Introductory Level Courses

All introductory courses in English, emphasize writing skills and provide many opportunities for students to practise and improve their writing.

ENGL1000Introduction to Modern Literature in English6 ch (3C) (W)

This course introduces students to a diverse range of literary works written in English, primarily from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, including short stories, poems, plays, and novels. These works demonstrate how literature can open up new understandings about societies and histories both within and beyond our local experience. The selection of texts varies from section to section, but all sections devote one-third of class time to developing writing skills, and the course places considerable emphasis on critical reading. ENGL 1000 welcomes all students with an interest in English, and it is normally required for the English Major and Honours programs.

ENGL1103Fundamentals of Clear Writing3 ch (3C) (W)

A study of the basic principles of clear prose writing, focusing on essay structure and organization, paragraph structure, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and word choice, as well as revising and proofreading. Students will submit numerous written assignments.

ENGL1104Fundamentals of Effective Writing3 ch (3C) (W)

A further examination of the basic principles of prose writing, with special attention to larger patterns of organization and development used in prose exposition and argument. 

Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ENGL 1103, or equivalent. 

ENGL1144Reading and Writing Non-Fiction Prose3 ch (2C 1T) (W)

By studying non-fiction prose models and by writing essays, students will work to improve their writing, explore techniques to craft effective essays, and develop critical and analytical skills applicable to a wide range of disciplines. Tutorials use exercises and discussions to assist this development.

ENGL1145An Introduction to Prose Fiction3 ch (2C 1T) (W)

Two weekly lectures examine a variety of short stories (and perhaps one or two novels) from the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries. Weekly small tutorials teach critical and writing skills (such as grammar, punctuation, organization, and argumentation) applied to the course readings.

ENGL1146An Introduction to the Novel (O)3 ch (2C 1T) (W)

Examines a brief range of novels from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 

NOTE: Offered online.

ENGL1173Introduction to Acting and Performance (Cross-Listed: DRAM 1173)3 ch (3 hours/wk plus practical work) (EL)

An introduction to acting suitable for students at all skill levels, from beginners to experienced performers. Instruction will cover the basics of voice, movement, improvisation, script analysis, and monologue and scene work, culminating in a final performance project.

NOTE: Students can obtain credit for only one of ENGL 1173 and DRAM 1173.

ENGL1105Writing in Indigenous Contexts (Cross-listed: INDG 1105)3 ch (3C) (W)

Examine Indigenous principles of prose writing. Develop an understanding of university writing, including essay structure and organization, through a course that focuses on Indigenous content, practices, research, and lived experiences. Students may receive credit for ENGL 1105 or INDG 1105, but not both.

NOTE: Available only to students registered in courses administered by the Mi'kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre of by permission of the MWC.