothetical company.

Prerequisites: BA 2858 with a minimum grade of C and successful completion of 75 ch, or admission to the Certificate in Human Resource Management and successful completion of BA 1605, BA 2858 and BA 3813 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4856Evaluating and Rewarding Employee Performance3 ch (3C) (W)

Explores the theory and practice of performance appraisal and performance-based pay. Performance appraisal topics include appraisal instruments, sources of appraisal, increasing appraisal accuracy, and conducting appraisal interviews. Performance-based pay topics include traditional merit pay as well as incentive plans, gain sharing, and profit sharing. Students are required to apply concepts and techniques discussed in class within several assignments and/or exercises. 

Prerequisites: BA 2858 with a minimum grade of C and successful completion of 75 ch, or admission to the Certificate in Human Resource Management and successful completion of BA 1605, BA 2858 and BA 3813 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4857Management of Occupational Health and Employee Wellness3 ch (3C/WEB)

A growing number of organizations are realizing that not only is properly managing the occupational health, safety and well-being of employees at all organizational levels right and ethical, it can also be an important competitive advantage. Topics will include, but are not limited to, employee rights and workers’ compensation, the chemical, biological and psychosocial hazards faced by employees and how to recognize, assess and control these hazards. Furthermore, students will be provided with the tools and knowledge to develop workplace wellness and health promotion programs.

Prerequisites: BA 2858 with a minimum grade of C and successful completion of 75 ch, or admission to the Certificate in Human Resource Management and successful completion of BA 1605, BA 2858 and BA 3813 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4866Management of Technology (O)3 ch (3C/WEB)

A study of the critical role that technology, particularly information technology, plays in competition. The emphasis will be on aligning human resources practices and technological and organizational strategies.

Prerequisites: BA 2858 with a minimum grade of C and successful completion of 75 ch, or admission to the Certificate in Human Resource Management and successful completion of BA 1605, BA 2858 and BA 3813 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4898Strategic HRM Policy3 ch (3C) (W)

Explores the formulation and implementation of HRM strategies designed to facilitate the effective and efficient operations of organizations. Students are expected to integrate the material learned in other HRM courses and apply their accumulated knowledge to HRM issues posed in numerous case studies. The course will be taught primarily via case analyses and extensive class discussion.

Prerequisites: All other courses required for the HRM major, including the five compulsory courses BA 2504, BA 2758, BA 2858, BA 3129 and BA 3813 with a minimum grade of C as well as six ch of HRM electives selected from the following courses: BA 4813, BA 4853, BA 4854, BA 4855, BA 4856, BA 4866 with a minimum grade of C.

BA4903Work Term Report III1 ch (1PRAC)

Identifies an opportunity or problem in the workplace, analyzes its source and development, addresses key issues to be considered, offers alternatives and makes recommendations including clear provisions for implementation.

BA4904Business Simulation0 ch (1L)

The course provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their program learning through an engaging, team-based competition using both business cases and software simulations. This course is graded as Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR).   

Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor. 
BA5001Communication in the Healthcare Environment3 ch (3WEB)

Communicating in a fast-paced healthcare environment is often a challenge. Collaborative leadership, team functions, negotiation and conflict resolution will be dicussed using real world examples with particular attention to the role of the supervisor (Charge nurse) and unit manager. NOTE: This course is offered exclusively for students enrolled in the Leadership and Management Certificate for Healthcare Professionals Certificate.

BA5209Introduction to Financial Stewardship in the Non-Profit Sector3 ch (3WEB)
This course focuses on managing resources and evaluating performance when it is not appropriate to attach monetary values to outcomes. It provides a basic understanding of financial reporting for non-profit organizations. Management accounting concepts and techniques applicable to a non-profit organization will also be examined with an emphasis on the budgetary process and budgetary control. NOTE: This course is offered exclusively for students enrolled in the Leadership and Management for Healthcare Professionals Certificate .

Prerequisite: BA 5001 with a minimum grade of C.
BA5504Change Leadership in Healthcare Environments 3 ch (3WEB)
This course explores the principles, trends and issues of leadership in health organizations. Current theories of leadership with attention to styles, tasks, organizational culture and models will be discussed. Through a combination of theory and practical application, participants will gain an understanding of the responsibilities and outcomes of effective leadership and leading change. NOTE: This course is offered exclusively for students enrolled in the Leadership and Management for Healthcare ProfessionalCertificate.
BA5858Introduction to Human Resources in Healthcare3 ch (3WEB)
Introduction to human resources management (HRM) in healthcare provides a broad overview of health human resource management. In this course, students will learn about the theoretical foundations of HRM and will have an opportunity to explore challenges and the best practices of human resource management within the healthcare environment. Some topics include job analysis and design, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, performance management, and onboarding, training and development, and career planning. NOTE: This course is offered exclusively for students enrolled in the Leadership and Management  for Healthcare ProfessionalCertificate.

Prerequisite: BA 5001 with a minimum grade of C.
BA5859Quality Management in Healthcare3 ch (3WEB)
Quality Management in Health Care (QMHC) examines the application of Quality Management (QM) concepts and practices in healthcare. This course will review the basic tenets of Quality Management and its role within an organization to achieve and maintain a desired level of excellence. The course adopts a brand perspective examining the development of policy and strategy as well as implementation and control. This course uses the lens of healthcare to examine the application of QM tools for effective process improvement. NOTE: This course is offered exclusively for students enrolled in the Leadership and Management for Healthcare Professionals Certificate.

Prerequisite: BA 5001 with a minimum grade of C.