Honours History Seminars

History Honours students require the approval of the departmental Director of Honours to enroll in these courses. Other students wishing to enroll in an Honours Seminar must have the approval of the instructor concerned and the Director of Honours.

HIST5007Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Europe (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Discusses themes and theories in the history of gender and sexuality in twentieth-century Europe.  Examines such topics as “deviant” sexualities at the fin-de-siècle; gender upheaval in the First World War; the “New Woman” of the 1920s; gender and race in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy; sexual violence in war and genocide; the evolution of the homosexual rights movement; prostitution and the international sex trade; and debates over birth control and maternalism in modern society.
HIST5028Fascism (A)3 ch (3S) (W)

Examines the rise of fascist movements and the development of fascist regimes in twentieth-century Europe. Topics to be covered include: the social and cultural roots of fascism, the impact of the First World War, the structures of dictatorship, society and culture under the fascist regimes, racial policy, foreign policy and war, and neo-fascism after 1945. While the course pays particular attention to Italian Fascism and German Nazism, other movements and regimes will be considered. Restriction: Students who have taken HIST 5026 and HIST 5027 may not take this seminar for credit. 

HIST5032France in Crisis, 1930 - 1945 (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Examines the history of France during the "Dark Years", when the country was beset with sharp political divisions and faced Nazi invasion and occupation. Topics to be covered include: political conflict in the 1930s; explaining the defeat of 1940; the rise of the Vichy Regime and the National Revolution; collaboration with the Third Reich and the persecution of minorities; the lives of women and men under foreign occupation; the fate of the French colonial empire; the rise of the Resistance; and the Liberation of France and its aftermath.
HIST5035The Holocaust (A)3 ch (3S) (W)

A study of "the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem", the program of genocide developed by German National Socialists against the Jews of Europe from 1933 to 1945.

HIST5102The Mental World of Europeans, 1300-1600 (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Examines the "mental world" of late medieval/early modern Europeans using the most recent research in the field. Introduces students to the latest studies of popular culture, mentalité, and the "new social history", as applied to Europe. Topics of interest include: the debate over popular vs. elite culture; the universe as conceived by both learned and unlearned; the differences between "popular" Christianity and official religion; the relationship between magic, religion and science; beliefs about illness, health and medicine; views of death and the afterlife; and others.

HIST5103Gender, Race and Disease in the Early Modern Atlantic World (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Investigates early modern gender, race and disease through the movements, interactions, and exchanges between peoples of the Atlantic World (specifically, Europe, Africa, and the Americas) during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Themes include: disease and "the body"; climates and geographies of ill health; trade, empire, and disease environments; constitution, complexion and "race"; gender and sexuality. 

HIST5104Atlantic Revolutions, 1763-1848 (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Between 1763 and 1848 social and political upheavals – including the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Haitian Revolution, and revolutions in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires – shook the Atlantic World. Slave revolts in the Caribbean and North America fed debates on slavery, and reformers in British North America debated local democracy and responsible government. This course focuses on the revolutions and reform movements that transformed the Americas, the imperial circumstances that engendered them, and the diverse communities and constituencies that shaped them and were in turn shaped by them:  rebels and loyalists, reformers and conservatives, indigenous nations, and enslaved Africans and their descendants.
HIST5275Health and Medicine in Early Modern England (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Investigates the social, intellectual, and economic dimensions of early modern English health and medicine, circa 1500-1800. Themes include: knowledge and practice; medical expertise (lay and commercial); the medical marketplace; patient-doctor relationships; the role of the hospital. Considers how factors such as age, gender, and socio-economic status, as well as family and community, shaped various aspects of health and healthcare in England from the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries. 

HIST5305Capitalism in Canada, 1763-1990 (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Explores the cultural, economic, and social aspects of capitalism in Canada from the 1763 Royal Proclamation to the 1990 "Oka Crisis." Topics include: settler colonial appropriation of Indigenous territories, global finance capitalism in Canada, resource extraction and development, and market cultures.
HIST5312Native Peoples and Canadian and American State Policy, 1824-1982 (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Examines the different ways in which the Canadian and American governments have attempted to deal with Native peoples living inside their borders. Particular attention is paid to the ideological underpinnings of government policy, the various legislative acts defining the relationship between the immigrant societies and Native peoples, and the responses of Native peoples to government initiatives. 

HIST5315Working to Live and Living to Work: Community, Family and Labour in Canada (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Explores major themes in the formation of Canadian society through a critical examination of issues and debates around family, work and community. We review the pre-industrial, industrial and post-Second World War periods to provide a framework for analyzing recurrent issues around labour and family life in Canada. More specifically, we consider how these historical moments were experienced by diverse groups of people living in Canada. We will work within the broader context of Canadian Studies, Social, Labour and Women’s histories.
HIST5334Policing in Canada, 1763 - present (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Examines the rise of the Canadian settler state through the lens of surveillance and policing. Looks at the relationship between capitalism, liberalism, and settler colonialism. Topics include state surveillance of labour movements, Indigenous resistance to Canadian imperialism, and Black liberation. Also examines settler state methods used to quell resistance such as appropriating sites of resistance into dominant power structures, violent suppression, restriction of movement, and the creation of a security apparatus to police Black, Indigenous, and otherwise racialized people.
HIST5342Environmental History of North America (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Examines the interaction of the peoples of Canada and the United States with the natural environment. Topics include the theory and methodology of environmental history, changing patterns of land use, resource depletion and industrial migration, the environmental implications of urbanization, and the intellectual and institutional development of the conservation/environmental movement.


HIST5345Natural Resources, Industrialization and the Environment in Atlantic Canada (A)3 ch (3S) (W)

Explores the political, economic and environmental implications of the dependence on natural resources in Atlantic Canada, through an examination of the historical development of the forest, fishing, agricultural and mining industries from the eighteenth century to the post-Second World War period.

HIST5353Canadian Women's History (A)3 ch (3S) (W)

This seminar is designed to encourage students to think about relevant topics and approaches to the history of women in Canada. Using both primary and secondary materials, the seminar focuses on themes drawn from the 19th and 20th century. Themes include, but are not limited to: major approaches to Canadian women’s history; historiography; women’s work and family lives; women and politics, migration/immigration; aboriginal women’s lives; women’s experiences of war; social reform movements; women in professions; women and health; feminism. 

HIST5381Health and Disease in Historical Perspective (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Focuses on nineteenth and twentieth century understandings of health and disease in North America. Stresses how gender, class, race/ethnicity affect historical understandings of disease. 

HIST5388Understanding the Virtual Past; Making Digital History (A)3 ch (3S) (W) (EL)

Introduces students to the emerging fields of digital history and virtual museum studies by combining theoretical readings with practical content on the creation and maintenance of digital archives and web design. At the end of this course students will be familiar with the ways in which historical documents, artifacts and other materials can be framed and reframed digitally to allow for new readings and interactions between them. Depending on enrollments from year to year, this course will have students digitize historical sources; create interactive websites; and prepare written assignments on the digitization process and the ways in which new media create and shape historical consciousness.

HIST5403The Loyalists3 ch (3S) (W)

Studies the Loyalists during the American Revolution and in exile in British North America, Great Britain, Sierra Leone, Bermuda, the Bahamas, the British West Indies and Central America. Also considers their long-term political and social role particularly in Canada, including the Loyalist myth. One week devoted to local Loyalist remains such as - houses, and museum and art gallery holdings, etc.

HIST5445The United States in the Progressive Era, 1890-1920 (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Considers a variety of themes in the history of the United States in the late-19th and early 20th Centuries. These include populism, imperialism, progressivism, radical politics, and the controversy surrounding the intervention of the United States in the First World War. How did Americans and their institutions respond to the rapid industrialization and modernization of these years?

HIST5449Salem 1692-1693 (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Explores the different scholarly interpretations of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, focusing on the ways in which historians have analyzed the trials. Compares and contrasts the approaches of social, gender, economic, intellectual, and cultural historians as they have tried to make sense of this fascinating episode in North American colonial history.
HIST5455African American Culture and Politics, 1890-1940 (O)3 ch (3C) (W)
Explore the intellectual, cultural, and political history of African America during the Jim Crow Era. Topics include the Atlanta Compromise, the Niagara Movement, the rise of civil rights organizations (e.g., the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Urban League), the Great Migration, the Black Left, Marcus Garvey and Black nationalism, spirituals, the blues, ragtime, jazz, the Harlem Renaissance, and African America during the Great Depression. Our focus is on resistance and resilience, both as shaped by 'race leaders' such as Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. DuBois, and A. Philip Randolph, and as experienced by ordinary African Americans.
HIST5456African American Culture and Politics, 1940-1990 (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Explores the intellectual, cultural, and political history of African America during the Civil Rights era and beyond. Topics include the March on Washington Movement, the Black church, the mainstream Freedom Movement, non-violent direct action, the Nation of Islam, anti-colonialism, Black Power and Afrocentrism, as well as such cultural phenomena as freedom songs, free jazz, the Black Arts Movement, soul and funk, blaxploitation, and hip hop. Considers the ideas and influence of a variety of African American luminaries, including Martin Luther King, Jr., Ella Baker, James Baldwin, Nina Simone, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Archie Shepp, Amiri Baraka, Marvin Gaye, Larry Neal, Angela Davis, Jesse Jackson, bell hooks, and Mumia Abu-Jamal.
HIST5459Watergate: Political Scandal in Contemporary America (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
On June 17, 1972 five men were arrested after they broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Office complex in Washington, D.C. The investigation that followed and the cover-up in response to it eventually brought down the presidency of Richard M. Nixon. This course examines the stories of Watergate at they evolved in historical consciousness of Americans. Throughout the semester we will explore the various interpretations of the scandal as it unfolded, and the ways in which these interpretations have changed over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries.
HIST5469The Surveillance State: A History in National Security Agency (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Explores the history of the National Security Agency. The NSA is an American intelligence and counter-intelligence organization responsible for the global monitoring, collection and processing of signals intelligence (SIGINT). President Harry Truman set up the NSA in 1952. Today it is probably the largest intelligence organization in the world. However, until recently, very little was known about the organization. Indeed, until the mid 1970s very few people knew of its existence. This course will focus on how and why our understanding of the agency has evolved over the last thirty years.
HIST5475Modernist Manhattan (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Explores the innovations and institutions that made New York City the epicentre of North American modernism. Considers a range of cultural products and processes, including bohemianism, literary and visual culture, the cross-fertilization of "black" and "white" forms and traditions, improvisation and the jazz scene, the grounding of critical authority, the politics of authenticity, and the interplay between the avant-garde and the popular. 

HIST5555Directed Research Seminar (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
This Honours Seminar provides an in-depth introduction to primary source research in a field of history using a body of documents from the professor's area of specialization and of his or her choosing.
HIST5605Freedom on Trial: Slavery, Violence, and the Law (O) 3 ch (3S) (W)

This course explores histories of slavery and the law throughout the Caribbean and North America from European conquest in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to the abolition of slavery in the nineteenth century. We will read primary sources, including slave laws, trial transcripts, treatises, and first-person narratives. Topics include: indigenous forced labour regimes; slave laws; crime and punishment; manumission; the legal position of free persons of African descent; abolition and the meaning of freedom; the transatlantic slave trade and international law; and the origins of human rights.

HIST5606The African Diaspora and the Atlantic World, 1492-Present (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
What is the African Diaspora? What is the Atlantic World? How do these approaches to the histories of colonialism, slavery, and trade complement and/or differ from each other? Is the Black Atlantic synonymous with the African Diaspora? This Honours seminar will engage with critiques of the concepts of the ‘Atlantic World’ and ‘Black Atlantic’ and question whether such terms are useful in conceptualizing blackness in transnational and global terms. The course will introduce students to thinking about the relationship between historiography on the one hand, and the context for the production of that historiography: 20th- and 21st-century political struggles and the race, class, and gender transformations of academia.
HIST5607The Haitian Revolution (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
This honours seminar examines the Haitian (Saint Domingue) Revolution (1791-1804), the largest and arguably only successful anti-colonial slave rebellion in the western hemisphere, which transformed the French colony of Saint Domingue, the richest colony in the Caribbean, into the independent state of Haiti. It places the Haitian Revolution within the "Age of Revolutions" (1776-1848), while re-centering it within its own narrative, not as an echo of those that preceded it. By reading a combination of primary and secondary sources, we will trace how the revolution unfolded and the ideologies that inspired it,  anti-colonialism, anti-slavery, democracy, freedom, and university of human rights. This course will explore this enormously complex event, its powerful impact on the modern world, including Latin America, the US, France, and Britain, and its place in modern historical memory.
HIST5702Histories of Art, Place, and Popular Culture (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Examines the interconnected histories of place, artistic practice, and popular resistance. Focuses on rural, poor, and racialized experiences of place and popular culture, to centre the ways in which resistant populations across the globe have used art and culture to critique and resist capitalism, war and violence, colonialism, and heterosexism, and to foreground ecological, feminist, queer, Indigenous, Black, and racialized creative practice according to their site-specific contexts. Explores everyday intersections and solidarities across varied popular resistances and historical periods. 

HIST5725Colonialism on Display (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Traces colonial histories of display and representation by entering the experiences of Indigenous, Black, and racialized individuals and communities. Critiques the racist colonial histories of European and European-descended collecting practices, such as "cabinets of curiosities," public museums, world's fairs, art galleries, and educational and scientific venues, moving to more contemporary contexts that include ethnographic film and internet culture. Focuses on creative strategies of anti-colonial and decolonial resistance in the work of artists, curators, museum professionals, and filmmakers.

HIST5803The First World War (O)3 ch (3S) (W)

Reviews the key points of controversy surrounding the origins, personalities and conduct of the war on the Western Front. Particular attention will be paid to the role of the British Expeditionary Force, of which the Canadian Expeditionary Force was an increasingly important part.

HIST5804The Second World War (A)3 ch (3S) (W)

Examines key events and issues of the military campaigns of the Second World War, and wrestles with how historians and writers of memoirs have portrayed them. Provides a survey of the major historical problems surrounding the conduct of the war, including: the collapse of the West, the German invasion of Russia, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, area bombing, Normandy, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

HIST5815The Study of War since 1945 (A)3 ch (3S) (W)

Examines the conduct of war since 1945 through an exploration of the literature on war in theory and practice. Course will focus on the interaction of strategic theory and doctrine, technology, and society in conventional and revolutionary war.

HIST5901The Nature of History3 ch (3S) (W)

This course is compulsory for third-year Single Honours students. It introduces them to the nature of historical discipline, examining the evolution of historical writing and method, research skills and techniques, questions relating to the philosophy of history and the application of history in the community. Normally open to History Honours students only. NOTE: Not available for credit to students who have completed HIST 5900. Requires the permission of the Director of Honours.

HIST5915Fourth-Year Advanced Seminar3 ch (3S) (W)
The advanced seminar allows select students to participate in one of the seminars offered to History graduate students for Honours credit. Normally open to History Honours students in the final year of the their studies with the approval of the course instructor and the department.
HIST5920Honours Thesis6 ch (R) (W)

A reading and research course open to exceptional Honours students in their fourth year which should be used to produce an Honours Thesis. NOTE: Permission to take this course must be sought from the professor in the desired field and the project must be approved by the department. This course may be used as an alternative to a seminar in the fourth year. It requires a CGPA of at least 3.6 in History courses for admission.

HIST5013German Empires from Settler Colonialsim to Nazism (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Explore the German global empire to investigate themes in the history of settler colonialism, including power and governance, violence and war, race, science and eugenics, and gender and sexuality. Examine connections between genocide in Namibia and Europe and consider scholarly debates around chage and continuity in German history. Consider contemporary debates in Namibia, Tanzania, Cameroon, Samoa, and Germany around financial restitution and official apoligies, educaiton curricula, public memory, and museum exhibits.
HIST5125Making Race in the Early Modern Spanish World (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Examine how the concept of race was naturalized and documented in the early modern Spanish world using sources from Iberia, Mexico, South America, and the Philippines from the fifteenth through eighteenth centruies. Explore topics of religious difference, colonization, slavery and resistance, legal status, and racialized thinking about bodies, sex, gender, and society. Analyze contemporary ideas about blood purity, Blackness, indigeneity, mestizaje, and connections between claims of whiteness and structures of power. Consider ongoing scholarly debates on histories of race, such as how race operates as a category in diverse colonial settings.
HIST5550Directed Reading Course/Practicum6 ch (3C) (W)

A detailed study of a specific historical topic. Working under direction of a member of the Department or an associate of the Department, the student will complete directed readings, written assignments and/or practicum requirements. NOTE: Permission of the instructor and the Department.

HIST5554Directed Reading Course/Practicum3 ch (3C) (W) (EL)

A detailed study of a specific historical topic. Working under the direction of a member of the Department or an associate of the Department, the student will complete directed readings, written assignments and/or practicum requirements. NOTE: Permission of the instructor and the Department.

HIST5145Microhistories (O)3 ch (3S) (W)
Explore how scholars use microhistory, a subdiscipline that focuses on a specific person, event, or other small-scale topic, to illuminate broader historical themes and processes and understand the past. Examine local and global encounters that connect diverse historical subjects. Read a range of stories and gain exposure to a variety of historiographical debates to identify different approaches to writing history. NOTE: Open to Honours students. 
HIST5308The Practice of Oral History (O)3 ch (3S) (W) (EL)
Explore how the interdisciplinary practice of oral history evolved into a field of inquiry spanning artistic creation, community-based activist work, digital storytelling, truth and reconciliation, and academic research. Delve into the methodology, theory, and ethics of oral history interviewing, and design oral history projects. Learn the practical aspects of oral history work, including transcription, interviewing techniques, and the challenges of research dissemination. NOTE: Open to Honours students. 
HIST5435US Foreign Relations since 1898 (O) 3 ch (3S) (W)
Consider the history and historiography of global encounters between Americans and other peoples, from the war against Spain in the late nineteenth century to the war against terrorism in the early twenty-first century. Analyse scholarship in this reading-intensive seminar to understand controversial events and how they have been interpreted by historians. Learn a variety of approaches to the study of international affairs. NOTE: Open to Honours students.