NOTE: See the beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.
ENGG1001 | Engineering Profession Lecture Series I | 0 ch (1C) (CR/NCR) |
Introduce students to the Faculty of Engineering and the engineering profession through a series of guest lectures. Provides the fundamental concepts of the engineering profession and of engineering education and practice in Canada and worldwide. It includes an introduction to different study habits. Introduces the different engineering disciplines while focusing on those available at UNB. The concept of life-long learning and its importance in the engineering profession is introduced. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. |
ENGG1003 | Engineering Technical Communications | 4 ch (2C, 3L) (W) |
Oral, written and visual communication skills are developed as important tools used by engineers. Technical writing style is taught through the preparation of reports and summaries, and oral communication skills are improved through public speaking and the preparation of formal presentations. Computer-aided design is introduced and used to enhance visualization skills. The importance of information literacy is stressed. Various types of engineering drawings are presented and engineering unit conversions are practiced. |
ENGG1015 | Introduction to Engineering Design and Problem Solving | 2 ch (1C, 2L) |
This course introduces engineering design methodology and develops basic problem solving techniques. Under the supervision of senior students and with the guidance of industry engineers, students work both individually and in teams on real engineering design projects for the local community in a simulated engineering consulting environment. Project planning, team- building, leadership and responsible care are discussed. Laboratories are used to demonstrate problem solving techniques for analytical and open-ended problems, and life-long learning is emphasized by having students integrate co-requisite and researched material into a structured design process. Restricted to students with fewer than 60 ch of program credit upon first admission to the Faculty of Engineering or with permission of the instructor. Co-requisites: ENGG 1003, PHYS 1081, MATH 1003, MATH 1503. |
ENGG1082 | Mechanics for Engineers | 4 ch (3C 1T* 3L*) |
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of vector analysis, and its application to the analysis of particles and rigid bodies. The static analysis of particles and rigid bodies, including practical applications such as the analysis of trusses, frames and machines. The static analysis of structural systems including the analysis of internal forces and bending moments in beams. The analysis of kinematics of particle motion along straight and curved paths. The analysis of kinetic motion for particles based on force and acceleration, and work and energy. The course topics focus on visualizing concepts in mechanics, and developing problem solving strategies. Prerequisites: PHYS 1081, MATH 1003 and MATH 1503 (or MATH 2213 or equivalent). |
ENGG4000 | Senior Design Project | 8 ch (1C 2T 4L) (W) |
Full-year design course (fall and winter of same academic year) which may be taken by senior students in any engineering program. Working preferably in multidisciplinary teams of three to five individuals, students design a structure, system, process or new product. Many of the projects are sponsored by outside clients. Proposed solutions involve the use of modern engineering tools and design methods, and must meet a broad range of constraints including health and safety, sustainable development and environmental stewardship. Deliverables include progress reports and presentations, a final report with appropriate engineering drawings, and if applicable, a prototype. Weekly lectures cover topics relevant to the design projects and may include presentations by guest speakers. The weekly tutorial hours are designated for scheduled meetings with project co-mentors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students who have met the requirements of the capstone design course in their engineering program. |
ENGG4013 | Law and Ethics for Engineers | 3 ch (3C) |
General introduction to the legal and ethical aspects of engineering practice. Social responsibilities of engineers, the engineering act and code of ethics, occupational health and safety, sustainable development, environmental stewardship, employment equity, legal duties and liabilities of the professional engineer, contracts, the tort of negligence, labour law, intellectual and industrial property, conflict resolution. Restricted to students with at least 100 ch in the engineering program. Limited enrolment; priority given to students in their final year of engineering. |
ENGG1002 | Engineering Profession Lecture Series II | 0 ch (1C) (CR/NCR) |
ENGG4001 | Engineering Profession Lecture Series III | 0 ch (1C) (CR/NCR) |
ENGG4002 | Engineering Profession Lecture Series IV | 0 ch (1C) (NC/NCR) |