ED courses are normally not available to non-education students. Exceptions are ED 4791, ED 3021, ED 3031, ED 3043, ED 3063.
NOTE: See the beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.
ED3020 | BEd in Early Childhood Education Practicum | 6 ch (W) (EL) |
School-based practicum component of the Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education involves a six-week term in K-3. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. |
ED3021 | Human Development and Learning: An Overview | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
Explores developmental perspectives on human growth and learning. |
ED3022 | First Nations Epistemology (Ways of Knowing) (Cross-Listed: INDG 4686) | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
Development of personal and social identity among children in First Nations communities. Implications for classroom practice. Students may receive credit for ED 3022, ABRG 4686 or INDG 4686, but only one. |
ED3031 | The Education of Exceptional Learners | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Provides the student with an introduction to the field of knowledge associated with exceptional learners. |
ED3033 | Teaching in a Cultural Context | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
Explores how teachers respond effectively to the culture of children as individuals and to the culture of their people about a variety of cultural contexts, including Canadian Indigenous cultures. |
ED3041 | The Theory and Practice of Education | 3 ch (W) |
Introduces the dominant theories which influence and shape current thinking and practices in school environments today. Key ideas, their origins, teaching responsibilities, and the components of professional practice are discussed. The course is intended to orient education students to teaching as a profession. |
ED5034 | Indigenous Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Explores traditional First Nations pedagogy and concepts of education in comparison with those which have shaped formal schooling. It will further describe roles and responsibilities of schools, teachers, and communities in educating First Nations students. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. Note: Credit can only be obtained for one of ED 3043 or ED 5034 |
ED3051 | School Law and Organization | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
An overview of the legal, organizational, financial and professional aspects of schools and school systems. |
ED3053 | Wabanaki Schools in New Brunswick | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Schools in Wabanaki communities are governed differently than provincial schools. This course will explore the governance structures of New Brunswick's Wabanaki communities, community schools, and their relationships with Federal and Provincial governments. |
ED3061 | Students, Schools, Equity and Social Justice | 3 ch (W) |
Explores the social, economic, cultural, and political contexts of learners’ lives, discourses of social difference, equity and social justice. Topics include: ableism, sexism, gender bias, racism, class oppression, transphobia, homophobia, and heterosexism, harassment and violence, and the questions these issues raise for schools, curricula and classroom practice. |
ED3063 | Health Promotion in Schools | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines concepts and inter-relationships among nutrition, exercise, and well-being within educational contexts. |
ED3211 | Introduction to Art and Creative Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Students will develop an understanding of how and why visual images are a powerful form of communication and creative expression. Through individual media exploration and interactive activities students will increase their visual awareness, creative thinking and art making skills. Learning how to develop meaningful creative art education programs will also be explored. Students may receive credit for ED 3211: Introduction to Art and Creative Education or ED 5209: Theories and Practices of Visual Arts Education, but not both. |
ED3241 | Music for Elementary School Educators | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines methodology, skills and content for the elementary classroom educator to use in teaching music to young learners in a variety of settings. *Students may receive credit for ED 3241: Music for Elementary School Educators or ED 5242: Music for the Classroom Teacher, but not both. |
ED3415 | Developing Numeracy | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
The study of number relationships and approaches to developing number sense in children and adults. |
ED3416 | Developing Geometrical Concepts | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
The study of geometric relationships and approaches to developing spatial sense in children and adults. |
ED3475 | Movement Education for the Elementary Teacher | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Overview of physical education programs in elementary schools. Program planning, practical work. |
ED3478 | Health and Physical Education in the Elementary School | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
An overview of curriculum, pedagogy and philosophy of health and physical education for elementary school educators. * Students may receive credit for ED 3478: Health and Physical Education for Elementary Schools or ED 5478: Health and Physical Education in the Elementary School, but not both. |
ED3511 | Introduction to Science Education | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
An introduction to the teaching of science. |
ED3621 | Introduction to Social Studies | 3 ch (W) |
Consideration of the history of social studies, debates about the content of social studies and the current state of social studies in Canada. |
ED5641 | Geography in Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Scope and purpose of geography in education. Topics of inquiry include: place, space, time, humans, culture, and the Anthropocene. Note: Credit can only be obtained for one of ED 3641 or ED 5641 |
ED3862 | Information and Communication Technology I | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Designed to introduce students to basic concepts and practices in the integration of application software within curriculum-based topics. Emphasis is placed on the development of electronic portfolios of technology- enhanced teaching materials for the classroom. |
ED3943 | Introduction to Technology Education | 3 ch (W) |
Examines the development of technology education as a field of study and explores the context in which technology is taught in schools, applied in industry and its impact on society. Current technology applications are examined in areas such as: transportation, construction, communication, manufacturing and biotechnologies. |
ED4000 | Practicum for BEd (4 year) Program | 18 ch (EL) |
Eighteen weeks of school and classroom experience. Additional regulations are included in the Education General Regulations under Field Experiences Practicum in Section G of the Calendar. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. Prerequisite: Only students who have been officially admitted to the BEd (4 year) program may register for ED 4000. For further information contact the Director of Field Services. |
ED4021 | BEd in Early Childhood Education Practicum | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
School-based practicum component of the Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education involves a three-week term in K-4. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. |
ED4054 | Research in Early Childhood Studies | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Investigates local, national and international research within the field of early childhood. Students will have the opportunity to evaluate research and prepare a research proposal for a project specific to early years. |
ED4164 | Techniques of Teaching | 3 ch |
Students will learn to design lessons following lecture, Socratic discussion, or combination formats and learn the appropriateness of each. Classroom skills of positioning, elocution, questioning, listening, eye contact, and so on will be learned and practised in mini-teaching sessions in front of small peer groups. Causes of student behaviour problems will be analyzed and strategies for dealing with disruptive students developed. |
ED4191 | Independent Studies | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Students will normally be limited to 6 ch of independent study. Prerequisite: Permission of an instructor is required before registration. |
ED4361 | Multi Modal Literacies in Early Childhood Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Investigate the symbols and tools of digital literacies, play, math, art, music and print. |
ED4363 | Children's Literature, Singing, Poetry and Performance | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Introduction of the multi-modal world of children's literature through the study of authors, poets and illustrators, and the art of storytelling, singing and poetry performance with young children. |
EDED 5452 | Health Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines curriculum and pedagogy in a range of elementary, middle and secondary school programs that come under the rubric of health education. Includes analyses of underlying assumptions, the organization of knowledge, and pedagogical approaches to this subject area. Note: Credit can only be obtained for one of ED 4451 or ED 5452 |
ED4452 | Health, Equity and Well-Being | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
In this course, we will unpack complex understandings of what it means for educators to embrace equitable practices in the interests of of children's health, well-being, and belonging. Course topics include diverse abilities, mental and physical health , social responsibility, and self-care. We will explore socially inclusive and culturally sensitive learning environments and how democratic and sustainable practices are nurtured. |
ED4568 | La littératie à l’élémentaire I | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Dans ce cours, vous aurez l’occasion de vous familiariser avec les principes et les pratiques de la littératie en français seconde à l’élémentaire. Vous explorez l’approche de la littératie équilibrée, les pratiques exemplaires et les stratégies qui favorisent l’enseignement du français et l’enseignement des matières en français. * A required course for elementary French second language specialists. Prerequisite: A French oral proficiency certificate with a minimum level of Advanced from the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. |
ED4569 | La littératie à l’élémentaire II | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
Dans ce cours, vous aurez l’occasion d’approfondir vos connaissances de la pédagogie de la littératie en français langue seconde à l’élémentaire. Vous aurez l’occasion de developer et d’essayer des pratiques et des strategies qui favorisent l’enseignement et l’évaluation du français dans divers programmes et l’integration de la littératie dans l’enseignement des matières en immersion.
*A required course for elementary French second language specialists. Prerequisites: ED 4568 and a French oral proficiency certificate with a minimum level of Advanced from the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. |
ED4685 | Treaty Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Providing students with knowledge of the Indigenous understanding of the treaties signed between Indigenous peoples and the British and Canadian governments between the 18th and 20th centuries and the Peace and Friendship Treaties signed in the Maritimes in the 18th century, specifically. It will also help students think about how to convey the history of treaty-making and the competing understandings of the treaties and that promotes reconciliation. |
ED4686 | Teaching First Nations Learner | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Teaching methods, learning strategies, program planning, with emphasis on a particular learning level. |
ED4688 | Teaching First Nations Children's Literature | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines the philosophy and process of teaching First Nations Literature in an integrated curriculum for primary and elementary children. Includes practical classroom experience. |
ED4862 | Information and Communication Technology II | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
An advanced course in the integration of ICT in the classroom. Students should have previously taken ED 3862 or be able to demonstrate sufficient background knowledge in application software. Focus will also include emerging trends in educational technologies. |
ED5001 | Teaching and Learning Theories I | 2 ch (W) (EL) |
An introduction to teaching as a reflective, professional practice focused upon three themes: Learning and Learners; Establishing a Classroom Context to Support Learning; and Professional Concerns for Teachers. Field experience is central to the course with students expected to apply course ideas in the classroom and reflect on that experience in seminars. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. |
ED5002 | Teaching and Learning Theories II | 2 ch (W) (EL) |
A continuation of the examination of teaching as a reflective, professional practice focused upon three themes: Learning and Learners; Establishing a Classroom Context to Support Learning; and Professional Concerns for Teachers. Field experience is central to the course with students expected to apply course ideas in the classroom and reflect on that experience in seminars. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. |
ED5003 | Teaching and Learning Theories III | 2 ch (W) (EL) |
As a culmination of Teaching and Learning Theory I and II, this course will facilitate students integrating their personal backgrounds, academic and professional education through the development of a significant project. Projects will be shared with peers as well as the broader professional and public community in a senior conference. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. |
ED5013 | Special Topics in Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
In consultation with faculty advisor. (Intended for students in the DAUS.) |
ED5032 | Inclusion from Early Years | 3 ch (W) |
An examination of personal, societal and school assumptions about the meaning and importance of inclusion in life and learning from childhood. Inclusive models of education will be examined.
ED5033 | Special Topics in Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
In consultation with faculty advisor. (Intended for students in the DAUS.) |
ED5035 | Inclusionary Practices | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
Enhances prospective teachers’ knowledge of diverse student learning needs and specific strategies for enhancing the learning environment for all students. Graded on a CR/NCR basis.
ED5043 | Special Topics in Education | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
In consultation with faculty advisor. (Intended for students in the DAUS.)
ED5046 | Educating At-Risk Students | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Characteristics of the at-risk student. Psychological, social, and economic effects of dropping out. Remedial strategies involving learning, teaching, counselling, school climate, and school organization. Exemplary programs for at-risk students and for dropout prevention. |
ED5050 | Practicum | 12 ch (EL) |
School-based experience component of the 10-month B.Ed. involves an observation practicum during K-12 students' first week of classes in September, a seven-week Intermediate Practicum in the fall term, and en eight-week Advanced Practicm during the winter term. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. Co-requisite: Students are required to be in good acadeimc standing and maintain respectful, ethical relationships with colleagues, peers, and instructors to proceed to their practicum placement and remain enrolled in ED 5050. |
ED5062 | Cultural Constructions of Childhood | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
A historical examination of cultural constructions of childhood and family and the implications of these various constructions upon the education of young children. |
ED5065 | Personal Growth and Helping | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Focus on understanding human development; particularly the development of the self and how such development may be nurtured or thwarted within the educational setting. Students will examine issues such as identity, personality, self-awareness, relationships, and basic counselling skills. These issues will be regarded on two levels: as aspects of the individual self and as aspects of the learning environment.
ED5067 | Comprehensive Sex Education Methods | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Students will explore research-informed best practices in comprehensive sex education in early childhood, primary, middle and secondary school contexts. Students will critically engage with research-informed strategies, pedagogies, and approaches to support school-based comprehensive sex education for young people in New Brunswick. |
ED5070 | Cultural Contexts of Education | 6 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines history, philosophy, social contexts, and law as they relate to education. Through each of these disciplines, we explore the broad concerns and impacts of policy, ethics, and equity, with connections to curriculum and pedagogy. The format will be a combination of lectures and seminars. |
ED5071 | Education in International Contexts | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines the nature of education in a range of international contexts with a particular focus on understanding how culture and world view shape education and comparing and contrasting trends and issues for teachers and the teaching in those contexts. It is designed to provide teacher education students with a global perspective on the education profession. |
ED5075 | History of Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Explores current problems within education as well as aims, curriculum, teaching, administration and ideas viewed from a historical perspective. |
ED5091 | Learning Disabilities: Introduction | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Concepts, definitions and terminology. A preventive approach. |
ED5096 | Behavioural/Emotional Disorders | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
An overview of various emotional and behavioural disorders of children and young people and the ways in which coping and management strategies can be applied to develop self-discipline and control. |
ED5097 | Differentiating Instruction in the Classroom | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Allows teachers to explore current research on differentiation; familiarize themselves with many strategies for differentiating content, process and product; develop differentiation lesson plans including pre-assessment strategies as well as classroom management strategies intended for classroom application. |
ED5100 | Practicum | 21 ch (EL) |
Fifteen weeks of school and classroom experience. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. Prerequisite: Only students admitted to the BEd (4-year) program in Montreal may register. |
ED5102 | Curriculum and Evaluation in the Early Years | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines characteristics of early years learners and the role of the teacher as observer and curriculum developer in theory and practice. |
ED5103 | Project Approach in the Early Years | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Planning a multi-disciplinary curriculum approach building on children’s curiosities, enabling them to interact, question, connect, problem solve, communicate and represent learning, focusing on the teacher’s role in implementing a project-based approach in the early years. |
ED5104 | Observation and Pedagological Documentation | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Investigates current practices in observing and documenting children’s learning in early childhood environments in collaboration with learners, colleagues and families. |
ED5105 | Connecting Home and Schooled Literacies | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines theory and practice of connecting home and school literacies for the development of a literate community. |
ED5106 | Digital Literacies in the Early Years | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Investigates the impact of technologies on play and emergent digital literacies, exploring ways in which educators and families can support engagement with technologies (or digital envrionments) in early childhood settings and homes. |
ED5141 | Orientation to Counselling | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Introduction to the role of the counsellor in various settings, including the public education system. Students will examine the counsellor as a person, roles of the client and counsellor, the counselling process, counselling skills, counselling theories, and counselling in the individual and group context. |
ED5142 | Career Guidance | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Introduction to understanding the importance of and the application of career development throughout the public education system. Topics include the historical development of career guidance, theories of vocational development, career education in the curriculum, career assessments, Social Emotional Learning, Global Competencies, Problem Based Learning, Experiential Learning, Labour Market information, Universal Design for Learning, and working with students from various minority groups. |
ED5154 | Creativity, Images and Meaning (Cross-Listed: FNAT 3703) | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Addresses the significance of creativity in image-making, communication, and self-expression. Imagery as a primary form of communication provides a basis for exploring a wide variety of topics, ideas and issues. Analyzing images, exploring different visual media, and communicating through visual means are key components of this course. Connections that exist between images and other forms of communication and self-expression are also explored. |
ED5162 | Integrated Curriculum for the First Nations Learner | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Culture-based education: design, development, and implementation. Appropriate evaluation and assessment. |
ED5166 | Cultural Studies and Critical Pedagogy | 3 ch (W) |
The study of the entire range of a society's arts, beliefs, institutions, and communicative practices and its application to education. |
ED5167 | Interpreting Play for Curriculum Development | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
An exploration of the literature on play including play as reflective pedagogy. A variety of theoretical perspectives will be brought to the interpretation of children's play. The teacher's role in creating physical and social environments that facilitate cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical growth will be examined. |
ED5174 | Introduction to Standardized Testing Instruments | 3 ch (W) |
An examination of selected standardized tests used in the public school system.
ED5175 | Classroom Assessment | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
An examination of current assessment issues, procedures, and techniques and how these can be used to improve teaching and student learning. |
ED5181 | Feminist Theory and Education | 3 ch (W) |
Explores how feminist theories have re-thought educational practice, with specific focus on issues of knowledge, curriculum, classroom pedagogy, research, and educational policy. |
ED5182 | Problem Solving with Young Children | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines research and theory of problem-solving with young children. Emphasizes the teacher's role as the facilitator of problem-solving across the curriculum. |
ED5191 | Independent Studies | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Students will normally be limited to 6 ch of independent study. Prerequisite: Permission of an instructor is required before registration. |
ED5209 | Creativity and Visual Arts in Teaching and Learning | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Addresses the importance of creativity and innovation in education, explores applications in teaching, and builds creative capacity through visual and other modes of communication. It is a dynamic, interactive and cross-disciplinary course designed to increase creative, critical and divergent thinking, and art making skills in order to enhance meaning making, problem solving and self-expression. Students will also learn to design creative and innovative teaching strategies relevant and applicable to teaching visual art and related subject areas. |
ED5211 | Integrated Learning Through Art | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Art education theories and practices as they apply to learning across the curriculum. |
ED5213 | Issues in Art Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
An examination of local, national, and international issues currently being debated in art education. |
ED5242 | Music for the Classroom Teacher | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines appropriate methodology, skills and content for the elementary classroom teacher to use in teaching music in a variety of settings. Students will sing, play an instrument, listen and move to music. |
ED5243 | Music in the Elementary School | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Study of methods and materials current in the elementary school. Development of skills and curriculum. Study of the young learner and music.
Prerequisite: 9 ch in music courses or permission of the instructor. |
ED5314 | Drama Across the Curriculum (Middle, Secondary) | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Group process drama will be employed to study in any curriculum subject, such as history, mathematics, science and social studies. No experience necessary. |
ED5315 | Dramatization of Literature (Elementary, Middle) | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
The interpretation and understanding of literature will be studied through various theatre practices, including readers' theatre, chamber theatre, monologues, dramatic scripts, and other media such as film. |
ED5352 | Teaching Writing | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Introduces discourses about and approaches to teaching and evaluating writing in schools, including traditional approaches, writing process, and genre modelling. |
ED5353 | Teaching Secondary English I | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Aims, materials, methods of teaching language, literature, and composition. Middle school and high school. |
ED5354 | Teaching Secondary English II | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
A sequel to ED 5353. Emphasis on planning course units, evaluation in English, and the integration of English and other subjects. Prerequisite: ED 5353. |
ED5355 | Literacy Learning in Early Years | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
An exploration of diverse research in literacy learning, teaching and assessment practices and the development of literacy skills in the early years. |
ED5356 | Literacy Learning in the Middle School | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Current theories of the nature of literacy learning and their relationship to instructional practices in the middle years. |
ED5357 | Poetry K-12 | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Poetry is probably the most reluctantly taught subject in the school system. Yet it offers one of the most potent links with our cultural and linguistic heritage. This course provides access to texts and to a range of discussion strategies that can be used throughout the school system. |
ED5359 | Cultivating Proficient Readers | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Provides opportunities to learn a range of reading, learning and assessment strategies that address readers’ strengths, needs and passions across content areas. |
ED5362 | Symbolic Representation in Children's Play, Pictures and Print | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
Examines theory in practice of young children and symbolic representation as the context of their emerging literacies. |
ED5422 | Teaching High School Mathematics | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Focus on appropriate methodology for teaching mathematics at the high school level. |
ED5424 | Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Focus on appropriate methodology for teaching mathematics at the elementary school level. Students must demonstrate an adequate mastery of the mathematics content underlying the curriculum prior to completion of this course. |
ED5425 | Indigenous Mathematics | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Explores how mathematics is viewed and used in Indigenous cultures and communities. Numerical and geometric concepts (ex. counting numbers, order, measurement, physical design and pattern) will be addressed with particular consideration being given to Wabanaki languages and world views. |
ED5427 | Trends in Mathematics Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Current issues in teaching mathematics, Grades K-12. Prerequisite: At least one previous course in mathematics education or permission of the instructor. |
ED5428 | Mathematics Across the Curriculum | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
Explores ways in which mathematics fits into an integrated curriculum, grades K-12. |
ED5429 | The Role of Language in the Teaching of Mathematics | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines how the language of mathematics affects its acquisition and how appropriate use of writing and literature can enhance the learning of mathematics. |
ED5478 | Health and Physical Education in the Elementary School | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines curriculum and pedagogy in elementary health and physical education programs. |
ED5488 | Teaching Games in Secondary Physical Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Introduces students to a variety of ways to effectively present and teach games to students at the middle and high school levels. Prerequisite: Student must have completed an undergraduate degree in physical education, kinesiology, or related field or by approval of instructor. Co-requisite: This course must be taken in conjunction with ED 5492. |
ED5492 | Introduction to the Teaching of Secondary Physical Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Focuses on planning and preparing the learning environment for instruction in physical education. Prerequisite: Student must have completed an undergraduate degree in physical education, kinesiology, or related field or by approval of instructor. Co-requisite: This course must be taken in conjunction with ED 5488. |
ED5493 | Teaching Secondary Physical Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
This course focuses on topics related to the teaching of physical education at the secondary level (grade 6-12). Prerequisite: Students must have completed an undergraduate degree in physical education, kinesiology, or related field or by approval of instructor. Co-requisite: This course must be taken in conjunction with ED 5492. |
ED5494 | Teaching Physical Education | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
A post-internship course for secondary physical education majors. Emphasis on contemporary trends in teaching physical education in public schools. Practical application. |
ED5495 | Learning Through Outdoor Experiences | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Introduces students to the theory and practice of teaching in an outdoor context. Students will be exposed to a variety of outdoor experiences and relevant teaching techniques and skills. It will culminate in an overnight camping trip. |
ED5505 | Teaching Science in Elementary School | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Focuses on the mindset and methods for teaching science at the elementary school level. Students will become familiar with using their content knowledge, pedagogical skills and their specific context to adapt and teach the elementary science curricula. This course will help students prepare effective science learning environments that embody an inquiry and constructivist approach to teaching. |
ED5506 | The Nature of Science | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Answers questions about what science is, how it is conducted and what purpose it serves. The majority of this course will involve 'doing' science through hands-on inquiry-based exploration, viewing experiments through various persepectives and engaging in discussion about scientific thought processes. |
ED5507 | Indigenous Perspective in Science | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines the concept of science from Indigenous perspectives as well as identify Indigenous contributions to science historically and today. Concepts such as "Two-eyed seeing" and "cultural border crossings in science" will be explored and practiced Mi'kmaq and Wolastoqey languges will be used to demonstrate Indigenous ways of knowing the natural world. |
ED5511 | Introduction to Science Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Provides an introduction to the teaching of science that focuses on preparing to teach science while challenging students' expectations and assumptions regarding science. The Nature of Science, lesson planning, curricular adaptation, assessment, inquiry-based learning, technology integration, and the barriers to learning science are some of the topics covered within the course. |
ED5512 | Science Education and the Learner | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
This course will explore the ways that science is taught in relation to how students learn. Topics such as experiential learning, inquiry-based learning, constructivism, and the barriers to learning science are some of the topics covered within this course. |
ED5513 | Advanced Studies in Science Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
This course is focused on the integration of Secondary science teaching components into comprehensive and holistic science teaching. Topics include but are not limited to unit planning, assessment, differentiation and technological integration within the science classroom. |
ED5514 | Special Topics in Science Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
This course will require students to comprehensively engage with an area of interest or concern in science education and through a peer-support and review process engage with other students and the instructor on these topics. |
ED5561 | Évaluation et Apprentissage | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Ce cours suivra les principes et les pratiques de l’évaluation sommative (évaluation de l’apprentissage) et formative (au service de l’apprentissage et de l’évaluation en tant qu’apprentissage). Les participants auront l’occasion de voir comment ces pratiques sont utilisées de façon efficace et d’apprendre comment les employer dans leur salle de classe. |
ED5562 | La littératie à l’élémentaire I | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Dans ce cours, vous aurez l’occasion de vous familiariser avec les principles et les practiques de la littératie en français langue seconde a l’élémentaire. Vous explorez l’approche de la littératie équilibrée, les pratiques exemplaires et les stratégies qui favorisent l’enseignement du français et l’enseignement des matières en français. * A required course for elementary French second language specialists. Pre-requisite: A French oral proficiency certificate with a minimum level of Advanced from the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. |
ED5563 | La littératie à l’élémentaire II | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Dans ce cours, vous aurez l’occasion d’approfondir vos connaissances de la pédagogie de la littératie en français langue seconde a l’élémentaire. Vous aurez l’occasion de developer et d’essayer des practiques et des stratégies qui favorisent l’enseignement et l’évaluation du français dans divers programmes et l’integration de la littératie dans l’enseignement des matières en immersion. *A required course for elementary French second language specialists. Prerequisites: ED 5562 and a French oral proficiency certificate with a minimum level of Advanced from the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. |
ED5564 | Introduction to Second Language Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines the principles of learning and teaching a second language (SL). Emphasize the development of communicative SL activities and the creation of learner-centered lesson plans. *Required course for CTESL candidates. Students may receive credit for ED 5564 or ED 5568 but not both. |
ED5565 | Advanced Studies in ESL Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examines communicative language teaching in the content of ESL classrooms. Emphasizes varied teaching methods, curriculum development and evaluation of second language learning. Prerequisite: ED 5564 or ED 5568 or equivalent. |
ED5566 | Field Experience in TESL | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
A practicum in the area of teaching English as a second language (TESL). This course is a requirement for students enrolled in the Certificate in TESL. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. |
ED5567 | Specialized Techniques in ESL Teaching | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
The custom-designed course will provide participants with a wide range of field-tested ESL techniques. The process will be active and interactive. Interaction will vary between small and large-group sessions. |
ED5568 | Français langue seconde I - Secondaire | 3 ch (2C 3L) (W) (EL) |
Examen des principes de base de la didactique du français langue seconde (FLS) au secondaire ainsi que l’exploration des pratiques de l’enseignement du FLS au secondaire. *Required course for secondary French second language specialists. Prerequisite: A French oral proficiency certificate with a minimum level of Advanced from the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. |
ED5569 | Français langue seconde II – Secondaire | 3 ch (2C 3L) (W) (EL) |
Examen en profondeur de l’enseignement du français langue seconde dans divers programmes du niveau secondaire. * Required course for secondary French second language specialists. Prerequisites: ED 5568 and a French oral proficiency certificate with a minimum level of Advanced from the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. |
ED5575 | Reflection on Second Language Theory and Practice | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Examination of fundamental issues in second language education such as definitions and assessment of bilingualism, early and later acquisition of a second language, cognitive effects of bilingualism, evaluation of second language education programs, literacy and multi-literacy. |
ED5586 | Mi'kmaq and Wolastoqey Language and Teaching Methods | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Introduces methods for teaching Wolastoqey and Mi'kmaq languages in elementary school. |
ED5620 | Introduction to Teaching Secondary Social Studies | 6 ch (W) (EL) |
Students will develop initial competence in selected aspects of social studies teaching. |
ED5621 | Introduction to Social Studies in Elementary Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Students will explore the nature of social studies as a school subject and develop initial competence in select aspects of teaching elementary social studies. |
ED5622 | Global Education | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
An examination of the global education movement and its implications for curriculum and instruction. Students will be involved in a cross-cultural experience, the examination of global education materials, and a curriculum development project. Prerequisite: 3 ch in teaching methods. |
ED5625 | Introduction to Teaching Secondary Social Studies | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Students will develop initial competence in selected aspects of social studies teaching with particular emphasis on civic engagement and geography. |
ED5626 | Introduction to Teaching Secondary History | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Students will develop initial competence in teaching history with particular attention to professional scholarship in fostering historical thinking. |
ED5627 | Contact and Post-Contact Around the World | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Since the 15th century a key aspect of of world history has been the relationships between Indigenous peoples and European colonizers/settlers. This course will draw on scholarship on the teaching and learning of history to explore how to teach about how these relationships have developed over time and are understood today in a range of geographical contexts including Wabanaki traditional territory. |
ED5645 | Treaties and Canadian Geography | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Issues related to the nature and use of the land are central to both the subject of geography and understanding the place of treaties in the relationship between Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples in Canada. This course will explore how geographically focused treaty education can help students meet critical outcomes related to geographic literacy. |
ED5683 | First Nations Education Seminar | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Historical trends and contemporary issues in classroom practice and curriculum development. |
ED5684 | The Anthropology of Knowledge | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Education is quintessentially a cultural matter. No matter what the context – be it in the formal education systems found around the world, or the many informal ways of passing on skills, knowledge, position, prestige and power – education is about culture. A systematic comparison of learning institutions and practices in a range of different cultural settings reveals a lot about our own understandings of teaching, learning and the management of knowledge as well as those from other cultures. Restricted to upper-level students, or the permission of the instructor. |
ED5685 | Developing First Nations Languages and Literacies | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Identifies and examines the development of Mi'kmaq-Wolastoqey literacies’ concepts and the relationships with language that define First Nations literacy in primary and elementary children. |
ED5699 | Cultural Studies Through Multimedia | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Critical analysis of the cultural products and practices surrounding multimedia in education will be examined. |
ED5801 | International Baccalaurate Educator Certificate Introductory Professional Seminar | 6 ch (W) (EL) |
Provides an introductory and broad overview of the International Baccalaureate (IB) from the Primary Years Program through the Middle Years Program to the Diploma Program (DP). Particular philosophical and applied aspects of the IB will be examined in comparison to other approaches to education.
Prerequisite: This course is only open to students in the IBEC program, or with permission from the faculty. |
ED5802 | International Baccalaureate Educator Certificate Advanced Professional Seminar | 6 ch (W) (EL) |
Provides a detailed focus on elements of the International Baccalaureate (IB) at all levels from the Primary Years Program through the Middle Years Program to the Diploma Program (DP). Areas covered include curriculum, teaching approaches, classroom structures, short-term planning, long-term planning, assessment, and professional collaboration.
Prerequisite: This course is only open to students in the IBEC program, or with permission from the faculty. |
ED5910 | Practicum | 6 ch (EL) |
A practical field-based professional growth experience in which learners will apply theory and monitor their praxis through mentoring and peer consultation. A portfolio will be produced that outlines best practices and professional growth. (Only offered in Trinidad & Tobago). Graded on a CR/NCR basis. |
ED5976 | Instructional Technology Across the Curriculum | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
A critical examination of the role of instructional technology across the curriculum. Technologies and strategies for integration to enhance classroom instruction will be developed and evaluated. |
ED5511 | Introduction to Science Education | 3 ch (W) |
This course provides an introduction to teaching of science that focuses on preparing to teach science while challenging students' expectations and assumptions regarding science. The Nature of Science, lesson planning, curricular adaptation, assessment, inquiry-based learning, technology integration, and the barriers to learning science are some of the topics covered within the course. |
ED4045 | Issues in Training and Development | 3 ch (W) |
Explores theoretical and practical components of workplace training designed to improve organizational effectiveness and individual performance. Learners examine emergent training topics in a variety of workplace contexts. |
ED4061 | Advising and Mentoring Adult Learners | 3 ch (W) |
Examines the characteristics of helping relationships in educational and work settings. Focus will be on the development of skills and strategies conducive to effective advising, coaching and mentoring through collaborative learning, reflection and practice. |
ED5011 | Preparing for Prior Learning Assessment | 3 ch (W) |
Through the use of reflection, self-assessment and personal journals, participants will create an experience-based dossier which will describe their personal philosophy, current professional practices, and needs for further learning. |
ED5022 | Transformative Learning | 3 ch (W) |
Explores new concepts for working with adult learners. Investigates critical thinking, critical self-reflection and transformative learning. |
ED3054 | Wabanaki Culture Across the Curriculum | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
Studetns will learn to integrate Wabanaki languages, culture, worldviews, and histories across all school curricular areas through hands-on, place-based learning opportunities with Elders and knowledge keepers. |
ED4100 | Wabanaki BEd Practicum I | 9 ch (EL) |
Introductory practicum including first nine weeks of school and classroom experience. Additional regulations are included in the Educaiton General Regulations under Field Experiences Practicum (Student teaching) in Section G of the calendar.Prerequisite: Only students who have been officially admitted to the WBEd (4-Year, Elementary) may register for ED 4100. Students are required to remain in good academic standing in their courses and maintain respectful, ethical relationships with colleagues, peers, and instructors in order to enroll in ED 4100 and proceed to their practicum placement. |
ED4200 | Wabanaki BEd Practicum II | 9 ch (EL) |
Advanced practicum including the second nine weeks of school and classroom experience. Additional regulations are included in the Education General Regulations section under Field Experiences Practicum (Student teaching) in Section G of the Calendar. Prerequisite: Only students who have been officially admitted to the WBEd (4-Year, Elementary) may register for ED 4200. Students are required to remain in good academic standing in their courses and maintain respectful, ethical relationships with colleagues, peers, and instructors in order to enrol in ED 4200 and proceed to their practicum placement. |
ED5026 | Educational Psychology | 3 ch |
This course is designed to survey selected principles, issues and research in educational psychology. A number of learner, teacher and contextual variables will be addressed. |
ED5170 | Assessment in Education | 6 ch |
This course will deal with the what, why and how of classroom-based assessment. It will examine exemplary practices related to formative assessment (assessment for and as learning), as well as summative assessment (assessment of learning). The course will also examine the nature and purpose of large-scale assessment within education. Topics will include defining clear learning/assessment targets and standards-based assessment, designing assessment techniques, matching assessment with learning and communicating assessment results. |
ED5300 | Literacy | 12 ch |
Addresses the theoretical underpinnings and implementation methods of the six strands in the teaching of literacy: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and visual representation. |
ED5900 | Field Studies Practicum for 4 Year BEd | 12 ch (EL) |
Eighteen weeks of school and classroom experience. Graded on a CR/NCR basis. Prerequisites: Only students admitted to the BEd (4 year) program in Montreal may register. |
ED5902 | Action Research for Teachers | 3ch |
Introduces students to the field of educational research with particular attention given to action research and the role of the classroom teacher in the process. |
ED5920 | Aesthetics | 9 ch |
Examines music, visual art, and physical education both separately and based on curricular integration. Technical skills in each area are presented along with effective ways to implement these subjects in schools. Teaching resources and issues related to arts and education in different cultures are also examined. |
ED5930 | Teaching and Learning Citizenship & Social Studies | 12 ch |
Designed for practicing teaching professionals who have responsibilities directly related to citizenship and social studies education. The focus is on the development of professional knowledge and skills that teachers require in assisting their students to be effective learners in citizenship and social studies education. The course will emphasize an evidence-based approach to teaching and learning with participants being required to demonstrate a close knowledge of the related research and to demonstrate its application in their daily planning and practice.
The course will require students to become closely acquainted with generally accepted best practice in citizenship and social studies education based on an analysis of programs in England, Australia, the United States and Canada. |
ED5940 | Teaching Elementary Mathematics | 12 ch |
Focuses on the teaching and learning of mathematics at the elementary school level. Demonstration of methods occurs within a framework that develops content knowledge and mathematical connections underlying curricular topics. Projects and discussion draw upon the individual contexts within which teachers work. |
ED5950 | Curriculum and Administration | 12 ch |
Enhances professional practice by providing teachers with a research-based framework for evaluating teaching, reflecting on professional experience, and planning in collaboration with colleagues to improve curriculum and professional practice. Tools are presented to help teachers assume leadership positions within schools. |
ED5960 | Science in Primary Schools | 9 ch |
An opportunity for participants to examine some of the more important educational theories directly related to teaching elementary and intermediate school science. The course will provide a series of interactive opportunities testing various methods and techniques of teaching science. |
ED5980 | Inclusive Education | 6 ch |
This course is designed to enhance teachers’ knowledge of the diverse needs of students with special needs as well as knowing how to apply evidence based practices to meet their needs in the classroom. |
EDUC1010 | Children's Literature for Primary School Teachers | 6 ch |
This course draws on a rich variety of children's literature including picture books, poetry, plays, short story and non-fiction. Throughout the course students will investigate the ways literature can act as a catalyst for writing and representing in the early years. |
EDUC1015 | Basic English | 3 ch |
Attends to aspects of writing as a process. Students will be provided with modeled guided support of strategies to develop as strong writers. |
EDUC1016 | Children's Literature | 3 ch |
A survey course which will provide the reading and appreciation of a rich variety of modern short stories, essays, plays and novels. The major genre studies will be ficition, although drama, poetry and non-ficitional prose will be included. The chosen literature will help students understand aspects of their own experience as well as establish the basis for teaching or prose and poetry. In addition, the genre of Children's Literature (children's picture books and popular fiction for students at the Primary Level) will be surveyed from the perspectives of concepts, content, language and illustrations. |
EDUC1025 | History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Education | 3 ch |
The aim of the course is to introduce students to a comparative/cross-cultural approach to understanding education and to encourage them to rethink the development of educational ideas, systems and practices by drawing attention to different cultural and historical contexts. In helping students question and challenge dominant ideas about education and its purposes, the module will use auto/biography, literary contexts and globalized movements in education. Topics will include: purposes and processes of a comparative approach to understanding education; the development of educational ideas; their values and practices; culture and education; globalization and education; and education and the post-colonial experience. |
EDUC1030 | Mathematics for Primary School Teachers | 6 ch |
The course will attend to aspects of content knowledge through an emphasis on connections between mathematical ideas and a sense of mathematical process. Core content areas will include numbers, systems and properties; operations (including alternate methods of computation); basic number theory (e.g., divisibility tests); a survey of geometry (tessellations, shapes, properties, constructions); probability and statistics; measurement; and algebra. |
EDUC1035 | Mathematics for Primary School Teachers | 3 ch |
Attends to aspects of content knowledge through emphases on connections between mathematical ideas and a sense of mathematical process. |
EDUC1050 | Science Concepts and Processes for Primary Teachers | 6 ch |
This course will delve into the core science strands that underpin the science curricula (organisms; ecosystems; matter and materials; structure and mechanism; energy and earth and space) and then integrate them across the standard levels and with each other. Particular emphasis will be placed on the processes of science; gathering objective evidence, analysis, developing inferences, drawing conclusions, and making predictions. |
EDUC1055 | Agricultural Science | 3 ch |
Provides students with the necessary background to understand the significant role of agriculture and agricultural science. |
EDUC1065 | Geography | 3 ch |
This course of study seeks to expose students to key themes in physical and human geography, thus helping un the understanding and application of spatial models and concepts to the study of geography. Those who are desirous of becoming teachers ought to have strong sense of geographic phenomena that have shaped and are shaping human existence. Geography is not a discrete discipline in the primary curriculum and ideally this course will address geography within the context of social studies education. |
EDUC1075 | Art Education | 3 ch |
Students will explore how Art Education can serve to inspire, motivate and promote the creative imagination among students. Teaching and learning strategies will include developing; sensitivity to the elements of Art and Craft; imaginative and conceptual abilites, manipulative skills; and verbal response skills. |
ED5800 | Teaching Literacy in the Early School Years | 12 ch |
Addresses the theoretical underpinnings and implementation methods of the six strands of literacy: reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing with particular emphasis on issues encountered by First Nations learners. |
ED5820 | Curriculum and Administration | 9 ch |
Enhances professional practice by providing teachers with a research-based framework for evaluating teaching, reflecting on professional experience, and planning in collaboration with colleagues to improve curriculum and professional practice. Particular emphasis is placed on successful strategies that enhance learning in public schooling for First Nations learners. |
ED5830 | Social Studies Education | 9 ch |
Focuses on the development of professional knowledge and skills that teachers require in assisting their students to be effective learners in social studies education. Emphasis is placed on an evidence based approach to teaching and learning with participants being required to demonstrate a close knowledge of the related research and to demonstrate its application in their daily planning and practice. First Nations world-views are the basis from which all topics are explored. |
ED5840 | Teaching Mathematics in the Early School Years | 12 ch |
Focuses on a framework that develops content knowledge and mathematical connections underlying curricular topics. Projects and discussions draw upon the individual context within which teachers work, especially teachers of First Nations learners. |
ED5860 | Science Education | 9 ch |
Helps teachers develop effective science teaching skills and innovative ways to integrate science with other disciplines in the curriculum. First Nations world-views and connections with nature are integrated into the content. |
ED4685 | Treaty Education | 3 ch |
This course will provide students with knowledge of the Indigenous understanding of the treaties signed between Indigenous peoples and British and Canadian governments between 18th and 20th centuries and the Peace and Friendship Treaties signed in the Maritimes in the 18th century specifically. It will also help students to think about how to convey the history of treaty-making and the computing understandings of the meanings of the treaties in the classroom in a way that is respectful of Indigenous understandings of the treaties and that promotes reconciliation. |