Earth Sciences

ESCI3492Petroleum Geology, Carbon Cycle & the Environment (A)4 ch (3C, 3L)

As the world moves toward 'net zero' carbon emissions, this course explains reservoir-based geo-energy, and how old concepts (petroleum), are adapted to new, greener solutions (white/gold/geologic hydrogen, and enhanced geothermal systems). Lectures discuss genesis and migration of the fluids involved; reservoir properties and evolution; how the resources are drilled; environmental impacts (carbon cycle and climate change; ground water, surface and atmospheric pollution); and mitigations (well-site design and safety; carbon capture and storage/conversion). Labs focus on aspects of resource evaluation using drill-hole and geophysical data.

Prerequisites: ESCI 1001/ESCI 1052, ESCI 1012/ESCI 1041 and one of ESCI 1006/ESCI 1026/ESCI 1057/ESCI 1703; or ESCI 1003, ESCI 2022/GE 2022.  Recommended ESCI 2211, ESCI 2321.