Introductory Level Courses
HIST1001 | Past into Present (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
History starts here, with the news and public debates of today. This general interest course examines how our understanding of the world we live in is shaped by our knowledge of history. The course is divided into two or three modules (depending on available instructors), which will vary from year to year, and will range in focus from world crises to popular culture. |
HIST1002 | The World Since 1945 (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
This general interest course examines major themes in global history since the end of the Second World War. Topics to be examined include the origins, evolution, and end of the Cold War; the emergence of new nations in Africa and Asia; comparative social change; cultural revolutions and the status of women; and recent responses to globalization and armed conflict. |
HIST1004 | War in the Modern World (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
This general interest course analyzes the history of a current conflict by exploring the domestic and international contexts and options for ending the conflict. Combines lectures, discussion and simulations, to examine the role of allies, armies, paramilitaries, agents provocateurs, multinational corporations, non-government organizations and the United Nations. |
HIST1007 | History of the Body (Cross-listed: GWS 1007) (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Examine how the body has been imagined, experienced, controlled, and understood, both historically and today, by art, medicine, technology, religion, science and popular culture. Considers the sexualized and pregnant body, the sinful and diseased body, the aesthetic and the medicalized body, and the body as machine from Galen and Descartes to the age of the computer, the cyborg and the gene. NOTE: Credit cannot be counted for both HIST 1007 and GWS 1007. |
HIST1008 | Belief Systems in Medieval Europe (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Surveys the 'mental worlds' of Europeans between the fall of the Roman Empire (c. 400 A.D.) and the beginning of the early modern period (c. 1500). What were the beliefs and worldviews of medieval people? What did they value? What did they fear? What were they willing to do to stay safe, to feel their lives mattered, to be happy? And how did this change over time? While the Christian faith was the lodestone of most Europeans' lives, some took paths that were feared or condemned by the Church and society. The focus is on the ways in which such heterodox ideas and practices laid the groundwork for the formation of a more modern mindset. |
HIST1009 | Epidemic Disease from the Middle Ages to the Present (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Explores the changing perceptions of epidemic disease from the 14th Century to the present day. By focusing on infectious illnesses such as plague, smallpox, cholera, influenza, and COVID-19, our examination considers various socio-cultural, medical, and governmental responses to epidemics (and pandemics). Particular attention is given to both change and continuity over time, posing (and seeking answers to) questions such as: how have explanations of and responses to epidemic disease changed over time; how have they remained the same; to what extent, and why? |
HIST1133 | Rome: The Eternal City II (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
This general interest course provides an introduction to the history of Rome from the Baroque period to the modern age. Normally taught on location. May not be taken by students who have taken HIST 2133 or HIST 3133. |
HIST1135 | Italy Today (O) | 3 ch (3S) (W) (EL) |
HIST1305 | Prohibition and Rum-running in Canada, 1827-1948 (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
This general interest course introduces the historical method while exploring the controversial theme of prohibition. Examines both protagonists in the struggle: prohibitionists, whose ideology was rooted in evangelical religion and an early strain of feminism, and the "Rummies" who fought to preserve a recreational drinking culture and the economic opportunities that it made possible. |
HIST1315 | Canadian History on Film (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
This general interest course introduces the challenges of studying history on film by examining selected themes in Canadian history and their representation in documentary and dramatic films. |
HIST1325 | Canada since 1945 (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
This general interest course addresses the major issues of contemporary Canadian history, including post-war reconstruction, the emergence of the welfare state, the Quiet Revolution in Quebec, Canadian external relations, immigration policy, regional disparity, political leadership, and national identity. Restriction: Not available for credit to students who have taken HIST 2325 . |
HIST1415 | Indigenous People in Pop Culture | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Examine how Indigenous people have been portrayed in the popular cultures of Canada and the United States through film, television, literature, music, material culture, and sports. Explore topics such as the ‘romanticization’ of Indigenous cultures, the relationship between stereotypes and racism, the rhetoric of resource development, and Indigenous resistance to misrepresentation. Normally taught online. |
HIST1451 | The American Presidential Election in Historial Context (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
This political history course introduces students to some of the key issues surrounding each U.S. presidential campaign. Offered every four years to correspond with the American Presidential election cycle, it will normally be co-taught with Political Science. NOTE: Students cannot obtain credit for both HIST 1451 and POLS 1451. |
HIST1615 | Resist, Rebel, Revolt: A Global History of Uprisings (O) | 3 ch (W) |
HIST1625 | The Spy in History (O) | 3 ch (3C) |
HIST1715 | Looking at the Past: Art, Culture, and Activism (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Examines the history of art, artists, and culture in resisting colonialism, heterosexism, and capitalism. Considers a variety of artists across historical periods who use traditional artforms such as painting and drawing; contemporary forms such as performance art, video, film, television, and internet art; installation art in museums and public exhibitions; site-specific and environmental art; and radical activist art to challenge the status quo in a variety of historical and geographic contexts. Restriction: Not available for credit to students who have taken HIST 2715 . |
HIST1825 | "Nothing Civil About It" : Civil Wars Since 1900 (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |