Renaissance College
NOTE: See the beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.
LEAD1001 | Leadership Foundations | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
Students are introduced to the philosophical and historical foundations of leadership theory and practice. Furthermore, they study theories and models of leadership. Finally, they explore their own, as well as others’, potential to contribute to leadership processes. The course will focus on developing student skills in academic reading and writing, self-management and presentation in order to enhance their leadership abilities. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP1001 and LEAD1001). |
LEAD1011 | Worldviews, Religions and Cultures | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
This course explores various religious and secular worldviews or philosophies of life, what they are, how they come to expression in our everyday actions and their formative influence on cultures, communities, individuals and particularly people in positions of leadership. To enhance knowledge of self and others, students visit sacred places, explore the worldviews of others and gain critical awareness of their own. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP1011 and LEAD1011). |
LEAD1020 | Canadian Internship Preparation | 0 ch (0C/S) (EL) |
This non-credit interactive course is intended to prepare students for LEAD 2023 –Canadian Internship. This class takes place on an intermittent schedule throughout the fall and winter terms. A mark of CR/NCR is awarded in the second term of the first year. (Students cannot receive credit for RCLP1020 and LEAD1020). |
LEAD1021 | Cultivating Wellbeing | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
Introduces the art and science of cultivating wellbeing and emphasizes the interconnectedness between its individual, social and planetary dimensions. Strategies and practices for wellbeing are discussed in the context of self-mastery and cultivation of the self in leadership. Within this context, the exploration of wellbeing focuses on fostering capacity for authenticity, integrity, eqanimity, positive relationships, resilience, and compassion. Learning activities are designed to identify and strengthen behaviors and habits that contribute to enhanced wellbeing at an indiviual and community level, and develop wellbeing strategies sensitive to the issues of sustainability, ecology and social justice. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP1021 and LEAD1021). |
LEAD1052 | Quantitative Approaches to Problem-Solving | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
The pursuit of knowledge and basic problem-solving requires key skills in numeracy. In this course students learn how to interpret numerical data and statistics, and how to develop a quantitative assessment of strategic choices and outcomes with consideration of social economic, environmental and political forces. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP1052 and LEAD1052). |
LEAD1062 | Citizenship and Community | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
An interdisciplinary examination of the social, ethical and political dimensions of citizenship. In addition to surveying the rights and duties of citizenship in a democratic society, the course reviews different forms of civic engagement in the public domain and key issues surrounding social equality and diversity among citizens. These topics are examined in the context of leadership, focusing on the critical understanding of the various roles that citizens play as members of local, national and global communities. Emphasis is placed on developing and maintaining a broad social and political awareness of the forces and events that shape these communities. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP1062 and LEAD1062). |
LEAD1111 | Introductory Leadership Forum | 9 ch (9C/S) (W) (EL) |
Immerses students in the philosophy and learning outcomes of the BPhil program by providing them with a critical and holistic perspective on leadership and developing their essential academic skills (including information literacy, critical thinking, written and verbal communication). Foundational questions about the nature of knowledge, identity, and ethics will be examined as a means of growing students' capacities to deliberate, learn from diverse perspectives, and work with others. Students will be further introduced to critical theories and core concepts related to socially responsible leadership (such as equality, power, justice) and will engage in projects that relate these concepts to practical challenges faced in contemporary communities and organizations. Emphasis is placed on teaching students how to integrate theoretical and experiential learning in their education, while growing their understanding and appreciation of interdisciplinary approaches to studying complex problems. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP1111 and LEAD1111). Enrolment limited to BPhil students. |
LEAD2001 | Project Management in Community Contexts | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
Students study and practice leadership in the context of diverse communities and national organizations. Initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing a leadership project in an organization of the student’s choice as well as continuous reflection on and evaluation of this project are at the core of this course. The course focuses on developing student skills in project management, communication, and cooperation. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP2001 and LEAD2001). |
LEAD2014 | Democracy and Public Policy in Canada | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
The course explores the different roles that government, law and civil society play in addressing significant social and political problems in Canada. By focusing on a specific current public policy issue, students will examine the interplay between institutions, groups and norms, and develop a critical perspective on democratic life in Canada. (Students cannot receive credit for RCLP2014 and LEAD2014). |
LEAD2023 | Canadian Internship | 12 ch (EL) |
A full-time 12 to 16 week placement in an organization located in Canada where students observe leadership in action, develop their leadership skills, and test their interest and aptitude for a career. With guidance from a mentor at UNB and in the organization, students complete assignments designed to enable them to apply their academic knowledge and critical thinking skills in a work environment while enhancing their professional development. A presentation during the subsequent fall term concludes the internship. Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP2023 and LEAD2023. Prerequisites: RCLP 1001 or LEAD 1001, RCLP 1010 or LEAD 1010, RCLP 1011 or LEAD 1011, RCLP 1021 or LEAD 1021, RCLP 1052 or LEAD 1052, RCLP 1062 or LEAD 1062, RCLP 1111 or LEAD 1111, RCLP 1112 or LEAD 1112; or permission of the instructor. |
LEAD2046 | International Internship Preparation | 0 ch (0C/S) (EL) |
This non-credit interactive course is intended to prepare students for RCLP 3046 - International Internship. This course is offered on an intermittent schedule throughout the fall and winter term. A mark of CR/NCR is awarded in the second term of the second year. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP2046 and LEAD2046). |
LEAD2051 | Research Paradigms and Methods | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
Provides students with the conceptual foundation to understand a broad variety of research paradigms and methods, including the respective epistemologies, values, and ethical considerations embedded within them. It will familiarize students with some key methodologies and tools applied within various traditions, including, but not limited to, community-based research approaches and emerging indigenous research paradigms. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP2051 and LEAD2051). |
LEAD3002 | Leadership in Cross-Cultural Contexts | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
Students study leadership in global and cross-cultural contexts. They engage in cross-cultural projects and study and reflect on the impact of cultural differences and diversity on leadership processes. The course focuses on developing skills in cross-cultural communication and cooperation. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP3002 and LEAD3002). |
LEAD3015 | Democracy and Global Policy | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
This course explores the different role that states, international organizations and civil society play in addressing global social problems. By examining a current global governance issue, students will be introduced to the key institutional and economic features of the international order. They will evaluate opportunities for collective action and develop a critical perspective on systematic challenges to global cooperation. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP3015 and LEAD3015). |
LEAD3030 | Integrated Learning Portfolio | 3 ch (W) |
In this online course, students learn how to construct personal learning portfolios to demonstrate achievement in each of the BIS program's articulated learning outcomes. Students are introduced in to the learning outcomes, the theory and practice of experiential learning, and reflective writing, as they work toward constructing their personal learning portfolio. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP3030 and LEAD3030). |
LEAD3031 | Applied Leadership Project | 3 ch (W) |
In this online course, students are introduced to the framework for an applied leadership project. Students identify an existing leadership challenge within an organization of their choice, research and assess approaches for addressing the challenge, and create a project report detailing the results, including applicable recommendations. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP3031 and LEAD3031). |
LEAD3043 | Science and Society (A) | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) |
This course introduces students to basic precepts of scientific knowledge and thinking and assesses how the scientific worldview has revolutionized our lives individually and collectively on a global scale. Via an interdisciplinary approach it explores topics such as the implications of a scientific worldview, scientific knowledge and literacy, science and religion, Indigenous knowledge systems and modern science, technology and ethical dilemmas, science and the environment, and science and the future. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP3043 and LEAD3043). |
LEAD3046 | International Internship | 12 ch (W) (EL) |
This is a cross-cultural educational experience where students travel in small teams to countries where the culture differs from theirs. For a minimum of 10 weeks they immerse themselves in the communities and complete full-time placements with local non-profit organizations. Students contribute to community efforts in order to: observe and learn with and from local people and communities; appreciate multiple perspectives on issues; understand how others experience situations and decisions; and, evaluate how leadership functions in other cultures and societies. A rigorous preparation and re-entry process as well as a set of assignments help students go through a structured process of inquiry and reflection to build knowledge through experience. A presentation during the subsequent fall term concludes the internship. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP3046 and LEAD3046). Prerequisites: RCLP 2023 or LEAD 2023, RCLP 2046 or LEAD 2046 and RCLP 3002 or LEAD 3002, or permission of the instructor. |
LEAD3051 | Essential Skills for Leadership (O) | 3 ch (3C/S) |
This course explores the roles, responsibilities and challenges involved in effective leadership in both community organizations and workplace settings. Emphasis on is placed on learning activities designed to develop leadership skills, including effective communication, team-building strategies, conflict management and strategic planning. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP3051 and LEAD3051). |
LEAD3053 | Gender and Leadership (O) | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) |
An inter-disciplinary examination of the impact that gender has on people's experience and success in leadership roles, and on the ideal of good leadership itself. This course will explore the causes of unequal representation in positions of power in business organizations and in politics, and it will consider possible ways to close the gender gaps. Other topics examined will include: leadership and the public vs. private dichotomy; masculinity and the leadership ideal; gendered division of labor, gendered barriers to leadership in politics, corporate structures and other organizations. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP3053 and LEAD3053). |
LEAD3054 | Mindfulness (O) | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) |
Mindfulness training cultivates the innate ability to be present; develops calm, concentration, insight and fosters personal growth. Students will examine the theory of mindfulness and engage experientially in a range of practices. They will become increasingly familiar with wisdom of their own minds and bodies, the larger environment in which they live, and the ways mindful leadership may be applied and integrated into their daily, academic and professional lives. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP3054 and LEAD3054). |
LEAD3701 | Special Topics in Leadership | 3 ch |
An in-depth examination of a specific leadership topic. Each topic will be given an appropriate title that will appear on the student's transcripts. Each course will also help students develop competence in one or more of the School of Leadership Studies Learning outcomes. Students may take more than one topic for credit. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP3701 and LEAD3701). |
LEAD4001 | Directed Studies in Interdisciplinary Leadership (O) | 3 ch (W) |
Individualized study of a topic of interest to the student developed in consultation with a faculty member and with approval of the Dean. This course engages students in applied or basic research activities. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4001 and LEAD4001). |
LEAD4002 | Leadership for Social Innovation (O) | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
This course focuses on social innovation from a leadership perspective. With emphasis on self-directed learning, students apply innovative approaches to exploring social problems and their potential solutions in the context of several case studies. Students will develop their understanding of and competencies within topic areas such as: frameworks for social innovation and social entrepreneurship; social value proposition; change leadership frameworks and change management; organizational alternatives; lean canvas methodology; business planning; design thinking; critical perspectives and impact assessment. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4002 and LEAD4002). |
LEAD4003 | Leadership and Foresight (O) | 3 ch (W) |
This course draws from the interdisciplinary fields of leadership and future studies. Students explore diverse futures in the context of various leadership and challenges and different approaches for how organizations, institutions, society and individuals can prepare for them. In particular, students study and apply tools and techniques of strategic foresight that help them understand, conceptualize, and communicate alternative viewpoints of the future. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4003 and LEAD4003). |
LEAD4011 | Worldviews and Leadership (O) | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) |
This course investigates the relationship between worldviews and leadership. It explores a number of prominent leaders, and the beliefs, values and visions that enacted change in the world past and present and can lead to change for the future. This course promotes active learning, encouraging students to develop and articulate beliefs, values and visions for their leadership. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4011 and LEAD4011). |
LEAD4028 | Community Problem-Solving and Research Project | 6 ch (6C/S) (W) (EL) |
Students and faculty collaborate with government agencies and community-based organizations on joint problem-solving in a project-based environment. This two-term course helps students to utilize the knowledge and skills acquired in their previous learning a well as their critical thinking and research skills. Further, students develop confidence as change-makers while also exploring innovative ideas for pressing social, environmental and economic challenges. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4028 and LEAD4028). |
LEAD4031 | Images and Insight (O) | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) |
Questions surrounding how images educate, how they make visible emotional and intellectual content, the effects of the visual on human beings, and the visual as an interdisciplinary approach provide a philosophical basis from which the relationship of visual literacy to leadership is explored and developed. There may be a nominal studio fee associated with this course. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4031 and LEAD4031). |
LEAD4043 | Interdisciplinary Leadership Seminar | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
This capstone course brings together the three key areas of interdisciplinary studies at School of Leadership Studies, leadership theory and practice, worldviews, and public policy. It engages students in further development of their knowledge and understanding of how these three interwoven areas relate to exercising on local, national, and global issues. The course is normally reserved for students in the final leadership year of their BPhil studies, and serves as prerequisite for LEAD 4045 Learning Portfolio, open to other students with permission of the instructor. Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4043 and LEAD4043). |
LEAD4045 | Learning Portfolio | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) (EL) |
This course prepares students to create a summative portfolio that demonstrates their learning in regard to the SLS Learning Outcomes. The portfolio will reflect their learning from course work, including internships and relevant extra-curricular activities. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4045 and LEAD4045). Prerequisites: RCLP 4043 or LEAD. |
LEAD4997 | Leadership Practicum (O) | 1, 2 or 3 ch |
The opportunity to gain leadership skills, training and experience through significant involvement in leading, directing, coaching and/or managing groups or individuals in the community or on campus. Each credit hour requires at least 40 hours of leadership and learning activities. Students must receive Dean’s approval. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4997 and LEAD4997). |
LEAD4010 | Systems Thinking | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Introduces systems thinking as an ontological approach to analyzing societies, organizations, and leadership situations. Examines how systems thinking has influenced the natural and social sciences, and what its implications are for the study of leadership. Systems-based analytical tools are introduced and applied to investigating systems that are at the root of persistent challenges affecting the globe today, such as climate change, homelessness and racism. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4010 and LEAD4010). |
LEAD4012 | Ethics of Leadership | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Introduces a variety of ethical theories and their application to the role and challenges of leadership. Examines key limitations of the human mind in high-stakes, high-stress decision-making contexts, and provides practice in ethical analysis and decision-making as it applies to private, workplace-based, and public life, with the help of an ethical decision-making tool. (Students cannot receive credit for both RCLP4012 and LEAD4012). |