Environmental Management

This section contains course descriptions for students entering the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management program. 

NOTE: See the beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.

ENVM1001Professional Skills in Forestry and Environmental Management5 ch (3C 3L) (W) (EL)

Develop professional abilities essential for a successful academic and professional career through direct study, research, report writing and giving presentations on current environmental issues, solving system design problems, developing a resume, and practicing interviewing skills. Learning outcomes include introductory level information acquisition and management, oral and written communication, critical thinking, structured problem solving, and time management.

ENVM1002Foundations of Environmental Management and Stewardship4 ch (3C 2L) (EL)

Takes "Big Ideas" approach. It reviews foundational ideas to Forestry, Resource Management, Conservation and Sustainability. Both the historical ideas (the nature of nature, management and Indigenous management, sustained yield, industrial revolution, colonialism, conservation/preservation, etc.) and contemporary ideas (permaculture, limits to growth, ecological footprints, sustainability, managing the commons, and climate change) are discussed with a focus on human values and ethics. The course emphasizes oral and written communication, critical thinking an danalysis, and leadership.


Prerequisite: ENVM 1001

ENVM2004Social and Cultural Systems3 ch (3C)

In this course students will learn how to describe and measure the structure and function of human communities; and determine how different social and ethnic groups perceive and relate to the physical environment. We will discuss major environmental movements and describe social values, how they change, what influences them and how they result in policy reform and behavioral change. We will cover basic sociological theory including topics such as institutions, the nature of capitalism, and the philosophical underpinnings of resource management (e.g. property rights, religious traditions). The course will also cover basic political theory, with a focus on democracy and democratic processes. This course draws on methods and readings from a variety of disciplines, including social ecology, environmental sociology, rural sociology, social network theory, history, and anthropology.

ENVM2021Natural Resource Management, Institutions, Policy and Governance3 ch (3C)

This course examines how resource and environmental management systems and tools are developed in cultural and institutional contexts and how these contexts shape the definitions of problems and the management systems proposed as solutions. Included will be analysis of different management regimes and decision-making processes: technocratic, community-based, co-management, network governance, etc. In each case, we will examine the scale of the management issue (local, regional, national, international) and in that context, who has authority, legitimacy, power, accountability, and why; how they obtain, maintain, and enhance them; and implications of each in terms of different management contexts (e.g. common pool resources). Traditional policy-making models will be presented, as well as analytical tools for policy evaluation. Students will develop, defend, and critique a variety of different types of natural resource management plans that involve large-scale environmental changes (including water, air, and land issues), and develop adaptive management strategies that simultaneously account for human and natural systems. 

ENVM2023Climate Change4 ch (2C 3L)

This course begins with an overview of the science of climate change and its historical/projected impacts on environmental, social, and economic systems. Then, mitigation and adaptation policy options that are available to Canada and other countries will be investigated. Particular issues that may be addressed include the role that humans play in creating climate change, the uncertainty involved in making future climate change projections, and municipal plans to adapt to climate change.

ENVM2114Water Sustainability: Practice and Technology (O)3 ch (3C)

The theme of this course is how humans impact the environment with our developing technologies. The course examines how aquatic ecosystems are altered by the activities of agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, solid waste disposal, our demands for industry, e.g., pulp and paper, manufacturing, and mining, and our basic needs for clean drinking water, e.g., water and sewage treatment. The course appraises evolving, alternative technologies, with visits to some of these operations to learn how new technologies are reducing impacts and protecting water resources for the future.

ENVM2531Introduction to Hydrometeorology Systems3 ch (2C 3L)

This course provides an introduction to the principles of environmental hydro-meteorology. Topics to be covered include energy transfer, radiation laws, energy balance, wind generation, evaporation and precipitation, climatology, snow cover and snow melt processes, the hydrological cycle and water budget, surface runoff, flow routing, and atmosphere-land surface processes associated with land use. These are addressed from small, localized to regional scales. 

ENVM3000Indigenous Perspectives in Natural Resources Stewardship3 ch (1C) (EL)
This course introduces students to Indigenous culture, knowledge and worldviews as these relate to both Indigenous and western traditions of natural resource management. The course will cover Indigenous understandings of relationships with nature and basic  to institutional and policy issues. The course will treat the dynamics introduction of Indigenous institutions and how these relate to and interact with institutions of western society.
ENVM3002Applied Environmental Management 5 ch (3C 3L) (EL)

This course is designed to help students strengthen their skills in: (a) environmental management decision-making, (b) problem-solving, (c) teamwork and project management, and (d) articulating environmental awareness, with strong commitment to environmental sustainability. The course builds on professional and natural resource basics and management competencies developed in earlier courses and will focus on decision making by examining financial, political, and stakeholder acceptability factors, as well as conducting environmental risk assessment and trade-off analyses making appropriate use of models.

Prerequisite: FOR 2006.

ENVM3112Water Resources Management3 ch (3C)

An Introduction to Integrated Water Resources Management, this is a broad examination of critical concepts and knowledge needs including essential human and institutional capacities. Topics include: impacts of anthropogenic alterations on the water cycle; changes and impacts that occur as a result of land use change and development; aquatic ecosystem health and impact assessment; water use (quality and quality issues); wastewater issues including impacts, methods of treatment and mitigation, the urban water cycle and methods to evaluate and choose appropriate technologies; governance and capacity building in communities; and building and maintaining water management infrastructure. 

PrerequisitesENVM 2531

ENVM3201Urban Hydrology and Water Management 4 ch (2C 3L)

This course focuses on hydrological theories and tools needed for urban watershed management, involving water supply, conservation and treatment. Topics include storm-water retention on and flow through porous and impervious surfaces, and subsequent run off generation. Students will learn about urban water management systems and best -management engineering approaches dealing with flood control and point to non-point residential, industrial and traffic-induced pollution issues.

Prerequisites: FOR 2281 and ENVM 2531.
ENVM3261Data Analysis for Natural Resources3 ch (2C 3L)
Develop a foundation in statistical data analysis with a focus on application in natural resources sciences. Build upon concepts introduced in STAT 2264/2263 and explore how researchers and managers move from formulating questions to collecting data to analyzing results. Investigate approaches to study design with review of a range of statistical tests including t-tests, ANOVA, ANCOVA, correlation, and different forms of regression, with examples based in natural resources science. Gain valuable hands-on experience in statistical analysis in R.

Prerequisite: STAT 2264 or STAT 2263.
ENVM3457Forest Watershed and Water Quality Management 5 ch (3C 3L) (EL)
Emphasizes principles affecting forest watershed management at the landscape level. Leads from analyzing temporal and spatial data about water retention and flow to building hydrological and GIS-based mapping models. Watershed related issues and exercises deal with effects of weather, climate, atmospheric deposition, pollution and watershed operations on forest type, productivity, carbon and nutrient sequestration, cycling, water quality, soil erosion and on- and off-road trafficability. Prerequisite: (FOR 2281 or FOR 5281) and FOR 2505 or permission of instructor
ENVM3888Individual Project I3 ch (EL)

Credit for an individual project can be granted. The student arranges each project with a client and a Faculty advisor. Your Programme Director must approve each project prior to beginning. A signed agreement including assessment criteria amongst the student, client, Faculty Advisor and Programme Director is required. 

ENVM4001Environmental Impact Assessment and Management 3 ch (3C) (EL)

This course focuses attention on the implementation of environmental problem solving techniques. Students will learn many practical methods for assessing problems and justifying solutions. These may include such activities as preparing media pieces and briefing notes to government officials, setting up environmental impact assessments and audits, testing for water/soil/air contamination, and surveying the public/industry on various issues. Throughout these activities, students will be required to critically examine the social, political, philosophical, economic, and ecological outcomes of their activities.

ENVM4002Stakeholder Approaches to Environmental Problem Solving3 ch (3 C/S)

Most environmental issues have many sides including scientific, social, political, and economic, and comprise multiple players and stakeholders promoting divergent points of view. This course is designed to explore these elements in detail. Current national, regional and local problems will be brought to the class by a number of guest speakers in order to help students critically analyze the roots of the problems and possible solutions. The problems discussed will include such issues as environmental scope, biodiversity decline, climate changes, air and water quality, population and consumption per capita, biotechnology and genetically altered foods. 

ENVM4020Management Practicum8 ch (3C 3L) (EL)

Practical exercise in landscape management, desinged to provide an opportunity to integrate skills and knowledge gained throughout the program. Working with a client and/or the public, students work within the management planning framework to develop an integrated landscape management plan related to natural resource management of the environment and ecosystems today and into the future. Learning modules are porvided specific to the needs of the project. Additional topics include project management, conflict resolution, professional practice, and associations. The project requires each group to complete a management strategy (plan) report and presenation.

Prerequisite: ENVM 3002, FOR 2281, and (ENVM 3457 or FOR 3445). 

ENVM4101Professional Internship in Forestry and Environmental Management (Cross-Listed: FOR 4101)3 ch (3C) (LE) (W) (EL)

Under the supervision and mentorship of a senior manager with an industrial, government, environmental non-governmental organization (ENGO) or community agency, students will observe supervision, supervise others, get feedback, critically reflect on their experience by combining academic and experiential supervision knowledge, and present it in a written report and oral presentation. In addition to supervision, students will enhance their formal and informal critical thinking and communication abilities. Enrolment is limited and students need to contact the Faculty's Student Services Co-ordinator before registering. Students cannot receive credit for both ENVM 4101 and FOR 4101

Prerequisite: Prior work experience and either ENVM 3002 or FOR 3000.
ENVM4111Applied Aquatic Sciences Techniques3 ch (3C) (EL)

Gain knowledge in techniques used commonly in aquatic science, getting practical experience in various sampling and analysis techniques, including: stream habitat characterization, water quality and quantity assessment, macroinvertebrate collections, and laboratory methods for sample preparation and analysis. Field collections will be followed by appropriate data evaluation learning database management techniques, descriptive statistics, and summary report writing.   

Prerequisites: FOR 2113 and BIOL 2003, or permission of the instructor. 

ENVM4888Individual Project II3-5 ch (EL)

Credit for an individual project can be granted. The student arranges each project with a client and a Faculty advisor. Your Programme Director must approve each project prior to beginning. A signed agreement including assessment criteria amongst the student, client, Faculty Advisor and Program Director is required. Number of credit hours will be determined by the Faculty and based on the nature, duration, and complexity of the project. Credit hours assigned to the course must be determined prior to the student initiating the project. 

ENVM4973Environmental Management Field Camp2 ch (6 Days) (EL)

An intensive 6-day series of field exercises, site visits, and on-site discussions before the start of Fall term courses. This course involves low student/faculty ratios and is designed to improve integrative, observational, and interpretive skills with respect to environmental conditions, including water, wildlife, and forest resources, and the social context in which they are valued and used. Evening sessions provide opportunity for debate and discussion of challenging contemporary environmental issues. Students are charged for food, lodging and part of travel costs.

Corequisite: ENVM 4020 FR01X and FR01Y

ENVM4991Honours Project6 ch (W) (EL)

ENVM honours students must complete a thesis project that is approved by the Faculty and supervised by a Faculty member. This course involves submitting a detailed project report and an oral defense in a seminar-style presentation. Students should consult with Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies prior to the end of third year to discuss project requirements and potential topics. NOTE: Minimum CGPA for acceptance is 3.0 

ENVM5003Environmental Management Tools3 ch (3C) (EL)

Presents students with a wide array of tools used to assess and manage activities  that impact the environment. Tools considered may include environmental indicator measurement, environmental risk assessment, life-cycle assessment, environmental management systems, sustainable forest management certification, and others. Presentations will be given by faculty members, students, and working professionals that demonstrate the use of these environmental management tools and identify issues associated with them.  

ENVM1532Ecological Modelling4 ch (3C 2L)

Gain essential skills in translating intricate ecological processes into simplified models. Develop proficiency in widely-used tools, including spreadsheet and modelling software. Master the art of constructing models and conducting simulations. Learn how to use the potential of ecological models for forecasting, and develop skills on interpreting model implications, and translate them into meaningful recommendations that drive sustainable environmental practices.


Prerequisite: FOR 1001
ENVM3532Ecohydrology3 ch (3 L)
Introduces the topic of ecohydrology and expands on the introduction to hydrological principles and processes offered in earlier courses, before introducing aquatic biota and the concept of ecological systems. Students develop comprehension of the hydrological cycle, structure and dynamics of rivers, wetlands, lakes, and as groundwater in the waterscape. Materials will demonstrate the interconnectivity among hydrology and ecology, followed by the exploitation of water resources by humans.Prerequisites: FOR 2113 and (ENVM 2114 or ENVM 3201)
ENVM4920ENVM Stewardship Report (Full Year)6 ch (3C 3L) (EL)
Stewardship report for ForEM second undergraduate degree students only.Prerequisite: Completion of FOR 4020
ENVM5993Scientific Writing and Communication 3 ch (3C) W

Focuses on teaching the mechanics of what to do with the results of original research. Emphasis will be placed on logic, concision, and parsimony - which will guide a semester-long tour of communicating science to others. The main methods of communication to be discussed will be thesis creation, peer-reviewed scientific articles (how to review, write, and publish them), presentation to both scientists and non-scientists, and translating science into policy.  

Corequisite: ENVM4991, FOR4991, ENVM6997 or FOR6997