Chemical Engineering

NOTE: See the beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.  L* denotes labs held alternate weeks.

CHE1001Introduction to Chemical Engineering1 ch (1C)
Provides an overview of the chemical engineering profession and chemical process industries. The use of unit operations to convert raw materials into useful products is introduced. Students receive a foundation in unit systems, dimensional analysis, processes and process variables in the context of engineering calculations. A framework for the remainder of the program curriculum is developed. A mark of CR/NCR is awarded. NOTE: This course may not be taken for credit if previous credit has been given for CHE 2003.
CHE2003Fundamentals I - Mass Balances3 ch (3C)

Introduces the discipline of Chemical Engineering and develops fundamental skills of unit conversion and material balancing. Systems of units for parameters such as concentration, flow, pressure and temperature are explained. Skills for solving steady-state material balance problems on reactive and non-reactive systems. An understanding of the chemical engineering discipline is gained through examples of major industries such as petroleum, pulp and paper, mining, and power production.

Prerequisite: CHEM 1982, MATH 1003.

: MATH 1503. 

CHE2004Fundamentals II - Mass & Energy Balances3 ch (3C 1T)

Concepts of enthalpy and energy balances, including heats of chemical reaction, with material balances for steady and unsteady-state systems. Fundamentals such as vapour-liquid equilibrium principles are introduced and integrated into material/energy balance problems alongside interpretations of the physical properties of process streams. 

Prerequisite: CHE 2003.

CHE2012Engineering Thermodynamics3 ch (3C 1T)

The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics and their application to practical problems; properties of liquid and vapours; ideal gas relationships; steam and gas power cycles and their application to steam power plants, internal combustion engines and gas turbines; combustion characteristics; compressible flow; refrigeration and heat pumps. 

Prerequisite: CHEM 1982.

CHE2301Transport Phenomena in Chemical Engineering3 ch (3C)

Introduces foundational analogies between fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and mass transfer, and the applications of those analogies to practice. Transport equations, including Navier-Stokes, Fourier’s Law and Fick’s Law, Reynolds and Chilton-Colburn analogies. Turbulence: scaling, dispersion. Techniques for solving unsteady-state systems. Empirical correlations for estimating transport coefficients. 

Co-requisiteMATH 2513.

CHE2412Chemical Engineering Laboratory I3 ch (1C 3L) (W) (EL)

Covers bomb and flow calorimetry, material and energy balance study of the University heating plant, fluid mechanics experiments including flow meter calibrations and pressure drop measurements in pipes and fittings. Interpretation of experimental data, group dynamics, safety issues, report writing and oral presentations. Students work under close supervision.

Co-requisites: CHE 2004CHE 2012, CHE 2703.  

CHE2501General Materials Science3 ch (3C 1T)

Principles relating the properties and behaviour of engineering materials to their structure; atomic bonding forces and strength of interatomic and intermolecular bonding forces, atomic arrangements in solids, structural imperfections and atom movements in solids; principles of phase diagrams and their application to multiphase materials, with particular reference to the iron-carbon system; mechanical and electrical properties of engineering material; semiconductors, polymers and ceramics; and their relation to internal structure. 

Prerequisites: CHEM 1982, MATH 1003.

CHE2506Materials Science Laboratory1 ch (3L*) (EL)

Laboratory experiments are conducted to illustrate behaviour of materials and other concepts covered in CHE 2501.

Prerequisite: CHEM 1987.

Co-requisite: CHE 2501

CHE2525Fundamentals of Chemical Process Design4 ch (3C 1T) (W)

Introduces principles of chemical process design strategy and decision making. Fundamental Chemical Engineering concepts such as material and energy balances, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and materials science are integrated into the design process. Flowsheet preparation, chemical process safety, loss prevention and project planning; codes and standards, responsible care and environmental stewardship. Engineering economics and profitability.

Prerequisites: CHE 2003, CHE 2012, ENGG 1015

Co-requisite: CHE 2004, CHE 2703.

CHE2703Fluid & Fluid Particle Mechanics4 ch (3C 1T)

Introduce practical fluid mechanics, including fluid properties, statics and kinematics, and fluid momentum and energy. Emphasis on internal flows: laminar/turbulent flows, friction factor, loss coefficients for fittings and valves, and pipe networks. Pump selection using pump curves. Motion of particles in fluids. Theory and design of industrial equipment for clarification/sedimentation and cyclone separation.

Prerequisite: MATH 1013.
CHE3123Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics3 ch (3C 1T)

Development of thermodynamic work functions and application to chemical and phase equilibria; chemical potential and other partial molar properties, First and Second Law applications in flow processes.

Prerequisites: CHE 2012 , MATH 2513.

CHE3304Heat Transfer4 ch (3C 1T)

Explores heat transfer building on energy balance and transport phenomena concepts. Steady and unsteady-state conduction. Convective heat transfer coefficients: forced convection, free convection. Boiling, evaporation, and condensation. Heat exchanger design. Radiation heat transfer.

Prerequisites: CHE 2004, and CHE 2301.

CHE3324Unit Operations I 4 ch (3C 1T)

Analysis and design procedures for mass transfer operations based on equilibrium stage concept. Graphical procedures for simple systems. Numerical stagewise procedures. Distillation, gas absorption and liquid extraction. Flow through porous media and fluidization.

Prerequisites: CHE 2004, CHE 2703.

CHE3332Mass Transfer3 ch (3C 1T)

Fundamentals of the theory of mass transport; diffusion in gases, liquids, solids, and between phases. Effect of reactions on mass transfer. Mass transfer rates by convection and dispersion.

Prerequisites: CHE 2004, CHE 2301.

CHE3418 Numerical Methods & Modeling for Chemical Engineering Processes3 ch (3C)

Numerical methods and their applications to chemical engineering. Root finding techniques, data interpretation, least-squares regression and numerical integration. Modeling of physical and chemical processes in the steady and unsteady states. Analytical and numerical solutions of model equations.

Prerequisite: CS 1003.

Co-requisite: MATH 3503.
CHE3424Chemical Engineering Laboratory II3 ch (1C 3L) (W) (EL)

Experiments in unit operations. Emphasis on interpretation of experimental data, group dynamics, experimental design, and report writing. Students will work under limited supervision.

Prerequisite: CHE 2703.
CHE3434Chemical Engineering Laboratory III3 ch (1C 3L) (W) (EL)

Experiments in unit operations. Emphasis on interpretation of experimental data, group dynamics, safety issues, and report writing. Students will work under minimal supervision. 

Prerequisite: CHE 3304.
CHE3505Chemical Process Design4 ch (3C 1T) (W)

Preliminary sizing of equipment, optimization techniques, estimation of capital and operating costs, heat-exchanger networks, pressure vessels, and computer-based process design tools. Students work individually and in teams on process design projects that draw on knowledge gained in previous courses, concepts taught in class and information available in the literature.

Prerequisites: CHE 2004, CHE 2525, CHE 2703.

Co-requisite: CHE 2501CHE 3304

CHE4101Chemical Reaction Engineering3 ch (3C 1T)

Application of principles of chemical kinetics to the design of chemical reactors. Simple idealized isothermal reactors (batch, plug flow, continuous stirred tank reactor) for single and multiple reactions. Catalysis, Adiabatic and non-isothermal reactors. Optimal choice of temperature. Residence time distribution and non-ideal flow systems.

Prerequisite: CHE 3304.

Co-requisites: CHE 3123 , CHEM 3621

CHE4341Unit Operations 23 ch (3C 1T)

Design of industrial equipment for unit operations using heat and mass transfer principles. Examples include: packed columns, humidification and drying, ion exchange, membranes, and adsorption. 

Prerequisites: CHE 3324, and CHE 3332.
CHE4404Chemical Engineering Laboratory IV3 ch (6L*) (W) (EL)

Experiments to characterize feedback control systems, gas absorption columns, chemical reactors, distillation columns and other unit operations, which underlie the practice of chemical engineering, will be conducted. Students will apply their knowledge of interpretation of experimental data, group dynamics, laboratory safety and report writing throughout this course. Experiments will be conducted independently.

Prerequisites: CHE 3424, CHE 3434.

Co-requisites: CHE 4101, CHE 4341; One of CHE 3424 or CHE 3434 may be taken as a co-requisite. 

CHE4601Process Dynamics and Control4 ch (3C 1T)

Basic techniques for the dynamic analysis of elementary processes; the characteristics of controllers, control valves, measurement devices and transmitters; feedback control loops; stability of loop from the viewpoint of the roots of the characteristic equation and root locus techniques.

Prerequisites: MATH 3503, CHE 2703 , CHE 3304.

CHE5124Adsorption and Adsorption Processes3 ch (3C)

Surface forces, physical adsorption and chemisorption, thermodynamics of adsorption and derivation of simple model isotherms (Langmuir, Volmer, B.E.T., virial, B.L.R., Freundlich, etc.), adsorption of mixtures. Characterization of adsorbents and catalysts. Adsorption kinetics, intracrystalline diffusion in zeolites, dynamics of adsorption columns and adsorption processes.

CHE5234Oil Refining and Natural Gas Processing3 ch (3C)

An introduction to the physical, chemical, and engineering principles used in the processing of natural gas, petroleum, and bitumen. The nomenclature, common processes, basic designs, and relevant regulations will be covered.

CHE5254Polymer Reaction Engineering and Polymer Processing3 ch (3C)

Basic polymer concepts. Polymer structural characteristics and properties. Mechanisms, kinetics and reactors for polymerization. Polymer rheology and transport processes. Processing applications and the effects of processing on polymer properties. Environmental impact of polymers. 

Prerequisites: CHE 2501, CHE 2703, MATH 3503

 Co-requisite: CHE 3304 or equivalent.

CHE5274Re-Engineering Waste - A Chemical Engineering Approach3 ch (3C)
Comprehensive review of current and emerging chemical processes applied for the conversion (i.e., recycling and reclamation) of the following waste materials: tires, metals, plastics, glass, paper, fabric, municipal and industrial solid waste into reusable raw material sources for the manufacturing of value-added products.

Prerequisites: CHE 2004 and CHE 2501
CHE5313Energy and The Environment3 ch (3C)

Explores generation and use of energy; extraction of raw materials through product production. Includes: survey of known energy reserves, emerging technologies, discusses the thermodynamic and regulatory constraints to energy conversion. Fossil fuels, nuclear power and renewable energy sources are described.

Prerequisites: CHE 2012, CHEM 1982.

CHE5314Chemical Process Industries3 ch (3C)

A technical overview of selected chemical industries with consideration of their impact on the environment. Emphasis is on current process technology and pollution control methods. Environmental guidelines and regulations are also presented. Five modules, each covering a specific chemical industry, taught by Chemical Engineering faculty.

CHE5413Air Pollution Control3 ch (3C)

Sources of air pollution; modeling atmospheric dispersions; pollution control in combustion; particulate control methods; control of gaseous emissions; industrial odour control; indoor/in-plant air quality. 

Prerequisite: CHE 3324.

Co-requisite: CHE 4341

CHE5416Biosepaerations Science and Engineering3 ch (3C)

The first part of the course will provide basic information on biochemistry (small biomolecules and macromolecules) and engineering analysis, such as analysis of biological activity and purity. The second part will cover a number of separation techniques, such as extraction, crystallization and drying in a more general way. This emphasis in this part of the course will be on liquid chromatography and absorption.

Co-requisite: CHE 4341.

CHE5423Chemical Engineering Practice School4 ch (W) (EL)

A two-week industrial practice school in selected industrial process plants scheduled after spring examinations. Groups of students, with Faculty supervisors, are assigned to engineering projects to be carried out on industrial process units. Students are required to present an oral report to plant operating and technical personnel at the end of the practice session. A written report is also required. As there will be practical limitations to the number of students in any one practice school, application for positions in this course will be treated on a first-come, first-served basis. This course is strongly recommended as a technical elective for students not planning to complete either the co-op or professional experience programs. 

Prerequisites: CHE 2004, CHE 2412

CHE5434Transport Phenomena3 ch (3C)

Foundational analogies between fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and mass transfer, and the applications of those analogies to practice. Derivation of differential and partial differential transport equations. Turbulence: boundary layers, scaling, dispersion. Core and optional models also cover key aspects of related topics such as dimensional analysis, mixing in pipe flows, reverse osmosis, ion transport, polymer rheology, and evaporation/condensation processes. 

PrerequisitesCHE 3304 MATH 2513, or equivalents.

CHE5515Advanced Surface Characterization3 ch (3C 1L*) (W)

This course covers the basic principles and practical aspects of several advanced surface analysis techniques which include (i) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS or ESCA), (ii) secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), (iii) confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), (iv) atomic force microscopy (AFM), and (v) scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Demonstrations will be given on most of these facilities. Students will propose a research method for tackling their interested problems by using one or two surface analysis techniques they have learned from this course.

Prerequisites: CHE 2501, CHE 2506.

CHE5522Nanotechnology3 ch (3C)

Studies the science of Nanotechnology and surveys current and emerging applications of nanomaterials and nanodevices in many engineering disciplines. The unique physical properties of materials at the nano-meter scale are discussed and explained. Fabrication methods and advanced instrumentation for the construction, manipulation and viewing of nanometer-sized materials are presented.

Prerequisite: CHEM 1982 or equivalent. 

CHE5714Electrochemical Engineering3 ch (3C)

Electrochemical flux equations. Reversible cells. Energy producing cells. Energy consuming cells. Corrosion. Applications to include discussion of primary and secondary batteries, electrolytic processes, corrosion suppression.

CHE5724Special Topics in Chemical Engineering1 ch (1C)
CHE5725Special Topics in Chemical Engineering2 ch (2C)
CHE5726Special Topics in Chemical Engineering3 ch (3C)
CHE5734Chemical Engineering Report3 ch (6L) (W) (EL)

The major requirement of this course is a report on a subject approved by the Department. Suitable topics include experimental studies, design projects, literature surveys, feasibility studies and computation projects. Oral presentations of the work will be required.

CHE5735Thesis6 ch (12L) (W) (EL)

The thesis is a research project done under the supervision of a faculty member. Progress depends largely on the initiative and diligence of the individual. A detailed report is submitted on completion of the project to gain credit for the course. An oral presentation is also required.

CHE5744Steam Supply Systems3 ch (3C)
Historical and descriptive introduction to boiler systems is described. An introduction to different boiler and nuclear reactor types including complex Rankine cycles, steam plant efficiencies, energy and exergy analysis and heat transfer in boilers and nuclear systems is presented. Thermal transport and steam generation for steam plant heat exchangers and analysis of real plant data are included.

CHE 2012 and CHE 2703 or equivalents
CHE5804Nuclear Chemical Processes3 ch (3C)
 The chemistry and properties of actinides including uranium, thorium, plutonium and zirconium are described. Ore extraction processes and conversion for uranium fuel production and reprocessing are highlighted as well as isotope separation processes including deuterium separation. Reactor coolant chemistry specifications and chemical control systems are explained.

Prerequisites: CHEM 1982, CHE 2012, CHE 2703
CHE5824Corrosion Processes3 ch (3C)

This course covers corrosion and its costs, corrosion measurement, and general material and environment affects. Students use fundamental principles of thermodynamics and elctrochemistry to study Pourbaix diagrams, electrode kinetics, and mixed potentials with practical applications for corrosion monitoring and testing. The eight main forms of aqueous corrosion are covered: uniform, galvanic, crevice, pitting, intergranular, selective leaching, erosion-corrosion, stress-corrosion, and hydrogen effects. Corrosion in non-aqueous coolants such as liquid metals and molten salts is introduced. High temperature corrosion mechanisms relevant to nuclear power plants are discussed along with corrosion in other industrial environments. 

Prerequisites: CHE 2501, CHEM 1982

CHE5834Introduction to Nuclear Engineering3 ch (3C)

This course covers radioactive decay, fission, and nuclear interactions (neutron scattering and absorption). Basics of nuclear reactor physics such as neutron diffusion elementary reactor theory, four and six factor formulae, and neutron flux variation are introduced. An overview of Gen III nuclear reactors and select Gen IV designs is provided. Other subjects covered include reactor kinetics, source multiplication, decay heat, reactor start-up and shut down, fuel burnup, fission product poisoning, and refuelling. Students will write basic codes to aid in calculations using programming logic such as loops, branching, etc. This course is intended for senior level students.

Prerequisites: CHE 2012 or ME 2413; CHE 2703 or ME 3511, MATH 3503.

CHE5844Nuclear Safety and Reliability3 ch (3C)

The philosophy of safety design and operation of nuclear power reactors, responsibilities for safe operation. The role and place of regulatory agencies. The concept of risk, quantitative risk assessment. Methods for calculation of frequency and consequences of reactor accidents and evaluation of the safety level of a nuclear station. Case studies of past reactor accidents, lessons learned, and effect on future operation.

Prerequisites: CHE 2012 and CHE 2703.
CHE5855Nuclear Reactor Physics3 ch (3C)
Review of radioactivity, nuclear fission and fusion process, neutron scattering and absorption. Development of neutron flux equations, four and six-factor formula and their application in reactor design and operation including multi-group equations and relevant computer codes and simulations. Reactivity effects of temperature and coolant, approach to critical and reactor stability. 

Prerequisites: CHE 5834 and MATH 3503.
CHE5877Advanced Nuclear Systems3 ch (3C)
Evolution of thermal and fast fission reactors with detailed description of different coolant types - gas, water, organic, liquid metal. Focus on advanced Generation IV nuclear reactor systems and advanced fuel cycles. Introduction to nuclear fusion processes and fusion reactor concepts. 

Prerequisites: CHE 2012, CHE 2703, CHE 5834.
CHE5913Pulp Production3 ch (3C)

Wood and chip requirements; overview of pulping processes; mechanism and variables in mechanical and chemimechanical pulping, general principles of chemical pulping, kraft cooking, sulphite cooking, extended and oxygen delignification, pulp washing, pulp bleaching, recovery of pulping chemicals.

Prerequisites: CHEM 2401.

CHE5923Papermaking3 ch (3C)

Overview of pulping and papermaking processes; pulp and paper properties; requirements for different grades of paper and board; stock preparation; applications of fluid mechanics; wet-end chemistry; dry-end operations.

Prerequisites: MATH 1013, CHE 2301

CHE5933Biorefining: Principles, Processes and Products3 ch (3C)

This course discusses various bio-refining processes, placing emphasis on fundamental process chemistry and biology in the conversion of biomass to engineered products. Pathways for the use of wood resources are described in detail; exemplary processes, such as gasification, pyrolysis, pre-extraction and bio-diesel production are discussed. Industrial fermentation, including sugar fermentation to produce ethanol, will be explored. The modeling concept for integrated pulp manufacturing and bio-refining will also be discussed.

Prerequisites: CHEM 2401