Canadian History

HIST3311Acadie and the Atlantic World, 1604 - 1763 (O)3 ch (2C 1T) (W)
Early modern Acadie is often discussed as backwater, a remote border territory with isolated residents. Yet beyond the image of pastoral farmland and simple villagers, the pre-deportation history of Acadians is rich and diverse. It includes torrid family dramas, political intrigues, a witchcraft trial, and connections throughout the Atlantic world. Examines the development of Acadie from the first French settlement in 1604 through its expansion and eventual destruction by British colonial officials.
HIST3316Immigration and Identity in Canadian History3 ch (2C 1T) (W)

Examines the changing pattern of immigration to Canada from the early seventeenth century to the present, and the contribution of the various immigrant groups to the creation of a sense of Canadian identity.

HIST3326Gender, Health and Medicine (A)3 ch (3C) (W)

Explores the social history of health, disease, caregiving, and medical practice from a gender perspective. Will focus on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Canada and the United States. Classes will be arranged to allow for the thematic discussions on the topics such as changing beauty ideals and their link to "wellness", notions of physical "fitness" and health promotion, the medicalization of life cycle events such as puberty and child bearing/rearing, as well as the gendered experiences of a wide variety of health care-providers and patients involved in clinical encounters over the last two centuries. Intended for a multi-disciplinary cohort of students.

HIST3327Science, Medicine and Health Care in Canada (A)3 ch (3C) (W)

This course explores the history of health and health care in Canada, from the era of the First Nations' initial contact with Europeans, to the present day. Topics include: Aboriginal and European conceptions of health and illness; the impact of western infectious diseases on First Nations society; the health implications of rapid industrialization in the nineteenth century; the role of the state in sanitary reform and public health; the emergence of the medical and nursing professions; Canadian scientific research in medicine; the Canadian eugenics movement; and the origins and development of universal health care in the twentieth century. Race, class, gender, alternative medicine, and regional inequality will feature in small group discussions.

HIST3331Canadian Capitalism (O)3 ch (3C) (W)

Examines the emergence of a distinct Canadian capitalism from the Royal Proclamation of 1763 (that in part established a system to appropriate Indigenous homelands) to our contemporary moment. Topics include racialized chattel slavery, the creation of private property, treaties and treaty rights, industrialisation and workers’ rights, class and soldiers in the two world wars, labour movements and general strikes, class-based eugenics movements, policing, and the struggles of Indigenous land and water defenders.

HIST3344Exploring the Rural in Canadian History (O)3 ch (3C) (W)
Canada was a predominantly rural society until the mid-20th century, and rural life, work, and culture have left an indelible mark on it. Explores the history of rural Canada on its own terms and in the various ways it influenced Canadian history more broadly. Focuses particularly on the development of rural economies, political and class tensions in rural society, the rural response to industrialization and technological innovation, and the impact of the rural on Canadian culture.
HIST3355Nature, Culture and the Canadian Environment (O)3 ch (3C) (W)

Examines the relationship of humans in their environment from the end of the last glacial period to the late 20th century. Topics include the impact of climate on the development of Canadian society, the evolution of human-animal relationships, changing ideas about nature, and political discourse on and regulatory solutions to pollution and other forms of environmental degradation. 

HIST3364History of Canadian-American Relations (O)3 ch (3C) (W)

Surveys the evolving relationship between Canada and the United States from the American Revolution to the Free Trade Agreement. Stresses the twentieth century when Canada gained autonomy over external affairs. Beside the major political and economic components of the relationship, the course also examines cultural, social and environmental issues. Restriction: Credit may not be obtained for both HIST 3364 and POLS 3242 (Canadian-American Relations). 

HIST3374Truth & Reconciliation in Canada: Working to Overcome the Legacy of Residential Schools (O)3 ch (3C) (W)

Situating the truth and reconciliation in process in Canada within similar efforts in other countries such as Rwanda and South Africa, this course focuses on the work of Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission to bring to light the nature and extent of the policies aimed at promoting the assimilation of Indigenous peoples into the Canadian settler society since the mid-19th century - particularly through the residential schools - and the varied and often harmful impact that these policies have had. The course also examines the diversity of reactions to the work of the commission, the extent of the success in implementing the commission's 94 "Calls to Action", and the potential of these Calls to Action to meet the challenges currently facing Indigenous People in Canada.

HIST3378First Nations and Canadian Settler Society I: Pre-Contact to the 1876 Indian Act (O)3 ch (3C) (W)

Examines the complex relationship between First Nations and Canadian settler society, including in New France, in British North America, and during the first years after Confederation. Emphasizes the efforts of First Nations people to preserve their cultures and independence in the face of an increasingly powerful colonial state. Topics include pre-contact First Nation and European societies, early contact, the fur trade, treaties of peace and friendship, the Royal Proclamation of 1763, land surrender treaties, and the policy of the assimilation of First Nations people into Canadian settler society. Restriction: Not available for credit to students who have taken HIST 3374.

HIST3379First Nations and Canadian Settler Society II: The 1876 Indian Act to the 2008 Apology for Residential Schools (O)3 ch (3C) (W)

Examines the complex relationship between First Nations and Canadian settler society, and emphasizes the federal government’s attempts to assimilate First Nations people into Canadian settler society and the resistance by First Nations people to these efforts through such means as court cases, protests, and cultural revitalization movements. Topics include the Indian Act and subsequent amendments, Indian residential schools, government agricultural policies, First Nations political organizations, the 1969 White Paper, the push for First Nations rights and self-government, land claims, and the federal government’s apology for residential schools. Restriction: Not available for credit to students who have taken HIST 3374.

HIST3651Growing up: Histories of Children, Youth and Family (A)3 ch (3C)
Explores various historical aspects of childhood, adolescence and family life that may include education, health, child labour, child migration, juvenile delinquency, amusements, and/or institutionalization. Discusses changes over time in both adult perceptions of childhood and the lived experience of growing up, as well as the intersections of race, class, gender, and  age-based identities. Restriction: Not available for credit to students who have completed HIST 3351.
HIST4313A History of Women in Canadian Society3 ch (2C 1T) (W)

A course in social history focusing on the changing roles of women in the public and private spheres in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with special emphasis on the role of women in the work force.

HIST4326Revolutionary and Loyalist Era Medicine3 ch (3C) (W)
Explores the social, cultural, and geo-political dimensions of medicine throughout the British Atlantic World between the 1760s and 1830s - a time of imperial expansion, revolutionary fervor, and intense warfare. It focuses on the experiences of patients and practitioners across multiple locations, including the British Isles, North America, the West Indies, and Africa. Particular attention is assigned to civilian, imperial, and military contexts during the American and French Revolutions and the Napoleonic Wars. Among other resources, this course draws upon The Loyalist Collection at the Harriet Irving Library.
HIST4341History of the Atlantic Provinces to Confederation3 ch (2C 1T) (W)

Surveys the region from before the advent of written records to its entry into Confederation. It treats the impact of immigrant cultures, struggles for empire, the development of a cultural mosaic, the emergence of distinctive provincial societies and the forces that led to union.

HIST4342History of the Atlantic Provinces after Confederation3 ch (2C 1T) (W)

Surveys the history of the region from Confederation to the present day, with focus on the vicissitudes of the Maritimes within Confederation and movements for social, economic and political reform.

HIST4351New Brunswick, Past into Present (O)3 ch (3C) (W)

Begins with the 18th century relationships between the Wabanaki Confederacy and the British and French Empires. Examines the emergence of New Brunswick as a distinct colony and then province within Canadian Confederation, focusing particularly on the role of global capitalism in shaping its history. Topics include racialized chattel slavery, the Peace and Friendship Treaties, Crown lands and settler colonialism, the University of New Brunswick, resource extraction and environmental history, Acadian settlements, Kouchibouguac National Park, land claims settlements, and Indigenous movements to defend the environment.

HIST3315The October Crisis, 1970 (O)3 ch (3C) (W)
In October 1970, a group of Quebec nationalists kidnapped two men to further the cause of independence. In response, Ottawa marshalled state security power to quell what it perceived as a terrorist insurrection. Explore the background, unfolding, and aftermath of this crisis. How has nationalism shaped French and English Canada? What were the implications of the turn to violence by the Front de Libération du Québec? In what ways has the crisis shaped subsequent political confrontations between Quebec and Ottawa? How has it influenced debates over the appropriate role of state security forces in modern societies?
HIST3346Controversies in Canadian History (O)3 ch (3C) (W)
Examine controversial events and the ways we remember them. Investigate stories that paint Canada as a “refuge” for runaway slaves, a “multicultural” country, and a “peacekeeping” nation, or the Prairies as being a “mild west” rather than a “wild west.” Explore why these stories persist, despite evidence to the contrary. Analyse how recent memorialization controversies, including those regarding statues valorizing Prime Minister John A. Macdonald, Halifax “founder” Edward Cornwallis, and the Famous Five first-wave feminists, have played out in public.